This place is fascinating

Corrine Lagos

7th Year | Cullen <3
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Corrine Lagos had never spent a significant time in the library. Sure, she'd gone in and out to obtain books for class, for homework, and the like, but during those occasions, she'd typically gone up to one of the librarians so they could lead her in the right direction. There was no sense to spend more time than was necessary, and she certainly didn't have the desire to.

The desire was still lacking, but the need was there. Corrine was in a silent war with her roommates though she was almost entirely sure they neither noticed or cared. They'd never paid her a terrible amount of attention to begin with, and now she felt truly isolated from them. So she was battling that by further isolating herself. It made perfect sense to Corrine. Having explored the library and come across the restricted section, Corrine found a table near to it and settled in, so she could watch. She'd only seen one student go in and so far, he hadn't come out. Though she was meant to be doing homework, her focus was not on the words on her parchment but rather the padlocked area before her.
November was one of the constant figures you could see the in the Library. Even now when her and Flavio were hanging out more she still managed to get in her library time. Walking into the library today she went towards the back near the restricted section. It was usually the quietest location in the library. It was the easiest place to have a quiet moment to study for her classes ahead of time so she would be prepared for them. Looking around once in the back she saw a girl sitting at the only table in this section of the library. Biting her lip she thought for a moment before walking over to the girl. "Mind if I sit here to study?" She asked quietly as they were in the library after all.
"Mmhmm" Corrine murmured absent mindedly, in the middle of a sentence. She glanced up briefly, saw that she didn't know the girl and returned to her work. The essay was due tonight and wasn't even halfway done, so she knew she really needed to focus and was happy she didn't know the other girl. It meant she'd be less of a distraction. She already had enough of that with the restricted section. Finally, when she reached a lull in her writing a little later, she was tapping her quill against her lips, she spoke. "Have you ever been there?" she nodded her head in the direction of the section.
November quietly sat down opposite of the girl and pulled out her notes to begin studying as part of her weekly school work routine. She was sad that Flavio was busy at Quidditch practice and couldn't be with her, but at the same time she knew her classes were important and she shouldn't let her grades slip just because the guy she liked also happened to like her and they were a sort of couple now. Working on her notes and going through them making herself some flash cards she couldn't help but be a little annoyed by the tapping the girl was doing opposite her with her quill. The silence between them wasn't broken by November however, as she always felt too polite to speak up when things bothered her, the other girl spoke. She looked up to see what the girl was looking at, the Restricted Section. "No, I think older students can get permission if they really need to study something in there. But, then again how would you know if you needed to study something in there? All the books are hidden away back there," she said quietly before looking back towards the girl. She wondered why this girl was asking but didn't think to ask her and turned back towards her notes.
Corrine listened to the girl's explanation and then watched her return to her notes as she mulled it all over. She supposed it made perfect sense for the area to mostly be used by older students. The area was well guarded, as if the books back there held information that the typical person shouldn't have access to. It was that and the air of secrecy of it all that intrigued her most. And darn if that person was still gone. She wondered if there were tables in there as well, where someone could take a seat to record some notes.

"Do you reckon you can borrow the books in there? No. You probably have to take your notes while you're in there, right?" she mused aloud. She didn't expect the girl would know since she said she hadn't been in herself, but she seemed to know a great deal more than Corrine ever had.
November wasn't surprised this younger student was talking so much. A lot of them did not understand the rules of the library, or any library for that matter. But, this once instance she didn't really mind. She wasn't in the mood for going over her notes and thinking about the restricted section as she hadn't really thought too much about it before. "I don't think you can remove anything from there. I'm sure some of the books are the only versions that still exist," November said glancing up towards the door to the restricted section.

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