Closed Time Together

Akihiro Chen

Too Cool For You- Pretty- Learning
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 17 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Fairy Wing Core
11/18/2042 (19)
Akihiro had admittedly been a little nervous when he'd invited Giulia to come over for some of the break. He'd cleaned his room thoroughly. After a wonderfully prepared dinner from his father- a rather delectable three course Mediterannean meal. He wasn't surprised, everything his father made was delicious. His sister had been lightly teasing, but he hadn't really expected more from Aika. After dinner, he'd given her a tour of the house- modern but cozy, not too big but with enough space for the three of them to live comfortably. He opened the door to his room- there was comfort in seeing the sleek cleanliness of his desk and bed, although his lounge chair by the bookshelves was made up for him to sleep in. He smiled shyly at Giulia. "Make yourself at home," He told her. "The bed is yours- I had father help me enchant my lounge chair so that I can sleep there." He gave her an easy smile.
Giulia had spent part of her holidays with Sky before, but staying with a boyfriend over the holidays somehow felt so much more mature. It was a little intimidating, especially when she saw how nice Akihiro's house was, but as time went by she was starting to relax. His family was nice, and doing a wonderful job of making her feel at home. By the time the tour was over, Giulia felt a bit more settled, but mostly exhausted and a little overwhelmed. It was a relief when it was just the two of them in Akihiro's room, and she was able to relax. She was a little surprised by the sleeping arrangements when she realised, shaking her head quickly. "No, no, I'm not going to kick you out of your bed! I can sleep on the chair, you should keep your bed."
Akihiro chuckled, moving into the room and falling onto the chair. "No, no," He gave her an easy smile. "I sleep here often, anyway." He threw her a playful wink, reaching up and pulling out a book. "How else shall I read myself to sleep?" He teased her gently. "Let me be a gentleman, hm? Besides, this is a new environment, a new place, you should have all the comfort you can. My bed is wonderfully nice."
Giulia wanted to argue, but how could she really protest Akihiro sleeping where he wanted in his own house? "If you're sure..." She said hesitantly. "But let me know if you're uncomfortable, okay? We can trade." She gave a small smile. "You won't be the only one reading yourself to sleep anyway..."
Akihiro chuckled. "Careful, love, or you're going to end up with my head in your lap while your read us both to sleep," He countered, putting his book away and sitting up. "Come in, come in. You don't need to lurk in the doorway." He gave her an easy smile. "Are you having a nice time?"
Giulia smiled fondly, enamoured with the perfect picture Akihiro painted. "I would, but I'm reading in French." She said, a little sadly. "I don't know how easy it would be to follow." She appreciated that Akihiro had been trying to learn her language, but Giulia was extremely aware of just how different French was to English, and she didn't expect anyone to have an easy time with it. She entered the room with a shy smile, looking around. "I am." She nodded. "Your house is lovely, and your family are all very nice..."
Akihiro chuckled. "And?" He asked. "Just listening to the sound of your voice is relaxing enough to put me to sleep. Especially if you're playing with my hair." He stood, stretching. He smiled and walked over, meaning to kiss her temple. "I knew they would love you as much as I do," He teased her gently. "I'm glad my master plan is working," He teased. "Now that you've tasted fathers cooking, you'll be hooked,"
Giulia didn't know if she would ever get used to how easily Akihiro could make her heart flutter and throb. "Oh..." She said with a nervous, shaky laugh. "I don't know... I mean... I could read to you, if you like?" Giulia smiled fondly, nodding. "If your dad cooks more, you might have to drag me back to my mum's house at the end of the visit..."
Akihiro chuckled. "Let me change into my pajamas, I'll step into the closet," He offered, moving away again. Ending the evening with his head in Giulias lap listening to her read sounded absolutely perfect. He chuckled. "Or I could just keep you forever," He countered, leaving the door cracked as he slipped into a pair of silk pajamas. He was out again in a few moments, hand ruffling his hair. "Do you need some time to get ready for the evening?" He asked, motioning vaugely to the bathroom down the hall.
Giulia was surprised when Akihiro moved towards the closet, shaking her head quickly. "Oh, no, you stay here." She said quickly, opening her suitcase and rummaging for her things. "I'll go get changed in the bathroom, I need to brush my teeth anyway. You stay and I'll be right back." She said before slipping away to change in the bathroom.
Akihiro chuckled and moved to the lounge, settling in and relaxing a bit himself. This was... oddly nice. He liked having Giulia around in a more private setting like this. The school was amazing, of course, but it was always so busy, it was very rare to ever feel like there was any privacy there. He was relaxed, hoping she wouldn't mind if he fell asleep with his head in her lap.
Giulia took her time to get changed and do her teeth, making sure her hair was neat and trying not to be too anxious - she never looked her best after waking up, and she wasn't looking forward to seeing Akihiro first thing in the morning, before she had had a chance to fix her hair. She went to put her retainer in, only stopping when she remembered she had promised to read to him. Pocketing the small container she instead returned to Akihiro's room, knocking on the door to make sure he was done changing.
Akihiro had a thought, and he'd gathered all the pillows in the room, making a comfy place on the bed for Giulia to lean back while she was reading. He'd just finished, bringing over the throw blanket and a smaller pillow to put against her lap when he heard her knock. He chuckled. "Come in," He offered, making sure everything was there for them to get comfortable.
Giulia smiled nervously as she entered the room, pleasantly surprised to see the setup of the bed. "Oh, perfect." She said, heart fluttering at his thoughtfulness. She got her book out of her bag, glancing at him hesitantly. "Are you sure it won't be boring? I could read one of your books instead, so you can understand it..."
Akihiro chuckled. "Sweetness." He motioned for her to sit down. "Let me cover you up, get settled. I fully intend to just fall asleep listening to your voice. When you're done reading, you can kick me out of bed and I'll go to the lounge. I just want to listen to you- please, read whatever you like."
Giulia's heart melted as she nodded, settling into place with a shy smile. "If you're sure..." She settled herself, surprised at how comfortable the bed was, and opened her book to the place she had left off, setting her bookmark aside. "I really can read an English book if you'd rather..."
Akihiro laid the blanket over her before falling down into bed himself, spreading his own blanket over himself. He set the pillow against her lap and snuggled in. He chuckled as she spoke. "Jewel, sweetness, just read your book. Play with my hair if you'd like- I would, certainly," He settled down and closed his eyes.
Giulia smiled warmly as she settled in, finding an angle where she could prop her book up with one hand and wind the other one into Akihiro's hair, lightly stroking and ruffling it. She found her place easily and settled in, a little self-conscious about her voice as she began reading, quickly relaxing as she settled into a language so much more comfortable than English. Before long she was fully engrossed in the story, almost forgetting where she was entirely.
Akihiro shut his eyes, just enjoying the sound of her voice, and before he knew it he was almost asleep. He shifted, snuggling in with his body against her legs. He laid an arm over her waist, warm and content in the company of the woman he loved, her soothing voice washing over him and sending him off into the most peaceful sleep he'd had in a long while.
It wasn't long until Giulia was so absorbed in her book that she forgot to pay attention to Akihiro. She stopped even reading aloud eventually, only coming back to her senses when she realised a full hour had passed. Wincing slightly she set the book aside and slipped in her retainer, looking down at Akihiro. She couldn't quite bring herself to disturb him, and after a moment's consideration, Giulia just closed her eyes and settled in to sleep sitting up, hoping she wouldn't regret this too much in the morning.

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