This is Not going to end well

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida had sent an Owl to Arisa telling her to meet her in the Forbidden Forest As soon as possible.
Kida chose to ignore both Arisa and Sukie's word from the day before but it was eating away at her and she couldn't handle it much more, Kida told Arisa to meet her in the clearing of the forest where Sern had raged at her. Kida sat up in the tree and waited silently for Arisa to come into the clearing
Arisa had been up in her dorm room thinking things over. Suddenly Kida's owl showed up with a note, "great hate mail" she muttered taking the note from the owl before giving him a pat on the head and sending him off. Kida wanted Arisa to meet her in the forest where Sern had hurt Kida. Arisa hadn't been there in a while but she had the path memorized. She sighed got out of bed and walked down to the ground. Once she was in the forest she closed her eyes and followed the path until she found the clearing. She began looking in the trees for Kida, "hello, anybody home?" she called out looking around.
Kida saw Arisa come into the forest, Kida's eyes where a blazing green she smirked her mind was telling her so many things 'Remus isn't a bad person, its her mother... she called Remus an *******... she is talking bad about your Family, get her get her GET HER' Kida jumped down from the tree silently standing behind Arisa for a second "Hello" she said looking at Arisa
Arisa sighed as she heard Kida behind her, "Look Kida, if your just going to yell at me tell me now so I can leave, I'm not in the mood" she said in an annoyed voice. Arisa turned around to give Kida an icy glare. "I'm not going to apologize, in fact i think you owe me one" she added crossing her arms.
Kida snarled at Arisa "Bull sh1t" she said as she grabbed Arisa's Shirt firmly and pushed her up against a tree, pinning her arms away from her pocked with her Elbows so there was no chance of her getting her wand. "How DARE you insult my Family, my Family is all i have, and you can go around hurting my Cousin because he had to leave school for an important family and secret reason, and you demand that you must know, he wants to write to you but he can't and then you freely going around kissing anyone you see fit" Kida push Arisa further up the tree before continuing "Then you go around calling my God Father an ******* and crap like that because he shot himself cause your mother broke his heart, Remus is a hard person to love, and when he does show any form of love, it should be admired, now he proberly will never ask her again, apart from the fact that he doesn't know her anymore, and he is ONLY just remembering me, and i havn't been able to see him" Kida snarled again "and you think that you can just go around like your all high and mighty and insult them infront of me, you thought wrong, now say your f*cking sorry" Kida's hair seemed to be getting all matted and messy for no reason at all the more mad she got the more messy it looked "Say your Sorry" she repeated
Arisa growled as Kida pressed her against a tree. She listened to her yell and rolled her eyes, "f*ck you, you wont be getting anything from me" Arisa snarled. "now let me go, i have nothing to say to you" she added through clenched teeth.
Kida snarled again as she picked Arisa up off the tree and slammed her back against it hard "i'm not letting you fo until you say your sorry" she snapped
Arisa winced as Kida slammed her into the tree again. "Fine, I'm sorry to Sern, I'm not sorry to you" Arisa stated giving Kida an icy glare. She could feel a head ache coming on, never a good thing, she really didn't want to go blind, epically in the presence of Kida, who new what she would do to her.
Kida picked Arisa up off the tree once more and slammed her against it again "and Remus" she said glaring at her she knew she didn't need an appology to, she wanted an apology for everyone that Arisa willingly insulted
Arisa felt her body hit the hard wood of the tree once again, she swore she could hear a crack coming from the back of her head. Arisa put her hand to her head and hissed as she felt a stinging jolt of pain. "When the hell did you get so damn strong?" she asked more to herself then Kida.
"I've always been this stong, and i'm getting stronger when i do more Martial Arts now stop avoid the question and say sorry for Remus" she snarled "or i'll throw you against the tree again" she glared at Arisa and waited
Arisa glared at Kida, "I've already got a broken skull, what more can you do?" she asked. "Let go of me and I'll say it, your ruining my top" she added looking down at her shirt with a staping pain in her head.
"oh a whole lot more trust me" she said as she glared at Arisa "say your sorry to Remus and THEN and only Then you shall be let go" she said looking at Arisa
Arisa rolled her eyes, "fine I'm sorry" she said yeah, sorry he dosnt have enough brain to think things over she added in her head.
Kida snarled "your never going to mean it" she said as she pulled Arisa off the tree and threw her to the ground behind her "you know what i'm glad your mother said no, that way you won't be related to my God Father, and i won't be related to you" she said as she jumped up into the tree and sat there. "Don't even bother sending your mother after me" she said as she jumped up a few branches higher and watched Arisa silently
Arisa fell to the ground with a small thud. She listened to Kida speak and didn't even bother coming up with a snarky reply. Her eyes fluttered closed as she sank deeper and deeper into a world of darkness.
The forest was possibly the only place Hazari hadn't yet explored. He walked through the trees, his satchel filled with bits of twigs and leaves. The water in his drink bottle sloshed around as he walked through the trees. He saw something on the ground, a body. Hazari's eyes grew wide in shock, as he drew nearer. "Arisa!" a half-formed strangled cry escaped his mouth. He knelt down and began shaking the girl. "Arisa! WAKE UP!" he yelled, not caring if he was heard. He unscrewed his drink bottle lid and tipped the icy water over Arisa's face. "Wake up!" he pleaded.
Kida looked down and saw a person come to Arisa's Rescue as per usual. Kida rolled her eyes "that didn't take long" she said softly before she jumped out of the tree, the wind soaring past her through her hair before she landed on the ground. Kida looked at the boy "Whats your name" she said looking at the boy, her once hazel eye shineing a green. Kida raised her eyebrow looking at him
Hazari stood up and spun around as a girl jumped out of a tree. He glared at the girl, who obviously knew Arisa was there and hadn't done anything to help. "What's it to you." he snarled. This girl wasn't helping Arisa, and that was not all right in his book.
"well i want to know the name of the bastard who is trying to steal my cousin's girlfriend from him" she said glaring at him. Kida knew that this smart mouthed kid was obviously a hater of her and her God Father, everyone thinks that he was a bad man just because he has many problems, no one cared to know him personally before they judged him but they did anyway.
Hazari scowled at Kida. "I haven't a clue what you are talking about." Hazari stated coldly. Was this girl crazy? Hazari didn't have a clue what she was talking about, what was all this about stealing her cousin's girlfriend?
Kida rolled her eyes "If you have no clue to to what i am talking about, how come you are here trying to..." Kida cut off for a moment before she turned around and paced for a bit. "i can't believe this, first Ti and now you, i'm sorry but do you people ENJOY putting my family through torment, do you all ENJOY picking at the last bit of a family i have left" Kida obviously must have sounded crazy, but who wouldn't be after there family is getting torn apart from every little bit it has left
Arisa shivered as something cold hit her face. She was waking up slowly and could hear what was going on. She tried to concentrate on what was being said and not the stabbing pain in the back of her head. She heard Kida's voice, pissed as ever, and someone else.... Hazari she finally thought. She heard Kida accuse him of trying to take her from Sern and groaned. "Just frien..." she managed to mumble still having a heard time stringing words together.
Hazari was having a very hard time not attacking the girl who was acting like someone who should be in a mental hospital. He heard a weak voice say something behind him. "Arisa, are you okay? We need to get you to the hospital wing! Can you stand?" he said, whirling around and crouching beside her. Hazari ignored what the crazy girl was saying, he was trying to help Arisa at the moment, nothing else could distract him.
"I-I'm fine" she said moving up to the sitting position much to the protest of her back, "well thats gunna be black and blue" she muttered before forcing herself to stand up. "Come on lets go Hazari" she said giving Kida a glare.

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