- Messages
- 10,673
- OOC First Name
- Claire
- Blood Status
- Muggleborn
- Relationship Status
- Single
- Sexual Orientation
- Asexual
- Wand
- Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
- Age
- 1/1999 (64)
The very last thing Monty wanted to do that afternoon was patrol with the Headmistress. It wasn't that he didn't like her. In fact, if it hadn't been for his anxieties, he suspected he'd have greatly been enjoying working alongside her. She was level-headed, and keen to make the school a better place - two traits Monty usually shared with her, though his head had not been quite so level since his promotion to Deputy.
He really was trying. Unfortunately, it was trying so hard that was causing him the trouble; if only he would have given himself a moment's rest, some time alone to wind down and recuperate, he might not have worked himself into such a state. As it was, the scarce amount of free time he had was spent worrying about all the things he was supposed to be doing - things he'd taken upon himself thinking he could handle it all.
Silently, he walked alongside Katherine, racking his tired brain for something to say, some conversation starter that would deflect attention from himself for a little while. He wasn't usually so quiet, so listless, and he didn't expect the Headmistress not to notice. Standing a little taller, he forced a smile upon his face. Maybe he could get away with it - disguise it until it passed. Maybe.
He really was trying. Unfortunately, it was trying so hard that was causing him the trouble; if only he would have given himself a moment's rest, some time alone to wind down and recuperate, he might not have worked himself into such a state. As it was, the scarce amount of free time he had was spent worrying about all the things he was supposed to be doing - things he'd taken upon himself thinking he could handle it all.
Silently, he walked alongside Katherine, racking his tired brain for something to say, some conversation starter that would deflect attention from himself for a little while. He wasn't usually so quiet, so listless, and he didn't expect the Headmistress not to notice. Standing a little taller, he forced a smile upon his face. Maybe he could get away with it - disguise it until it passed. Maybe.