This feeling inside

Sebastian Rossi

Well-Known Member
Straight 14" Rigid Aspen Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Sebastian stood just across from the prefects lounge, leaning against one wall as he waited for Trilby to come out of the prefect's meeting that was being held. He still couldn't believe how much things had changed since December. He had turned seventeen, and even bigger than his coming of age, he and Trilby had begun dating and had been for the past two months. It all almost seemed too good to be true and he half expected to wake one day and find out that everything since the night of the Yule ball had been part of some extremely elaborate dream. Maybe I'm knocked out he mused, thinking back on when that guy had punched him. He hadn't seen the guy since that night and hoped that it would stay that way. He really hoped that it wasn't the case though because if this all ended up not being true, he would be miserable.

With all of the stress of their upcoming OWLs, Sebastian was having a difficult time finding time to see Trilby. Every time he turned around, the professors were piling on more and more essays and he was sincerely beginning to believe that the professors were out to ruin love lives and make the students into zombies. Despite the necessary evil of classes, there had been a definite improvement in his life at Beauxbatons. Before, the tiniest little thing used to annoy him about the students, but now he barely even noticed them. The guys in the dorm had even begun ragging on him for being more lost in thought lately than usual. He didn't really notice any difference though.

Looking up as he heard the door across from him open, Sebastian saw a few of the prefect's leave and realized that the meeting must have ended. Fidgeting slightly with something that he was holding behind his back, Sebastian nodded his head occassionally as he saw several people he knew slip out of the room.
The meeting seemed never ending this time around, it was actually dry for a change outside and Trilby wanted nothing more than to find Sebastian and get out there. Finally the Headgirl and boy finished up and they were allowed to leave, so she packed up her things and slinging her bag over her shoulder began to walk out. Deep in conversation with one of the other prefects she was stunned by the nudge she received to her side, but looking up as her gaze caught Sebastian's face she beamed brightly.
"I will talk to you later" she told her fellow prefect, Agnes Dearling before walking slowly over to where he stood.

It was hard to imagine that they were actually dating now, she had never really seen it coming. Never thought that when she had gone to the Yule Ball on her own that she would end up dating him. Life had a funny way of working out and though every now and then her thoughts invariably went to Carlisle and then to Xavier, she knew she was happy with Sebastian. He made her feel human again and in the space of the two months that they had been dating, she knew she had not shed one single tear.

As she came to stand before him she smiled up into his green eyes before reaching up on her tiptoes and kissing him gently on her perfect mouth.
"Hi you" she grinned, "must be something urgent if you came to see me after one of these meetings".
She wanted to just throw her arms about him but as there were other prefects still leaving, she thought it best to set an example.
"Tell me about it. I thought you'd come out here and find me mummified because of how long I was out here" he said with a chuckle after she'd kissed him. He still wasn't used to how easy that was to do. Before, they had always toed a fine line of being close but not doing anything to jeopardize their friendship. Now, it seemed that they were both trying to get the be both friends and something more. He hadn't really been out there for too long, and seeing Trilby now he realized that it was well worth it. It was just too bad that the kiss couldn't have lasted longer, but all of her prefect friends were still milling around so he understood her hesitation to do so.

"I do have something to show you" he said with a smile, as he held the item behind his back closer to him so that Trilby couldn't see what it was. "But, if you want to see it, you've got to close your eyes first and hold out your hands" he added in a teasing voice as he nodded, waiting for her to do so. He was trying not to give anything away, but in his green eyes there was excitement. He had worked the entire week on mastering the spell, having never used it before and he had a garbage can full of his first attempts.
Playfully swatting him for his mummified comment, Trilby wanted nothing more than to slip her hand into his but still he held them behind his back. She could only look at him curiously and even more so when he announced he had something to show her. Smiling at her best friend and now her boyfriend, Trilby flicked her hair back over her shoulder and steadied herself. She had no idea what he wanted to show her but if it ended up being some disgusting bug or creature then she would have herself psyched up at least not to scream out loud at the sight of it.

Of course his ultimatum caused her to panic a little, biting her lower lip she sighed. Holding her hands out slowly to him.
"I'm trusting you here... but if you put anything gooey or dead or gooey or alive and crawling onto my hands, you will suffer for the rest of your natural life" she warned him and stuck her tongue out playfully before closing her eyes. At first she peeked a little but decided to just get it over with and so shut them tight.

"Ok.. I promise I'm not peeking" she told him, ready to fling her hands apart if she felt anything remotely disgusting touch them.
Sebastian chuckled as Trilby slowly put her hands out and threatened him. "I'm hurt you'd think I'd do something like that" he said with a hurt expression on his face. A second later, he chuckled to let her know he'd been playing around and wasn't hurt by the comments at all. It certainly sounded like something he'd do though that wasn't the case today. He kept it in mind for April Fool's day because it was a great idea.

Sebastian began to move the item around to his front, but quickly returned it when he saw her peeking. "No peeking Tril" he warned as her eyes closed again and she promised not to peek. Moving it quickly to his front, Sebastian slowly put the thing in her hand, smiling down at his handiwork. The two tulips were nearly in full bloom and even though it wa the middle of winter in France, the flowers in her hand reminded him of nothing but the warmth of spring. He could even smell the faint perfume that they gave off and knew that it would probably give his surprise away.

" you can open your eyes" Sebastian said as he put his hands on his pocket and glanced down the hall where several of the prefects still lingered. Looking down at Trilby, he waited to see her reaction.
Trilby could not help but laugh as he caught her attempting to peek so quickly shut her eyes again. When at last she could feel something placed there, she brushed her fingers gently against whatever it was. The scent was beautiful though, very subtle but she knew instantly she liked it and when she was finally allowed to open her eyes she looked down to discover the most beautiful tulips she had ever seen. They looked real but she wasn't sure especially for this time of year, they shouldn't still be in bloom. Looking up to him with a smile beaming on her face, she took great care to hold them in one hand and not caring any more about the other prefects hovering around nudging one another at the gift she had been given; Trilby put her arms about him shoulders.

"They are beautiful Sebastian, thank you" she kissed him then, long and lingering something she would never have ever dreamed about doing before. But his kindness and thoughtfulness had startled her enough to want to do something completely out of character. Breaking from the kiss and unwinding her arms from him, she allowed herself to simply lean against his chest as she gazed again at the flowers.
"How did you do this?"
Sebastian was expecting Trilby to be pleased, but even he was surprised by the kiss that she layed on him. He was afraid to move, not wanting to break the moment and cause her to pull back even though all he wanted to do was pull her in closer. He had kissed Trilby before, but it had never felt like this before. This was something entirely different and Sebastian was definitely enjoying it though it scared him as well. It felt dangerously close to one of those moments when things could easily get out of control. When she finally broke the kiss, Sebastian took in a deep breath, his head swimming a little bit.

He moved his hands from his pocket and placed them around her waist as she leaned against him. "I take it you like the flowers then?" he asked, a lazy grin on his face. He listened to her question and smirked. "I can't reveal all my secrets..." he began, "but, I guess I can make an exception for this one. I was looking through a book and found this orchideous spell, so I practiced it until I got those." He shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal, though he was very pleased by how happy the flowers seemed to have made Trilby.

Glancing back down the hall, Sebastian noticed that a few of the prefects still lingered. Most of them had the sense to at least pretend that they weren't paying attention to him and Trilby, but several of them gaped openly. "You wanna get out of here?" he asked, nodding his head in the direction that was opposite from where every one else had headed.
Trilby felt as if she were beaming from the inside out as she nodded to Sebastian.
"I love the flowers. How did you know?" she smiled at him, "I don't think I ever told you they were my favourite but I guess I must have."

She held them carefully not wanting any thing to happen to them, as he told her about the spell he had used she looked at him through new eyes. Trilby was impressed and it took quite a bit for her to be impressed by anything.
"That's not exactly an easy spell to accomplish" she told him honestly, "you amaze me... everyday."
another smile his way as she stood just slightly apart from him.

"Sure" she turned to walk in the direction he had indicated still mesmerized by the flowers in her hand, their colour and their scent. They were possibly the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen. The colour was more vivid than with normal tulips and she loved that. They walked along down the corridor getting farther and father away from the other prefects.
"You know in about ten minutes the bell for class will ring out and you know what that means, we may have a free class but this hallway will be teaming with students trying to get to theirs. Maybe we should hurry to somewhere quieter?"
Sebastian shrugged then blushed at Trilby's words, never having expected the effect that such a simple gesture as giving flowers could have on a girl. He listened to her compliment silently, not knowing exactly how to react to her. He grinned back at her, his hand moving nervously to his ear. Sebastian wasn't used to being complimented like that especially about anything school related.

"Do you know that charm?" he asked, his eyebrow rising as he thought of how cool it would be if he knew something Trilby didn't. That didn't happen very often and if it happened to be the case, Sebastian would surely take deep pleasure in recalling this day for more reasons than the fact that he got to spend it with his girlfriend.

As Trilby began walking, Sebastian walked beside her, his steps mirroring hers. He was glad to finally leave the prefects behind, and would have been content to simply watch Trilby enjoy her flowers. When she broke the silence to mention that they would soon be joined by far more people than the few prefects they'd been in front of, Sebastian nodded slowly and glanced at the wizarding clock ahead on the wall. "Make that nine minutes. Got anywhere in mind? We could head to the library and sit in one of the corners or an empty classroom, maybe?" he asked, scratching his head as he tried to think of where they might be able to go. As his arm came down, Sebastian placed it around Trilby's shoulders as they continued to walk. He stole a glance at her to see whether she'd be opposed in any way to his having done that.
As they walked along he asked her about the charm and though it was on her lips to concur that she did indeed know it, something in his visage as she looked up at him prevented her from doing so. Instead she shook her head to indicate otherwise, not having the heart to outrightly lie to him but also not willing to burst the bubble of his ego at that moment. He had performed a difficult spell and was buoyed up by that but the fact that he had done so without her assistance probably paid a huge factor in his pleasure, as well as the fact that he might finally know something that she didn't. Trilby wished he would think more highly of himself, she thought he was wonderful and sure he had to try harder than others to accomplish certain incantations but he did eventually always get it right and she was always proud of him because of it. He let nothing undermine his perseverance.

"An empty classroom is fine, the library is patrolled by Dennison at this time of day and she is awful. If we talk at all you know how she'll be. We'll both get a detention and considering I have never had one yet, I don't particularly want one on my record" she grinned at him, though part of her did wonder what a detention served with Sebastian would be like. For some unknown reason Xavier popped into her mind, the numerous times she had issued him detention slips over the years and all his mischievousness had been to get her attention all along. She attempted to push the thought of him aside as she continued walking along the corridor with Sebastian and smiled as she spotted the perfect spot. Tugging his hand gently she guided him to a statue of three Veela's all in their grotesque form, why anyone thought that was a work of art was beyond her; but just behind this statue was a large red drape that covered up an alcove. The alcove had a large bay window that overlooked the gardens but the only reason the drape covered it up was because it was haunted. So was the entire school but here came the presence of two lovers every hour or so. The boy would end up visibly hanging himself while the girl cut her throat for all to see. Their bodies invariably vanished for a while after that or their ghostly forms but every hour day in day out, they returned to the same spot. Laughing and holding hands, chatting amongst themselves until hearing a noise they would look so forlornly at one another before performing the desperate deeds. It wasn't just the sight of them that was awful but the wailing was appalling as well. The drape that blocked the alcove had been charmed with the muffliato incantation to keep the dreadful noises out from the corridor.

Trilby glanced about as she pulled the drape back, no sign just yet of the ghosts.
"We can cast a muffliato around us to stop their sounds getting near us as well as anything we say out to them" she smiled at him, wondering if this alcove would terrify him or if he even knew of it's history.
Since Trilby was the smartest person he knew, Sebastian had the feeling that she was simply not trying to bruise his pride as she shook her head. I have the best girlfriend he thought to himself as they continued to walk. When she began to discuss their options, Sebastian turned his head toward hers so he could listen to her and returned her grin easily. "No we wouldn't want that he said with a chuckle, though he thought it would be rather interesting to serve a detention with her. Unfortunately, he had served so many detentions both in this school and in his old one, so detention itself held no special significance to him, but one with Trilby would be quite interesting especially since she'd never done one.

As the reached the creepy Veela statue that Sebastian was convinced had eyes that followed him as he walked, Sebastian was surprised when she pulled the drape back. He had heard some stories about this area and knew that it had a terrible story about some couple that had gone and killed themselves and now haunted the area. He'd never seen them nor had he looked for them either because he found the whole thing to be quite sad. He couldn't imagine staying in a place, especially a school, and being forced to repeat such a terrible incident over and over.

Shrugging his shoulders, Sebastian stepped into the alcove, giving a quick glance of the area to assure himself that there indeed were no ghosts present. "Fine...but you cast the spell. I want to make sure it works" he said as he made himself comfortable on the bayseat, being sure to leave Trilby plenty of room.

As he waited for her to join him on the window seat, Sebastian glanced around the room. It actually was a nice area and would certainly give them a lot of privacy since no one would hear anything that was going on. His eyes slowly scanned the room until they fell on Trilby again and a smile crossed his face.'re beautiful he silently said before speaking. "Have you ever seen know...ghosts here?" he asked as he pulled his knee up and placed his elbow on it, his head resting on his elbow. He'd seen the ghost that haunted the boy's dorm, but it was merely a French wizard who had taught in the school years ago and then left to serve in a muggle war and died in battle. This was something more...tragic and he couldn't help but be intrigued by the entire story.
As they stepped into the alcove together she smiled shaking her head.
"Sebastian you created these flowers for me and you think you can't perform a simple muffliato incantation? You have very little faith in yourself" she told him watching him move to sit on the window seat. Removing her wand from her pocket she cast the spell to the best of her knowledge effectively and then went to sit beside him once more.

She was half afraid he might ask her if she had ever seen the ghosts and at first she said and did nothing other than sit there and look at her wand. Slowly she put it away and sighed a little. Looking up at him her face held a slight grimace as if she was about to utter one of the most embarrassing moments of her entire life.

"When I was a first year" she told him looking back to the center of the alcove to the spot where the ghosts appeared, "the drape wasn't here then and students often wandered in here to sit down and admire the view. The statue wasn't there either it was further down the corridor blocking some ghastly painting that we can all now see. One know the one with the slaughter house?" she knew she would trail off if she wasn't careful but she did want to share this story with him to let him know that his girlfriend wasn't the perfect girl he thought she was.

"Anyhow" shaking her head slightly she began again, "I had just finished potions class and was heading to my dorm but it was such a beautiful day and everyone was outside. Well... nearly everyone. I could hear all this screaming and laughing so came in here to look out from the window. There were some older students playing some kind of game using a beaters bat and a smaller ball but they were all having so much fun. Just racing and laughing, so I thought I'd go down for a closer look."

She paused again in her narrative turning her head to gaze out the window, as the memory of what she had seen came back to her.
"I turned around and there they were. I have seen ghosts before but none that stood right in front of me and re-enacted their own deaths. I froze for all of three seconds then I screamed. I screamed so hard and so long and then I passed out" she glanced up at him then, "the professor who found me after hearing my shrieking as he called it, is gone from the school since but he said that I looked like someone had petrified me instead of just fainting. No-one has ever had a bad reaction like that to the sightings of them before, so... to make sure no other student ever did" she indicated the large heavy drape.
"the statue and the curtain."
She waited to see if he what his reaction would be and as she waited she could not help how the corners of her mouth twitched up into a smile. She really had been afraid of her own shadow back then, so very different to who she was now.
Sebastian heard Trilby's sigh and looked at her face, realizing that he had asked a bad question. Why he did not know, but it seemed that he was about to find out. As Trilby began, a small smile appeared on his face as he tried to think about her as a first year. It was something difficult for him to imagine, and he wished he'd have been at Beauxbatons back then, though he was pretty sure if he had been, then Trilby probably would want nothing to do with him. He had been a huge troublemaker back then and he had been much angrier then too, with all that he was dealing with from Joel.

"Ugh"he nodded as she mentioned the horrible picture further down the corridor of the inside of a slaughter house. He had no clue who would think that was a pleasant or appropriate picture for a school, but as with the other pictures and statues around the school, one unfortunately grew used to them. That particular picture was one that he averted his eyes from when he walked past because it was so gruesome.

He continued to listen, growing serious as her story continued. When she got to the part about actually seeing the ghosts and witnessing their deaths being performed in front of her, Sebastian frowned. He could only imagine how terrible that experience must have been for her to see. At any other time, he might have laughed at someone passing out from seeing a ghost but from the way she had told her story, Sebastian could imagine himself being right there beside her, witnessing the events and darn if he could imagine doing anything else but screaming and running away. Surely, passing out wasn't that much different, right?

"i always wondered why this spot was covered...that must have been terrifying Trilby" he murmured as he leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead. Sitting back, Sebastian glanced to the area where he knew the ghosts would appear and shuddered. "I couldn't imagine seeing something like that when I was a first year...I think I would have sped away as fast as my legs could carry me." Frankly, if it wasn't for the fact that Trilby was at his side, he wasn't sure that he wouldn't do that now. "I would have rescued you if I'd been here..." he said with a smirk as he glanced at Trilby, his eyes lighting up before he glanced towards the area where in a moment or two the ghosts would appear once again. "Are you sure you want to be here now?" he asked.
With his words he kissed her forehead and slowly she smiled at him again, he did not judge her harshly then. She had never needed to tell Xavier that story because he had been one of the few students passing while the professor had tried to revive her and it had been pretty much ever since then that he had made her life a misery in his attempt to woo her. Realising where her thoughts had taken her she shook herself inwardly and focused on the boy before her. Her boyfriend who was telling her that he would have rescued her if he had been there. How very different both boys were and again she wondered why she was allowing her ex-boyfriend to seep into her thoughts. As he finished his next question she had no more time to answer as the couple arrived to meet one another from different directions.

Trilby slowly lifted her gaze to look, she did not see the horror of it any longer but the sentimentality and the desperation that had led to such an end for them. Her father had given her a very old book written by some muggle called Shakespeare and in one of the many plays that she had read, had been one about two young lovers Romeo and Juliet. The ghostly couple before her now reminded her very much of them.

Her hand reached for Sebastian's and she squeezed it a little tighter than she had meant too. A tear drop etched its way from her eye and stole down her cheek as she watched the heartbreaking re-enactment before her. Eventually she could take no more and turned away, burying her face into Sebastian's shoulder and clinging to him for comfort.
"I thought I could handle this now... that I had grown up enough that it wouldn't scare me" she sobbed gently lifting her face to look at him, mere inches from his ,"I'm not scared ... it's just ... it's all too sad now." She was more convinced than ever before that he would think she was a complete and utter fool now.
Before Trilby could even respond, the ghosts appeared from opposite sides of the room. Sebastian's breath hitched as he could do nothing now but stare at the two figures. He could see their mouths moving, but because of Trilby's skill with a wand, he was unable to hear what they were saying to each other. From their expressions, he was able to gather that they were expressing their love for each other. The girl looked so terribly sad and the guy's face looked so hopeless that Sebastian felt a pang in his chest for them.

When Trilby's hand squeezed his, Sebastian stole a glance at her to see that she was crying. He squeezed her hand back, rubbing the back of it with his thumb as he turned his face back towards the scene. The girl was now shaking her head and appeared to be sobbing, though there was not a tear to be seen or a sound to be heard still. The guy was shaking his head at something she said and then he was pulling out something. "Shh...Don't worry Tril" he said to comfort her as he put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her further towards him just as the girl took the knife from her boyfriend. Sebastian looked away just before she slit her throat, wincing nonetheless since he knew what was happening.

"Just don't look. That's just awful...that poor couple" he said softly as he turned his head slowly back toward Trilby, determined to not look anywhere else but at her. The scene going on just over her shoulder was unlike anything he'd ever seen or wanted to see again. "Why did they do it?" he asked sadly, his green eyes looking more wet than usual. Taking a deep breath, Sebastian leaned down and gave Trilby a kiss. Right now, he needed it more for comfort than anything after that fright, a sign that they were both alive. Breaking it, he apologized. "I'm sorry. I just..." he glanced over her shoulder to see the couple simply lying on the ground at the end of their horrible ordeal and then looked away towards the window. The ghosts had rattled him more than he cared to say.
She felt his arms about her, protecting her, shielding her and she felt instantly save. It was hard to describe considering she had known she was in no danger whatsoever but even the sadness from the young couple seemed to disintegrate about her. Her arms tightened about him until she turned to look him in the face. His own words after she had spoken caused her to smile weakly until he asked her why they had done it.

Closing her eyes she sighed giving herself up to the gentle kiss yet distracted at the same time; trying to recall the exact history of the couple as she had been told it by the nurse who had taken care of her after the professor had carried the young first year to the hospital wing for proper recuperation. Opening her eyes slowly she began to relate to him the story as she knew it.

"They were in love, madly in love and yet neither had actually declared it to the other. They stole moments to see one another in a time when it was dangerous for any young girl to go against her parents wishes. Her family were the first to own this huge chateau, after her death I think ... I think the family left it, sold it.. wanted nothing more to do with it and the French wizarding ministry purchased it for the school" she shook her head knowing she had gone off a little from the story she had wanted to tell, "it was all so innocent, they would meet and hold hands. Talk about life and what their dreams were then one day... he arrived with a heavy heart wanting to tell her at last that he loved her but she interupted his hesitancy, his ... strained actions for something else. Convinced herself that he never wanted to see her again and so ... to stop him from breaking her heart she broke it herself and told him that she never wanted to see him again. She left and they did not see one another for some months and in those months her father had arranged a marriage for her and his parents had arranged for one for him. It would have been lovely if it had been together but he was the son of ... a squire, like an aide or valet and she was the daughter of a noble man."

Wanting to look once more but not daring too, Trilby continued her narrative holding his hands now because her own shook.
"It was by accident the day before her wedding that they ran into each other ... here. At first they simply looked at one another and then ... it all came out. How much they missed and loved one another, how each of them wanted their spouse-to-be to be none other than the one they looked upon in that moment. It was agony but they knew they could not go against their families wishes, they knew that after they had married their respective partners that they would never ever see one another again. So they thought the only thing they could do was to see one another for all eternity. To die together because they could not live together."

With that she lay her head once again on his shoulder, exhaling deeply as she concluded the sad tale.
Sebastian continued to face the window, afraid to look at Trilby because he would inevitably glance over her shoulder and see the ghosts there. The image was already seared in his mind and he didn't want to see it for real again, even though from what he'd heard, the ghosts never stayed much longer than it took for them to re-play their deaths and the moments leading up to it. No, it was likely that when he turned around they would be gone until it was time for them to return and replay the scene.

As he listened to the story, Sebastian was struck by how the beginning of the couple's relationship reminded him a lot of how he felt about Trilby. He couldn't help but smile as she mentioned the pair sharing secrets and dreams because that was what he absolutely loved most about being with Trilby even before they'd begun dating. He wasn't afraid to tell her his thoughts and she made it so simple to do. He turned his head slowly so that he was facing Trilby and leaned his head against the wall to listen as the story took a turn for the worse.

When she mentioned the misunderstanding that the couple had had, Sebastian frowned slightly. He couldn't believe how stupid the two had been. What a dummy...he should've just come out with it. Then none of this would've happened Sebastian thought to himself and immediately another thought came to mind. Yea, so why haven't you then? he asked himself silently. Pulling himself from this troubling thought, Sebastian began listening again. He must have missed something because Trilby was now talking about weddings.

Sebastian felt Trilby's hands shaking and he squeezed hers slightly, hoping to steady her. He was feeling a bit anxious too, and as Trilby reached the end of the story, he had begun to tap his leg nervously against the opposite wall. When Trilby finished and lay her head against his shoulder, Sebastian stood silent for a long while.

"Whoa..." he murmured and then fell into silence again. For him, the biggest thing in the story was about missed opportunities and not taking advantage when you had the moment. Sebastian knew that he'd certainly missed out on some opportunities, especially when he'd first realized he liked Trilby. When he'd finally admitted to her that he liked her, things had gone much farther than he had been ready for them to though he had done nothing to stop the situation. And, he'd ended up sending Trilby running to someone else."I..." he began nervously and then quieted and began to tap his foot again. "I can't believe they did this" he said, not saying what he had beginning to say as he waved his hand toward the center of the small room, though the pair had already disappeared, "all because of a misunderstanding. He should have told her how he felt and not let her get away, and she...she shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." Sebastian looked down at their linked hands.
Trilby raised her head slowly from it's resting place on his shoulder, feeling the slight chill that the presence of the ghosts usually created disappear. She did not venture to look about her just yet though but looked up at Sebastian.
"It was a different time, feelings were not spoken of quite so enthusiastically as they are now. As chivalrous and noble as his heart may have been, his position in life would have made him feel that he had not the right to offer her his love. It sounds silly today by our standards sure but ... then," this time she did look over to where there was nothing left but a clear view to the back of the heavy curtain, "then if you think about it, what boys do you know go about telling girls what they think of them?"

She smiled at him tilting her face up and kissing him gently before stepping away from him and walking to the window to look out across the beautiful gardens. Trilby wished boys were not so complicated. If only Carlisle had been more open with her, if only Xavier had spoken sooner of his feelings; if only Sebastian had as well. With a sigh she wiped the glass with the cuff of her jumper as she stared out.
"Maybe she didn't think she was jumping to conclusions. Perhaps he had given her no other choice but to think those things. Lack of communication has an awful lot to answer for" she mused.
Sebastian listened to Trilby and nodded his head slowly, agreeing that times were different. Not so much different though, since she was also right about guys not telling girls what they thought about them. He smirked, wondering what she would think if she knew what he'd been about to tell her a moment before. As she kissed him again and then stood up, Sebastian's eyes followed her as she made her way to the window and then he closed them and leaned his head back.

He opened one eye as she spoke again, saying that lack of communication was a big problem. "Ain't that the truth..." he murmured softly enough that he hoped she didn't hear. Sebastian sat up a little more as he pulled out his wand and twirled it slowly between his fingers. "You know...that's what I love about us" he said, testing the word out slowly. " We don't have those communication problems, right?" he said gingerly as he missed a finger and sent his wand spiraling on the ground where it rolled towards the curtain. Letting out a curse that he quickly apologized for, Sebastian hopped off the window seat and walked over to his wand, kneeling down to pick it up. It had landed in the area where the two ghosts had been laying and Sebastian couldn't help but reach out a hand to touch the ground where they'd rested.
Trilby cast her gaze from the window to where her boyfriend was now picking something up from the floor. She watched him with a degree of amusement. It was hard to imagine that they had taken so long to get together, not very long in the grand scheme of things but long enough, considering everything that had happened in between. At times her mind and heart drifted to Xavier and she knew this could not be helped, especially now in view of what Gabrielle had revealed to her. Thinking back on it now the ghosts story had sounded so very much like theirs except for the suicidal part of course.

She sighed at his choice of words, love ... she had never thought to hear Sebastian say that word but found she did like when he did. Communication was definitely not her strong point and she knew it was because of all the secrets that had been kept from her growing up. How could she learn to effectively communicate with those she cared about when her own father repeatedly cut her out from important parts of her own history.

"I don't think we have those kind of problems" she told him, sitting down once more and watching him steadily. Trilby would have to tell him, knew in her heart of hearts that she would have to speak about everything now so that the very words she had just uttered would not be false but it weighed heavily on her. How could she tell Sebastian that she had broken up with Xavier for all the wrong reasons... that he had never intended to finish with her at all. There was only one question she had to ask herself, perhaps the communication problem was not between her and others but between herself and her own heart. Slowly she rose and walked towards him, kneeling where he was and covering his hand with her own. She was crazy about Sebastian, always had been. Trilby smiled at him then, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"I love us too".
Sebastian turned around when he heard Trilby agree that they didn't have communication problems. Some part of him breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she agreed with him. Trilby had become such an important part of his life that he didn't want to have any secrets from her, and after hearing that story he wanted to be sure that they always remained open and honest with each other.

As she walked over to him, Sebastian realized that he'd been nearly frozen in place waiting for her answer. Before he could get up, Trilby was beside him, her hand on his own. It felt warm and sent a tingle through him. He didn't move as she kissed him on the cheek and then uttered the words he'd been hoping to hear. He knew he wasn't ready to say the big three words yet, but it was as close as he was comfortable getting and to hear the words repeated to him sent his heart pounding so quickly that he was sure Trilby could hear. A broad grin crossed Sebastian's face, one that would take a lot to evaporate. "I'm glad" he said softly.

Behind the curtain, the shadows of dozens of feet moving to their next class could be seen, but Sebastian wasn't paying it any attention. Thanks to Trilby's muffliato charm, the noise from the student's could not be heard. Standing up, Sebastian kept his hand wrapped around Trilby and lifted her up and into a hug. With his arms wrapped tightly around her, Sebastian breathed in the scent of her hair. "You never did meet my grandmother, Tril. She's been threatening to send me a howler if I don't promise to have you come around this summer" he said, smiling into Trilby's hair as he recalled his gran's latest letter. The woman was driving him mad with her badgering. In between her constant questions about his OWL preparations and questions about his girlfriend, he was surprised that his grandmother remembered to ask him how he was.
It seemed completely effortless how he stood up and hoisted her up with him, straight into his arms. Her own instantly embraced him and she found herself smiling. When he spoke she moved a little so as to be able to look up at him.
"Tell her a howler won't be necessary, I'd love to meet her. Really I would" Trilby smiled at him again, realizing how closely they were pressed to one another and able to recall in that moment with perfect clarity how they had been much closer once upon a time. Colour suffused her cheeks as she realized also in that moment that she was no longer embarrassed about that, but more so about the yearning within her to reconnect with him again. Amazed at how brazen her thoughts had suddenly gotten, she wondered if there was some kind of enchantment on the area but knew that was absurd.

Tilting her face up to his, her lips found his and she kissed him tenderly. Trilby felt once more as if her body were awakening from it's slumber, it was as if it recognised Sebastian's touch and scent and reveled in the familiarity of him. She almost ached as her body cut through the tiny distance that had been left between them, molding herself against him as her mouth continued to lay siege to his own. A delightful moan escaped her and suddenly she was breaking a part her lips from his. Gasping as if the very air was being sucked out of the confined alcove.
"Sorry" she whispered breathlessly, "I didn't mean to get ... carried away."
Sebastian couldn't supress the grin on his face when Trilby said that she'd love to meet his grandmother. The older woman was going to be positively thrilled to hear the news. "Thanks" he said, a feeling of contentment coming over him. He suddenly realized how close they were to each other and was about to give Trilby another kiss when suddenly her lips were on his own. As their lips continued to stay in contact, Sebastian could feel his heart begin to race and his grip on Trilby shifted so that one hand was in her hair, nearly tangled. He tried to pull her closer but it was impossible to do as they were close enough already. He was beginning to feel light-headed, nothing but the feel of her hair in one hand and the feel of her shirt under his arm as he kept his arms wrapped around her. Their kiss was one that Trilby would have had to give them detention for if she happened to be on duty. Thankfully, she wasn't.

It had been a long time since they'd kissed that way and when Trilby broke the kiss, he found that his breathing was ragged. Images of their time in the greenhouse flashed in his mind and Sebastian just shook his head as Trilby whispered an apology. "...Don't apologize" he said in a hoarse voice. Realizing that all he wanted to do was pull her back into him and continue where that kiss had left off, Sebastian knew that he needed to get some space in between them. He let go of Trilby but brushed her cheek tenderly to let her know it wasn't because he was mad.

"I don't want us rushing into anything again" he said, his voice still much lower though his breathing was nearly back to normal. It took all of Sebastian's self-control to say those words and only because Trilby had been his best friend first before becoming his girlfriend was he able to really believe what he was saying. If he tried hard enough, it would be easy to feel the sting of how Trilby had treated him after they'd gotten carried away and he was scared to have something like that happen again. Not that he thought it would, but still.
Trilby stepped away from him and gazed up at him then. She smiled knowing he was right of course, she could not tempt either of them to go down that road again not when it had been so disastrous the last time. But she was aching and could feel every tingle from her body as surely as if he were actually touching her now. Her heart felt like agony and she could not explain what was happening to her. As she looked at her bestfriend though it slowly dawned on her.

She could not and did not want to lose him ever, he was her best friend first and foremost and meant the world to her. It was her conversation with Gabrielle that had ignited these reactions. Somehow she wanted to wipe Xavier from her by any means possible. Erase him from her heart and body and soul as if he had never been there. Not once since she had begun dating Sebastian did she consider that he was the 'rebound' guy in all of this but now as she looked at him, she was so very much afraid that was what had happened. Trilby hated that, did not want to believe it for even a moment. She was happy with him, was crazy about him but his friendship meant so much more to her than any other type of relationship they ever had.

At some point she knew she would have to tell him about her break up with Xavier, explain to him that it had been a mistake, her mistake but she wasn't sure she was brave enough to do that just yet. In a heartbeat she was back before him, her arms about him and her head on his shoulder. It would hurt her to be the cause of any pain to him, she seemed to be making a habit of hurting the male contingents in her life of late. Her father, Xavier and Sebastian when she told him everything.
"I know" she whispered turning her face to his, her lips found his again. A tear fell unbidden down her cheek. She felt as if she could not help herself now. She wanted Sebastian, she needed him... she had to rid herself once and for all of any emotion left for Xavier. She had to.

The urgency of her mouth increased, she did not want them to rush either but the ache she felt inside wanted to be healed. Her body pressed against him again, her hands finding their way under the hem of his shirt to touch the smooth contours of his waist. Contact ... she sighed against his lips because of it, wanted so much more. It was as if her body demanded one thing from her while her mind tutted silently in a corner, begging to be allowed to say 'stupid girl' at a later time.
"I need you" was all she could manage in that moment, the desperate hunger ripping through her. It was almost as if whatever feelings the ghostly couple had shared for one another were mingling with her own, heightening every sense she had, every want and desire.
Even after what Sebastian had said aloud, his body was at war with his mind. He knew it was a very, very bad idea to stay close to Trilby right now and if he had any smarts, he should have just turned around and left her in the alcove alone. If he did that, neither one of them would do anything that could later be regretted. His only other option was to stay, but he knew that if he did, his minimal self-control was sure to lose. He didn't have much time to consider either option though because a moment later, Trilby was agreeing with him yet was kissing him again. There was something much more intense about this kiss though. And as he returned it, he felt something wet fall onto his cheek and realized that Trilby was crying. He had no clue why and Sebastian's hand lifted to press against her cheek, the drop being hidden under his thumb.

As their kisses became more intense, Sebastian became even more confused. Is this some kind of test? he wondered as she touched his skin and his breathing kicked up a notch. Was she trying to see if he would know to stop before it was too late or did she truly not care? Her fingertips were like fire on his waist and Sebastian recalled the last time he'd felt this way. It hadn't been too long after she was touching him before he'd lost all sense of control. By now, he really didn't want it to stop and reached his hand down to her neck, caressing it gently as he slipped his tongue in her mouth. "Trilby, we should stop" he moaned, punctuating each word with another kiss as he pulled her to him and backed himself into one of the walls. It was his last ditch attempt to give her an out if she wanted one because he knew that noone would hear them and because of the haunting here, it was unlikely that they would be interrupted.

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