- Messages
- 3,274
- OOC First Name
- Jessye
- Wand
- Hawthorn Wand 13" Essence of Serpent Scale
- Age
- 12/2008
Theodore fiddled with the hem of hem of his dress robes boredly yet nervously as he stood by himself in the middle of the great hall. Other couples or friends around him were all excitedly meeting up with one another and claiming compliments like 'nice dress' or 'you look so pretty'. Honestly it felt almost the same every year to him, the only thing different now was that he had asked someone he was supposed to hate as his date to the Yule Ball. 'Why am I even here?' Theodore searched his mind and heart over and over and over again for some sort of answer, but he never really found one that made enough sense for to him. It was obvious that he was either fond of Aleyha, or he just felt a strong attraction, but something was up with him. Giving a small wave to Alyssa as she walked by with whoever she was was with and flicked his hair out of his face so he could scan the crowd again.
"Girls always take so long to get ready." He rolled his eyes to himself and fiddled with the white lily he had bought for Aleyha during Brightstone. Normally he bought roses for his dates, but she was a different case so he figured a rose was far overdue. Instead he had gotten her a lily for her hair, he thought they would go together nicely, he just hoped she wouldn't cause a fit about it.
"Girls always take so long to get ready." He rolled his eyes to himself and fiddled with the white lily he had bought for Aleyha during Brightstone. Normally he bought roses for his dates, but she was a different case so he figured a rose was far overdue. Instead he had gotten her a lily for her hair, he thought they would go together nicely, he just hoped she wouldn't cause a fit about it.