This is how we do it!

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Abbigale Raven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Very Conservative
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Okay guys, I have a couple of students to play around with, so lets see what we can do with them, yeah?

Rebecca Koshiba

Needs: Friends (though I will be extremely picky with this.) Enemies (not hard to hate someone that won't even acknowledge you.) Acquaintances.​
Rebecca is a first year and she does not show emotion to anyone outside her family. She believes that there is no need for emotion to be shown to anyone but the people she cares for. If she becomes emotional, she is prone to fits of uncontrollable anger because she is not used to keeping her emotions bottled up. Which is what she has had to do to hide her true feelings. The feelings that she does not want to show. She can also be seen often to have a book with her, if not for reading then to give the appearance of an interest in books. She is very intelligent and likes to know everything about a person and is often prone to just sitting and watching rather then joining in. She is sneaky and she is observant and she, for the most part is very, very silent. She can often appear cold and distant to those she has no interest in associating with, however, those that manage to get close could see the fear she tries to keep locked away. The sadness and the betrayal of a family she never got to have.

Willow Jaye Hydran

Needs: Friends (Not at all picky), Enemies (Again, could be anyone) Prank Buddies (That one is obvious)​
Willow, is of course a first year. However, she is twelve because she was born in October and so had to wait for the next round of the school intake, which is why she is older then most other first years. Her big sister is Hazel and her cousins consist of Justin Kuya and Andy Hydran. However she doesn't associate with Andy much because she leaves that to Hazel, Willow is more into hanging out with Justin and when Drake is around, she hangs with the both of them. She learnt most of her best pranks from them, however she is on a mission to out prank them, so far, they have always seen through it. She is a very friendly girl, she only pranks people she likes because she believes that people she doesn't like don't even deserve to think about her. She is the more spiritual one of the family, despite all her family believing in their Native American Culture, they think that Willow might one day develop the gift of the ancestors and become a Dreamweaver, a most powerful form of dream magic.

Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

Needs: Friends, People that don't like her (She doesn't hate anyone, though it could be interesting to try and get her to hate someone)​
Energetic, being energetic makes Pip a very interesting kind of girl. She loves being in control of her energy. Pip is the kind of person to put all her energy into anything she does, that includes any extracurricular activities as well as in schooling or other such functions. Humorous, is another reason why Pip likes to be around other people, whether they be older or younger than her. Age does not bother her as she has decided that anyone is allowed to be funny or see people be funny. She is a very funny young girl because of this. Cheerfulness, is just another reason as to why Pip is the way she is. Pip is a happily cheerful kind of girl. She has never to her knowledge felt sad. This is due to her parents deciding that she need not know of the kind of things that happen in the muggle world. She has never seen violence and so has lived a relatively comfortable live for a young witch. Her parents doing this don't mean to cause any harm, they just don't want their daughter to get hurt in anyway, shape or form. This of course leads into her being just a little naive about certain things, which includes life in general. Her grandmother and grandfather are the only other people, besides her friends and other such people that she gets to see as they are scared she will learn about her sheltered life and not be happy about it.

Taylor Blare

Needs: Some one she can confide in.​
Taylor has been raised by her Aunt. She is polite and kind, but she is also honest. She will tell people the truth no matter how much it hurts. She believes that sugar coating things is counterproductive and doesn't think that truths should be hidden. Taylor believes that in order to earn respect, one must respect others. She is spiritual and believes in the power of fate. She is very athletic and loves all sorts of games and she always knows when people are lying to her or telling the truth, though she won't push it. Though anyone that does lie to her immediately loses her trust and she is likely to not speak with them again. She loves being outside and has a love of adventure. She is funny and will laugh at anything. She also tries to get laughs off of other people whether they want to laugh or not. She is very trusting and will trust people as soon as she meets them though as soon as they do something to lose her trust it is extremely difficult to get it back, if at all. She also loves learning and will always try to do something to gain new skills. She has even been known to read an entire text book just to find one piece of information, though she is not exactly an avid reader. It can take her a while to read it. She has no aversion to authority but she does not always like to be told what to do, which can sometimes get her in trouble. However, with this, Taylor has recently lost her parents, which means that she is extremely heartbroken and finding it hard to believe that everything happens for a reason anymore. She finds it hard to trust herself or her faith in life.

Kialla Smith

Needs: Anything really​
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So Kialla is a Fifth year. The only reason she even transferred to Hogwarts was to be with her friend Benjamin Chase, whom she missed while he was always away at school. She can often be found wandering the halls as she easily gets lost because of her bad sense of direction. It was her bad sense of direction that helped her meet Benji ( :wub: ) Before this however, she was home-schooled with her family in Scotland. She is a Pureblood and only lightly carries the blood prejudice of her family. She hates muggle-borns, but she is fine with muggles. She doesn't like half bloods with a muggle-born parent, but she is fine with half bloods with a muggle parents. She also disassociates with Purebloods that would breed with Muggle-borns. However she would be fine if they were to marry into another blood. Though she is cautious of Mixedbloods, especially Veelas, Goblins and Giants, she never knows whether or not she can trust them, but she would be fine to talk to them. It is really only muggle-borns she tries to stay well away from as she believes that they would somehow drain her power and make her a squib. (It is what their Matriarch would have them believe.)

So that's all I have right now. Though if you want to rp with any of my other characters, ask away, I will be very busy soon so this is kind of the only chance to reach me for the next few weeks. I may also be slow in replying, but if you are worried, hit me up with a pm! :)
hey teigs.
i have a couple of offers i can make though maybe we could wait a little before starting as it looks like ypu have loys of plots going on. but if you want to start something sooner we can.

first of all for for willow and/or bex i have Rhiannon McGowan he i a first year hufflepuff, though in some ways she a more clawy. she is muggleborn from scotland though has spent the last five years living in tasmania she does have a scottish accent. she is pretty sweet, she is quite talkative when she gets going but she can be shy around new people. she likes learning and thus reads a lot. she is just about getting her head around the idea that magic is real. and she cant lie (though i haven't actually used this in a rp yet) she wants to become a doctor like her parents and she has a pet cat called sushi. she could be friends with them though i don't know if she will easily be an enemy.

For Taylor. I guess i could offer Rhiannon up again. as a sort of friend. or Elvera. I know you know who she is by now. she is the kind of person who will listen to someones problem and try and talk them though it. she is the kind of professor who will not only not get students she finds in the library after hours in trouble. she will help them with what they are looking for and then give them a note so that if they get caught by someone else on their way back to the common room they have permission (cough minoas and elbio cough), and anyone who knocks on her office door will be welcomed in with offerings of tea or other non alcoholic beverage and some form of baked goodie fresh from the oven.
So, I have something to offer you,



He'd be happy to let her confide in him.
Awe! Thanks you guys!

Mia: Willow and Rhi I think are best. Willow is pretty comfortable around Muggle stuff and she does like Australia so the fact that Rhi has been there she will think is pretty cool.

Taylor and Elvera: Sure, she can go and talk to her. She is highly unlikely to talk to a random first year, (No offence xD )

Emzies: Haha, that is so adorable. This could be fun to role play out. You have a thing for role playing with my depressed characters I must say xD But he might be good for her to talk to. She is likely to know him seeing as they are both in Gryffindor and stuff haha. Alright, I like this, yeah let's do this ^_^
Wilow and Rhi: that sounds like they will be good.

Taylor and Elvera: Maybe Elvera could see her somewhere sitting alone or something and just see if she is okay at least to begin with. (I thought that bout the first year it was sort of a second thought suggestion)
What can I say, Ty's a sweetheart.
Sounds good, they'd be nothing more than friends, but it could be quite fun.
Would you like to start something, or shall I?
Mia: That sounds good, can we put a hold on both of these though? I have an order for things to go in.

Emzies: I'll start this one soon and pm Stefan ^_^
That is fine. I thought you would have a few plots going on at the moment. and i have a few too. so take your time and let me know when you are ready.
Hi Teigan!

I have Meera to offer as a friend/ enemy for Kialla
Since they both are transfers they would have that in common. Would Kialla like someone like Meera? And is Kialla loyal type? Maybe they could just be enemies.
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