Time to say goodbye

Anamaria Prinze

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana paced up and down the living room carpet. She had Noah in her arms and she was trying to lull him to sleep. It was something she was terrible at. She could do everything else. She guessed it was probably because she couldn't sleep herself. She was scared that the second she closed her eyes, Theo would come and take Noah from her. She was surprised that he hadn't done it already. It was the sort of thing that he would do.

Ana smiled slightly when she looked down to realise that Noah was finally asleep. She rested him in the cot in the corner of the room and sighed as she looked down on him. She didn't know what she would do if he was taken from her. The small baby led in front of her was now her life. She couldn't go back to the way she was before.
Lewis had been given job to do and he walked from his office and looked at the files. He had to get Anamaira Prinze as she had killed a man, Ashton Smith. Lewis was excited about this and he felt the adrenaline being pumped around his veins as he wondered if the woman would put up a fight. He had his wand obviously and He knew what to do, he knew the procedure. He quickly apperated to the given address and looked up at the house with a worry that her partner could be in there with her. Her partner was a know violent man and it was not what he needed for a clean sweep. He took a deep breath and hopped up the steps to the outside of the door and knocked hard on it wood. The light dimmed as everything went grey as the clouds passed across the sun and blocked out its light. The clouds gave the threat of rain to come soon. Hopefully he wouldnt be out in it tonight
Ana turned around from Noah when she heard a knock on the door. She looked at the clock then to the door. She wasn't expecting anyone. Although it wasn't very often that she was expecting anyone. She walked to the door and opened it. There was a man stood on the other side. She didn't know him. He looked about the same age as her. "Umm...hi??" She couldn't see why this bloke would need to come to her house. She was just glad he hadn't made too much noise knocking otherwise Noah might have woken up.
Lewis straitened up when the door was answered by a woman who he assumed was Ana after seeing a picture of her. "Anamaria i assume. Do you mind if i come in. I need to speak with you." He said already walking in the house not waiting for her reply. "Is it just you here or is your partner here too?" He asked looking around the house for any signs of life and listening for any movement although he could hear or see none. He turned his attention to the woman, where to needed to be. this girl was a killer and he wouldnt be letting his guard down around her at all.
Ana had been about to answer his question when he walked straight past her. "Keep the noise down. I've only just got the baby to sleep. I will not forgive you if you wake him up." Ana didn't care what her tone would push across. She was in a bad mood and if Noah woke up, it would only make her mood worse. "How do you know my name and what's yours??" She didn't want a nameless person walking around the house. "And no he isn't. It's just me and the baby. Why??" She was getting annoyed with the way this person just walked around like he owned the place.
Alexia watched the sleeping baby in the cot with awe. Then looked back at the mother of the child. She was a murderer. Dangerous, unpredictable. Not keeping an eye on her would not be smart. She walked around to stand next to Lewis. "I'm Alexia" She said introducing herself. Not that she really had need. She just figured she would be polite. There was no harm in being polite towards a criminal was there?
Lewis looked to his side when Alexia introduced herself on a last name basis. He didnt think it smart and e wouldnt be doing it. "Well my name is not important at this very moment in time and our business here is purely professional and the lack of you partner just makes out job that much easier. Anamaria Prinze we are from the Ministry and are here to collect you after you used an unforgivable curse to kill Ashton Smith. Such curses as im sure you know are illegal and so is murder. You will need to come with us now." Lewis said calmly although he could still feel adrenaline in him, he was ready for anything that needed to be done to restrain this woman if she chose to do it the hard way
Ana's eyes widened and she took a step backwards. That was something she had not been expecting. "You have no proof of this." She glared at him as she spoke. Alexia seemed to be kinder than he was so she was going to be focusing on him. Of course, if they tried to take her then she would fight both of them, no matter what. "You can't send me anywhere when you have no proof of what happened." She tried to keep her voice down so she didn't wake up Noah but the anger inside her was making it difficult to do.
Alexia smiled from the corner of her mouth. The Prinze girl was focusing her attention on Lewis and not on her. That left her open for many opitions if they had to take her by force. And by judging her reaction she was guessing that was exactly what they would have to do. She seemed to be a weak sort of person, but Alexia had no doubt in her mind that if the girl had to she would come out kicking and screaming. In her opinion, you had to be a hard person to kill some-one. Alexia herself had never actually killed any-one before. She hoped that she never had to, but she also knew that if the time came, she would know what to do.

She was the back-up. This was Lewis's mission. He would call the shots, she decided as she stayed quiet listeneing to what was going on around her.
Lewis nodded and took a step forward. "Actually i do. We have a witness who saw the whole thing." He said in one quick sentence. He knew that their chances of getting her were good, two against one and Lewis was pretty handy with a wand. "It will look better for you if you come quietly. We dont want to use force but we will have to if you do." Lewis said gravely. If he restrained her then he could tell Alexia to get the child and take it with them to the ministry where they will probably be told to take it to the dad. Lewis would go with her when that happened, the man was dangerous and he wouldnt risk a partner like that.
Ana's hand grabbed her wand from the back of her jeans and she shot it forward. "Stupefy. Crucio." She shot the stunning spell at Alexia then the torture curse and the stupid man in front of her. She didn't care what he did to her. If she went to azkaban then she would lose everything. Murder was a life sentence. Ana heard Noah crying and sighed. It would take her hours to get her son back to sleep. He may have only been three months old but he was one hell of a screamer.
Alexia hadn't been expecting that and quickly deflecting the spell as it came at her. She only hoped Lewis was able to get out of the way of the crucio in time, it wouldn't be good if she were down a partner for a few minutes. Ana could escape by then. She kept her eyes on her and circled closer to where the baby slept. Getting in between her and the baby was her plan. She figured the girl wouldn't run without her child, and she figured that she would try and go for it if she was forced, rigth into Alexia.

She looked over to where her partner should be.
Lewis quickly got out his wand. "Reducto" He shouted quickly as the crucio curse came towards him. He had lost mercy now, she was given a chance and she did not take it so he would just have to go the hard way now. "Expelliarmus, Stupefy" He said clearly, pointing his wand at the woman. If she was disarmed and stunned then she would be easy to restrain and the job would just go that much more smoothly for him and his partner. Also another murderer behind bars looked good for him as it would be another successful job done. "I gave you a chance and you blew it, you left me with no other option." He said sternly to the woman before him
Ana deflected the first two spells but she was destracted for the third one. She saw Noah in the corner of her eye and she saw Alexia moving in the way. Then she felt the impact of the third spell and she fell to the floor, only just managing to keep a hold of her wand. Her head felt weird and it was hard to focus. Once she managed to make her eyes focus properly, she looked up at the bloke then at Alexia and then at her son. She had lost al hope by now but she didn't want to leave Noah in the care of his dad. The poor boy would end up in a living hell and he'd be hurt everytime Theo lost his temper. Her breathing was heavy when she looked back at the man in front of her. She brought her wand up and pointed it at him. "Reducto." She was struggling to find the strength to fight but she couldn't give up.
Alexia swore under her breath and shot 'expelliarmus' at her. While she was still armed she was dangerous. She looked down at her. She lokked glazy, but had still managed to pull off a fairly decent reducto. She watched to see if the expelliarmus would be a hit or miss. The girl was a pretty strong one. She couldn't believe how wrong she had been about the girl. She looked at the crying baby beside her, and the glassy mother in front of her. It seemed worng to her to split up this family. But it had to be done. She was a murderer and she had to be dealt with.
Lewis was slightly surprised to see that the woman deflected his spells. He flicked his wand at the woman again deciding to use a different method. "Obscuro." If she couldnt see then she could see where the spells where to deflect them which means he could stun her easily and the restrain her and take her to the ministry. It was a fairly simple plan but clever and effective. One that he had used a few times before this. He needed to make sure that Alexia was safe too, she was his partner and her safety was in his hands as his was in hers too.
Ana gasped when her vision went black. She had heard of this spell but never actually used it. She had never seen any point in it. Ana felt the tears running down her cheeks when she realised that there was nothing she could do. She couldn't stop the man from grabbing her if she didn't know where he was and she couldn't stop them from taking Noah because her only way of finding him was the crying that she heard coming from the cot in the corner. The only thing she could do was try and make sure Noah stayed away from Theo. "Don't take him to his father." She tried to steady her breathing as she started seeing light forming in the blackness. "You don't know what he's like." She had no idea how to persuade them not to give Noah to Theo but it was her son's only hope.
Alexia caught Lewis's eye as she reached for the squealing baby. Then she looked at the crying woman. She was adament about them not taking the child to his father. But really there was no place else for him to go. She caught Lewis's eye again. This time it was as if asking him what she should do. She had never been in this particular situation before. None of hers had yet to involve children. She was a newbie in this field. And it was driving her crazy.
Lewis walked strait over to the woman when she began to cry. He guessed that the spell had worked but just in case she was putting it on he put her arms behind her back and pointed his wand at her wrists "Incarcerous." At least she would now be restrained. He looked up to Alexia happy to know she would be safe as he picked up the woman wand and put it in his pocket. "Alexia get the child and bring it with us. Im sorry miss but as your partner is the child only immediate family he will have to go to him." Lewis said in a monotone as he led her out of the house as waited for Alexia to follow so he could apperate the lot of them back to head quarters. "Alexia can you lock the door behind you please." He said to his partner
Alexia followed behind Lewis, the baby in her arms as she pointed her wand at the door and lcked it behind her. She stepped closer to Lewis and attempted to settle the baby. It seemed to be able to tell what was going on around it, but refused to settle. She sighed. It was no use. The child woould not settle. She would just have to keep it from moving as much as she could. "Alright, I'm ready" She said slightly uneasily. She really didn't like apparating and just knew she would never get used to it. She braced herself.
Ana was starting to see again and when she heard the man's words, they made her snap inside. She didn't want Noah anywhere near Theo. "No!!." She screamed and he dragged her out the door. "Take him to my aunt!!" Ana couldn't believe she had just said that. She hated Sam but it was the only way to stop Theo from having Noah. "Or my sister." Another person she hated. "I don't want Theo anywhere near him!!" Her vision was now clear and she looked at her baby son as tears flowed down her face. She didn't want this for him. She had always thought if things got bad then she would be there to stop it. That was never going to happen now though.
Lewis watched Alexia walked out with the child. He nodded at her to show their work here was done. "He is the babies father and the baby must go to him. If he says he doesnt want him then of course we will take her to your aunt or sister." He said calmly before reaching out to touch Alexia so he could apperate the group to the ministry. His feet left the groud and the strange feeling over whelmed him, a feeling that he was more than used to however. Once his feet touched the ground they were outside the minisrty. Lewis walked in, hold the woman wrists and pushing her forward as he walked.

(should we carry this on in the ministry then?")

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