Time to say goodbye

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Sally Kuang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale
Hi everyone ^^

I've been busy lately and haven't got time to go on HNZ :cry:

I'll have to prepare myself for the piano materclass for next year.
And yeah uni!! It's killing me really when I have tons of work yet I'll have to practice piano and clean the house, etc etc...

I will still go on and RP but not as much as I used to :cry:

But I'll try to go on this site everyday but I can't promise...

I'm soo sorry...
Well, I'm glad this is not actually 'time to say goodbye', then. ;)
(By the way, I despise these inaccurate topic titles. ;) )

I hope things work out for you. ^_^ :)
Awh Sally! I shall miss your presence! But I am thankful that it isn't an actual good-bye! Have fun Sally!
Sally! :cry:
You know that I'll miss you, but I wish you luck with everything. I really am hoping that you have fun, and remember that you can always reach me on Skype or messaging!
Hope to talk to you again soon!
Daww, It's good you're not really saying goodbye..
Find the time to come online, please! :hug:
Hadan Blake said:
Nicolas King said:
(By the way, I despise these inaccurate topic titles. ;) )
I second to that! Anyways see you around Sally :hug:
I was going to edit it but it wont let me :cry:
Donna/ Cole/ Claire: talk to you in msn :hug:
I'll make time to go on hnz ^_^
Sally! :hug:
I'll miss you and Sally,Zac and Brad and Darla :wub:
But I am glad that its not a goodbye :) because those scare me
Best of luck with your piano and RL
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