This and That

Nadia Kaster

finding talent; hidden; retired journalist
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Dragon Heartstring Core
It was somewhere towards the middle of the day as Nadia Kaster sat in her chair in the Hogwarts Monthly office, writing out a bunch of different questions she wanted to include in her interviews. She wasn't sure when the next issue of the Magazine was due to comme out, but she so very much wanted to be prepared.She didn't want to end up confused and behind because she hadn't been prepared for what Dimitri wanted them to do. She looked at her notepad and scripted out even more questions, she wouldn't be able to ask all of them obviously, but she wanted to atleast have them there, for if she needed them she would know where to find them. Afterall, her mother had told her many times that it was better to have too many then not enough. She bit her lip. She had not thought of her mother in just over three years. Not since ending her depression at least. She sighed and looked at the locket around her neck. On the left side was a picture of her Biological Family and on the right was her Kaster adoptive family. She smiled at the pictures as she then closed the locket.

Nadia sttod up and moved away from the desk. She wasn't sure why, but for now she wasn't really in the mood to do anything on her tasks. She laughed slightly as she walked over to the archives and riffled through some of the previous newspapers. It was just as she expected. Noone had ever thought up a Professor and Student spotlight. She sighed, that also meant that she was going to have no help on the subject. She supposed that she didn't mind too much. Atleast this would sort of be her legacy. She closed the archives and went back over to the desk. She was newly refreshed and ready to write again.
Samual Pace Kaster skipped around the Hogwarts Monthly office, the curly haired Gryffindor didn't have much to do, considering his work relied on other people, thankfully, he had decided to stay up late last night in order to get through everything so he had today totally free, since he had some light homework to finish off. But now that was finished, so he had nothing to do but wonder around. He hadn't seen Kate, but he hoped she was okay, the last time they spoke was not exactly the best memory Samual could use to remember her by, since they were both in the dungeons, Kate crying her eyes out, and Samual near crying also. He shook the thought from his mind and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Sammy rarely wore his glasses, because they were mainly for reading, sometimes his eyes had a little trouble with focusing on words when they were small, or messy writing. Samual looked out a window, it was a really beautiful outside, and he was tempted to go out and have a run around, but he had something more important to do. Find Nadia. They had been working together for a little bit, Sammy occasionally gave her some advice for questions, he wasn't sure if he was actually any help, but he tried and in a way, it helped him too. He stopped as he passed his workspace and looked under the desk, was Nadia here? Nope.

Samual continued searching around, checking some of the most stupid places, like under quill boxes and chairs. He knew that Nadia wouldn't be under those, but he just felt like searching everywhere. When he saw Nadia sitting at her desk, a big grin crossed his face. Quietly, he tottered up to his best friend/niece/work mate and wrapped his arms around her in a big hug. "Nadia!" He cheered happily, nudging his head against hers. "I missed you!"
Nadia was continuously scribbling questions in her notebook when she suddenly heard Sammy's voice screaming her name. She smiled, happy and looked up to see him. He seemed to have been looking for something. Her maybe? She smiled and stood up and enveloped her best friend in a tight hug. He had been there even before Tamalia, it was funny to think of now though. She released him and slid back onto her desk, smilng brightly again. "Hey there Sammy, what are you doing here hey?" She asked curiously. "Don't you have something to do? Being with friends?" She wondered looking out the door to see if anyone was there. Though she could see no-one. Strange. She shrugged and looked at Sammy again. "Where you looking for me?"
Samual moved his curls out of his emerald eyes with a flick of his head, and smiled happily. Considering sometimes Sammy wasn't a total fan of writing, being someone that preferred to mess around with more physical things, like creating things and planting, since writing wasn't always a strong point. But working with Nadia at the Hogwarts Monthly had brought out a far more studious side to his usually hyperactive personality, and he was proud to say that he was happy to be a studious Gryffindor, because it was still loads of fun. Probably because he got on so well with Nadia, and they tended to secretly work together as much as possible because that just made everything more fun. "Oh I was just doing some light cleaning." He explained gesturing to his now totally organised desk. Samual liked things being in order, it was a little knack he had about everything being in its place, it also meant that he rarely lost things too. Hogwarts New Zealand was a big school, and Sammy knew all too well that if he sat something down, he could very well forget about it, and then lose it forever, so he tried his best to keep a tab on his belongings and where he put them all. right now, if he remembered correctly, Kate had two of his jackets, though she needed them far more than he did when he gave them to her, and they had both sort of forgotten to meet up again, enabling Kate to return them, so the young Gryffindor wasn't that worried at all.

When Naida asked her second question, Sammy laughed quietly, and shook his head. Currently, he had absolutely nothing to do, it was quite boring actually, he had to keep himself entertained. "Nope, I've got nothing." He answered, shrugging slightly. "I'm not sure where everyone is, I hadn't planned anything today, so no-one is expecting me anywhere." He continued. It felt weird not needing to go somewhere, since he seemed to always be needing to talk to someone, or running into someone, but not right now. It was somewhat refreshing. Once again Sammy nodded and spoke, "Yeah, I was bored and wanted to see it you needed any help with anything." Sitting on Nadia's desk quietly, Sammy waited for her reply with a subtle smile on his face.

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