Toni Addison

Toni Addison

Well-Known Member
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
-Full Name: Toni Medea Addison and yes Toni is a girl's name
-Birth Date: February 14
-Current Age: 11 years old
-Basic Appearance: Blonde Hair that has natural loose curls, brown eyes, normal built, dressed always to impress. She is about 4 feet ten inches and around 105 pounds
- Parents:Cole Addison (age 32) and Ana Addison (age 32)
- Siblings:
Skye: Age 10 }Skye, Bailey, and Madison are triplets
Bailey: Age 10
Madison: Age 10
Janea: Age 7} Janea and Miley are Twins
Miley: Age 7
Amanda: Age 8} Amanda and Dylan are Twins
Dylan: Age 8
Aaren: Age 4
Alex: Age 2
- Family Pets:
Five horses: Sugar, Misty, Love, Demi, and Lucky.
Two dogs both rottie mixes: Chewy and Shebba
- Area of Residence: Queenstown, New Zealand
- Blood status: Mixed Blood

- What would their Patronus be? A Bat
- Why? Even though Bats are usually not one of the most popular animals, I still think a bat would be my patronus. A bat shows characteristics of
›Inner Depth
I just think those are charactertics that I would like to have one my side if I really do need a patronus with me.
- What would their Boggart be? Somehow Losing All my family's money.....
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A Fox
- Why A fox stands for
and I think that is just some characteristics that I find in myself
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Toni would see herself being the Most Beautiful Person in the world (yes very shallow))
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The first time her father brought her a diamond tennis bracelet.
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Toni had just been up in the dorm getting ready and placing her things the exact way she wanted them. If she was lucky she would not get a room mate and she would be able to have the nice sized room to herself. Though the dorms were rather small compared to the rooms at home they would do. At least there wasn't nine other siblings running around to bother you with their stupid problems like falling outside and cutting their leg open. That was an annoying day when Amanda did that. What a waste of a day going to the hospital just to get stiches. It was like her family was trying to ruin her life. It didn't matter now because she was here at Hogwarts. She was away from all the sibling battles and the helping with dinner and the doing chores. If she was lucky the triplets would not have powers at all and be stuck going to muggle school instead of coming to Hogwarts. But Toni didn't want to think about that right now. She had better things to think about than family

Toni looked around the common room "It will do" She said as she noticed it was rather empty. "Good God" She said "Where is everyone" Toni muttered deep down glad that she had the place to herself. Toni noticed a rather comfortable looking couch. She walked over and plopped herself down on it. There was no cushion covers on it like the ones at home. No obsessive mother telling her not to spill anything on it then Toni spilling stuff on it just to annoy her mother. That was a bright side the couches were nice. "wow" Toni said rolling her eyes at herself finding a bright side to the couch being without cushion covers. God she really needed to buck up or this place would walk right over her.

Toni sliped her shoes off and placed her feet up on the couch as she watched the fire that was in the common room. She just watched as the flames danced around. For some reason Toni liked fire. It wasn't that she liked the idea of burning down houses or anything. She just liked it. Fire was powerful, strong, and interesting yet Toni had the power over it at times. She could put it out with one bucket of water like it was never there. That power to be able to destroy something that strong that could burn down a house in the matter of hours made Toni feel unbelievable.

*Takes Place After Sorting

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Hey You were basically a stupid present from my mother who thinks that writing down my thoughts would make me less.. well it doesnt' matter because I am not what she says I am. Mother just doesn't understand. God is she annoying. The other day I got a letter saying that I was accepted to Hogwarts NZ. I swear I almost smiled. I know shocker there. I mean come on I finally get away from the rents and the siblings. Though I hope daddy doesn't cut me off from the money. I may just die if that happens. Me without money... *Shivers* Scary thought journal. Well I don't really have much to say so yeah. That is all.
Oh and For your information I hate writing in a journal... It is so kindergardenish

*Takes Place Before Sorting

*I hope I did this right :D
Hello there, I skimmed over your development thread (I'm tired) so forgive me if I ask something you stated.

Your character's journal entry indicates she rarely, if ever, smiles, why is that?

Your character's family is rich, how are they rich?

Your character's family seems to be quite large. Is Toni the oldest child? Is she somehow the favourite/ more spoiled as well?

Can you tell us a bit about each of Toni's parents?

"- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Toni would see herself being the Most Beautiful Person in the world (yes very shallow))"
Would Toni see herself as more beautiful, or everybody else as somehow less beautiful? (This may seem like the same thing, but there is a slight difference in connotation)

Toni horse back rides, then?

What does Toni suspect her favourite subjects in school will be?

Can Toni touch her tongue to her nose? :-?

Your character's journal entry indicates she rarely, if ever, smiles, why is that?
Well Toni does not smile much at all. She usually only smiles when she is the presence of someone she really likes or she is trying to act nice around a Professor or another adult. This is because all the people that Toni sees smiling are the people that wear their emotions out in the open. Toni finds this a sort of weakness. So by not smiling Toni finds that she is hiding one more weakness.

Your character's family is rich, how are they rich?
Ana father, which would be Toni's grandfather, had a very good muggle business. He was high up in the muggle ranks of Law firm and found enough money in there to last him. About two years a go he had an unexpected heart attack and all that money was left to Toni's family. Basically they are living off his money for the moment but both of Toni's parents have nice enough jobs that can support the plentiful amount of child they have.

Your character's family seems to be quite large. Is Toni the oldest child? Is she somehow the favourite/ more spoiled as well?
Yes Toni does have a large family. At the start of her parents' marriage they actually only wanted a boy. Though instead they managed to have Toni, Skye, Bailey, Madison, Janea, Miley, and Amanda before they had their first boy Dylan. The last two children Alex and Aaron where accidents though that is not stated by the family and both parents deny it. Toni is the oldest though she does not happen to be the favorite. If anything since she is the oldest she aquires more responsibilities from her mother and father.

"- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Toni would see herself being the Most Beautiful Person in the world (yes very shallow))"
Would Toni see herself as more beautiful, or everybody else as somehow less beautiful? (This may seem like the same thing, but there is a slight difference in connotation)

Well Toni has a thing about being the best and standing out. She has for the longest time seemed over shadowed by her other siblings and their needs and wants nothing more than to be out there and almost on a pedestal. If she looked into the mirror of Erised she would see herself as more beautiful. She would not want to change anyone else in her goal but she would want to become something else instead. By making herself more beautiful in her eyes she would be raising her own self higher.

Toni horse back rides, then?
Yes Toni does ride horses. Though she normally only rides Sugar who is her own and favorite horse out of the bunch.

What does Toni suspect her favourite subjects in school will be?
Toni really hasn't given much thought to the school yet other than which house she wants to be in. Though she really thinks that Care of Magical Creatures will be her favorite subject though that can only be taken with third years and above. So for her first year she is looking forward to either Flying, which is a common favorite, or Herbology.

Can Toni touch her tongue to her nose?
Toni has never tried to touch her tongue to her nose though I doubt she would be able to :p
Hello Toni...

Your character has a lot of siblings. Does she like having that many or does she find it annoying?
What does Toni's parents do for a living?
How did Toni's parents meet?
Toni is not a name you often hear used as a girl's name. Does Toni like her name?

Your character has a lot of siblings. Does she like having that many or does she find it annoying?
Toni hates having that many siblings for lots of reasons. She hates being the oldest and having so much reasonsablity. She hates having to show rooms and give her old clothes to her sisters. She hates not being spoiled as much as she could be. Though the only reason she likes having siblings is that she gets away with a lot more because her parents are preoccuipied all the time. But overall I think it is safe to say that she hates having all those siblings.

What does Toni's parents do for a living?
Toni's father is following up with Toni's grandfather's muggle law firm. He is the head now and makes a good amount of money. Ana, which is Toni's mother, owns a muggle clothing line.

How did Toni's parents meet?
Toni's parents met in highschool. They were highschool sweat hearts and got married the day after Ana turned 18 years old which was the week after Cole turned 18 years old.

Toni is not a name you often hear used as a girl's name. Does Toni like her name?
Toni loves her name. She finds it different and unique. It helps her on her quest to stand out. She thinks out of all the children in the family that she recieved the best name.

Well just one question to ask since from your answers I somehow understood your personality but...
How would Toni interact with her classmates??Would she be frank or kind an polite??Or would her,I dont want to be rude,somehow little Slytherin personlaity would show immediately??

How would Toni interact with her classmates? Would she be frank or kind an polite? Or would her,I dont want to be rude,somehow little Slytherin personlaity would show immediately?
It really depends on the classmate. If Toni feels that this person is up to her level than she would be decent towards that person. If Toni right away did not care for that person usually she would pay no mind or make snide comments. Now if Toni likes the classmate then she is rather nice. It all depends on the person and the first impression. Rarely does Toni forget the first impression of a person though.

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