Closed Time Goes Fast

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Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader had been busy for most of the day, in fact he hadn't even managed to get changed - or well, he just hadn't made the time to get changed. He had spent the time handing out roses, taking pictures and lot track of time developing them in the accio room, and before he knew it was time for him to go and take more pictures at the ball itself. The boy rushed out of the room, grabbing his camera which he'd left sitting to one side once he'd finished up with using it and headed into the great hall. He had kept on his flower crown, so at the very least he was still festive, he was wearing the right sort of thing for an event that was valentines day themed but he was not dressed well. The gryffindor spent the time taking pictures of people until he spotted Ava walk into the great hall. The boy rushed over to her with a warm expression on his face, though he was suddenly reminded of the weird interaction he'd had with Sapphire earlier in the day. The boy discarded it out of his mind and instead focused on her, "Thanks for the rose Helene!" the boy thanked her sincerely, "I lost track of time," he vaguely gestured to what he was wearing and hoped she wouldn't mind.
Ava had been waiting outside the hall for Vader, humming happily to herself. She smiled brightly when he came over to her. "Timmy!" She chirped as soon as he appeared, barely allowing him to speak before she threw her arms around his neck in a big hug. "You're so sweet," She cooed as she snuggled into his neck. "You're the bestest friend ever!" She declared dramatically, pulling back with a laugh. "I love that crown!" She reached up and touched a petal lightly. "It's perfect! Have you gotten any pictures of the dance yet?" She asked brightly, looping her arm through his and turning to the Great Hall.
Vader was glad that Ava hadn’t seemed to have minded that he was maybe a bit less and she didn’t even comment on the fact he wasn’t wearing anything appropriate. The boy just smiled at her and let his arms wrap around her a little less quickly as she had thrown her arms around him, but it didn’t matter. It was clear that she had gotten his rose with his note with her reaction and the words that she was saying. He returned the hug firmly, thinking of what Sapphire had said, his odd interaction with her and the way this hug just felt nice. But Ava was just his bestest friend, she was his friend. He smiled when she pulled back and ducked his head a little as she touched the flower crown on his head. ”Thanks,” the boy replied, ”I got into the spirit of the event,” he looked at her, a little embarrassed that he had not even changed when she had dressed quite nicely, a dress. ”I’ve gotten some pictures, I’ll need to take a bunch more, but we can hang out and dance first,” he suggested to her, he needed to be able to take breaks of course and Vader had been on the go for most of the day so a little break with her would be good. ”You look nice Helene,” he added quietly.
Ava giggled as Vader said he got into the spirit of the event. "Oh, pish posh." She linked her arm through his and turned to look at the hall. "Look at it! It's pretty, no doubt, but a little overwhelming," She giggled again. "You look much nicer than the Hall," She scrunched her nose at him. She nodded as he suggested they dance. "Of course! We gotta dance, it's too much fun not to," She took his hand and attempted to pull him with her into the hall. She smiled brightly as he complimented her outfit. "Thanks! It's really energetic and comfy," She chirped brightly. "I'd say you look nice too but you're always cute so I won't," She chattered happily, looking around the hall for a good spot. "Oooh, what about over there?" She pointed to an empty-ish spot a bit away from them, turning to him with sparkling eyes.
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