Closed Through the wilds of the evening

Zennon Baros

Finley's dad; healer
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Zennon didn't always have a lot of time to just hang around in Obsidian Harbour these days. Being a Healer and finding the time to spend with either Sam and Finley, or even just Finley meant he sometimes felt like he was working several jobs all at once. He didn't mind it of course, he really quite enjoyed being busy all the time, which was something he never really expected would have happened. There were times when he thought back to his younger school years when he remembered what he'd said that one time to Analei and it was like he was a completely different person. None of it was a huge problem or issue, but it was something that he sometimes thought was quite funny. Especially when he thought about how he had initially thought his life would go. He certainly hadn't thought he would be a parent, ever really, but especially not at such a young age. He and Sam worked hard to keep things friendly and civil, not that there was any real worry that it wouldn't be, they were still friends, but their idea of how Finley should be exposed to things was different and his mother really did like to meddle.

"Finley, we've talked about this, you're too young for any of that, I know you want to get an owl, but you won't look after it, and your mother and I are too busy to keep it properly, when you're older, you'll get one I promise you," they'd already had a small tantrum to deal with over the fact that Finley wasn't allowed a wand at his tender four years of age, but Zennon knew he was just trying to be a part of everyone else, it was a sentiment he could get behind himself, he vaguely recalled being upset when his brothers had been allowed wands and animals and he hadn't. "I promise you'll get one, okay? For now, do you want to just go inside and see one?" he hoped it would be enough to calm Finley, getting down to his level and looking him in the eye. Finley could be quite frustrating when he wanted to be, but Zennon was trying to be a good father, he just tried to do what he thought his dad would have done in this situation. Times like this he really missed him and wished he could have asked him all those pressing parenting questions.​
Jacob didn't run errands too often himself. His hours were strange and his free time scarce, so when given the opportunity of time he didn't want to waste it on boring chores and errands. But he had no choice today. His dog was in need of some dog food, and what she wanted she got. He'd gotten her back in 4th year as a puppy, and she was getting up there in age but there wasn't a better girl around. With a bag of kibble under his arm, Jacob put his back into the door as he made his way out of the shop. He headed down the street, stopping for a tea. Sipping it slowly, Jacob watched other individuals going about their day.

He overheard a man talking to his son, a smile crossing his face as he remembered his father reacting to him in a similar way. There was something oddly familiar about the man and his son, but he was too far away to make out enough details. Jacob realized he was losing his grip on the dog food bag so drifted closer to the pair, a small bench his destination. He dropped the bag with a heavy thud on the bench. It didn't tear, which Jacob was grateful for; he'd regretted letting it go the second he'd done it for fear it would rip open. Jacob re-adjusted his glasses and then took another sip of tea. It was a really good brew today.
"No? Are you sure? Alright then," honestly he was a smidge surprised that Finley was this adamant about not wanting to go inside, but maybe he just didn't want to know what he was missing, which Zennon could respect. He did feel bad for his son, not being able to have the same access as older kids, but that was just how it was going to be for a while. The place they shared with Sam didn't really have a lot of space for a pet anyway, even if it was big enough for the three of them, it was only being enough for the three of them; adding a fourth body - of any kind - seemed a little strange. "I love you, you little dork," though he knew Finley did not understand Parseltongue, it had become something of a game for him to use it now. He wasn't sure why, but he'd been doing it since Finley had been born.

As he turned, he thought he saw someone he knew out of the corner of his eye, turning further, he realised he did know the person, and his eyes went a little wide because he hadn't seen Jacob Kingsley in quite some time. He looked different, but not unrecognisable. Seemed he'd grown into his role as an Auror - at least Zennon assumed he was still an Auror, or was he still in training? He didn't actually know how long it took to do that. His own training had only recently ended after all, but that had had a lot to do with his needing a few extra moments due to his marks. "I would say, small world but honestly the Wizarding world isn't that small if we're not running into each other more often," he said, approaching his old friend with a smile. "How you doing, King Jay?" was it weird to use his old nickname?​
"Oh sh**, Zennon, long time no see." The grin grew and grew on Jacob's face as he heard the familiar nickname. It had been a while since he'd heard that name, but it wasn't unwelcome. Jacob looked down, seeing Zennon's little one in tow. Jacob didn't have any nieces or nephews yet, but his cousins had children and some of his friends did as well, and he knew his mother, at least, would yell at him for cursing in front of a kid. "Whoops, sorry, I didn't see you there, kiddo." He cleared his throat. "What are you two up to?" he asked. Jacob looked from Zennon to his child, noting the similarities and differences.

It was still wild to think of Zennon as a father, to think of them as adults even. Jacob couldn't believe he was reaching the end of his Auror training and figured Zennon was probably just about done with his training as well. Their roads had diverged at some point in the past, but they kept crossing paths just enough to maintain a relationship of sorts.
"Yeah, it's been a while mate, world keeps turning, things happen, you know," he said giving a noncommittal shrug as he faced his old friend. Jake had of course been one of the first people Zennon had befriended - after Analei anyway. For a while they'd gotten along really well and then kind of drifted apart over the years, but he was glad to see they could still chat. Even if this was the first time they'd done so in a while. "You know, I'm glad you're not drinking coffee, because I've had a couple of bad experiences with coffee the last couple of weeks," he said, thinking back both of Callum and Willow. Though, he noted that Jake was drinking tea, so it was clear it was coffee that he had a bad time with and not just beverages in general. Good to know. "Between me and Sam, he's heard worse I'm sorry to say... as much as I try to keep things clean, hey kid?" Finley for his part didn't seem like he fully understood the conversation and instead turned to Jake and gave a little kid wave.

Zennon laughed. "Well, apparently he's shy, you weren't shy five minutes ago, what's up?" Zennon could understand - he was not as used to meeting people as Zennon would have liked, but that was his fault really. He and Sam were so busy. "We're just doing a bit of shopping. It's really early days yet obviously, but he's been seeing people go in and get pets and he wants one. I think he's ready to be heading to school, but he's too young yet of course - I was going to compromise and get him something new, but he seemed to have his heart set on an Owl and unfortunately Sam and I just can't commit to looking after one for the moment. I've been using the ones at work to send anything to anyone." he didn't want to get an owl knowing it wouldn't properly be looked after. Maybe when Finley was older it wouldn't matter so much.​

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