Third Years Lesson Two

Mallory was ready for today's lesson, sure it would prove to be interesting for her third years. She was wearing powder blue robes today, Aster’s dotted throughout her mahogany braid. She smiled warmly at her students as they filed into class. She stood from her desk, running her fingers gently over Amara’s back as she had curled up in the corner of the desk. “Dobroye utro, my dears,” She greeted fondly. “We’ll be covering two charms today. Can anyone tell me what the cheering charm is?” She asked, pointing to a student with their hand raised. “Prevoskhodno, very good, two points for you.” She leant against the edge of her desk, one hand on the top, the other resting on her stomach.

The Cheering Charm is used to cheer a person up, or make them happier. This sounds like a wonderful spell, but please, my dears, be careful.” She urged her students, looking to each of them as she continued. “The Cheering Charm should only be used on humans. The side effects for the use of this charm on animals is completely unknown, so please keep that in mind. In order to perform this spell to cheer up yourself as the caster, you need to be able to feel happiness as well.” She went on, taking a few sips of her water. “You need to be concentrating on happy thoughts and memories, but the effects of this charm can vary and it is possible to overuse it.

Mallory was careful with this, wanting to impart the seriousness of her words to the students. “The least you could do with the spell is to make another person feel a sense of contentment, and the effect for its overuse is making one go through a fit of hysterics and uncontrollable laughter. If you want to practice this spell, you can practice it in the class once we've finished here. You should be very careful with this, my darlings, as this spell is one that deals directly with ones emotions, it's very personal and you shouldn't use it liberally.” She stopped in the middle of the room, looking over her students and pausing a moment to ensure they understood her.

She softened again, smiling as they continued the lesson. “But we are learning two spells today, my dears. Can anyone tell me what the locomotion charm is?” She called on a different student this time, smiling brightly at their answer. “Very good, dorogoy, two points for you as well.” She clasped her hands again and placed her hand back on her pregnant belly.

The Locomotion Charm allows you to move things. This is the charm I would like you to focus on today, darlings. It relies on the caster's capability in magic and their concentration. The heavier the object, the harder it will be to move it. The bigger it is, the harder it is, and so on.” She moved to sit down again, her feet hurting, unthinkingly smoothing a hand over her robes. “The incantation is Locomotor and you just point your wand at it. If you're successful the object should follow the direction of your wand,” she flicked her own wand, filling the room with several objects, from marbles to bricks, to larger items like bowling balls and thick dictionaries.

Please do remember to be careful my dears. Now, pay attention, we’re going to go over the wand movements and charm pronunciation again,” Mallory reviewed the charms a few more times with them, and when she was sure they had gotten it, she settled into her chair. “Alright, darlings, go ahead and practice your charms for the remainder of this lesson. I’ll be right here, do feel free to come to me for assistance.”​
Audrey was bright and chipper heading into Charms class, taking a seat close to the front of the class. Sure, it was a bit of a teacher's pet kind of deal, but she didn't care when it came to Charms, her favourite subject. She beamed up at the professor, actually pretty impressed that she still was able to look so stylish and had clearly spent the time styling her hair with the obvious hindrance. She immediately raised her hand when they were asked about the spells, grinning when she was called on to answer. "It's a spell that makes people cheer up, like, totally extra happy and stuff." She was also just relieved to get in and answer a question before Teddy did, since he was being extra annoying.

Audrey pondered a little as the professor explained the bad side effects of the charm to people. You had to be cheerful yourself, so it was kind of a way of making your happiness infectious. Like how if you laughed and it made other people laugh too. Except in this case, they would be forced to actually laugh by magic. Maybe it needed a bit of refining, though if you could cast a light version of it it might be nice when you had a friend feeling down. Or maybe she could just cast it on her father so he'd stop being such a stick in the mud. Before she realized it, they were on to the locomotion charm, which someone else explained. This would be something more useful than summoning for momentum. Audrey had practiced it a little for beater practice, so she was going to show off a little.

"Locomotor," she said, pointing at one of the marbles and having it start rolling around in a circle on the table. With a flick of her wrist, she had the marble start rolling in figure 8s, faster and faster and...rolling off the table as she lost control of it. Audrey looked away, trying not to make it too obvious, and quickly summoned her marble back. She did want to practice bowling with the bowling ball, having seen what it looked like once, but figured she needed pins for that and she didn't know how to conjure those yet. She kept practicing the spell, not losing her patience and control this time, until the class came to an end.
Teddy arrived for Charms and spotted Audrey looking particularly bright and happy. "What's put you in such a good mood?" he asked, taking a seat also at the front of the class. He felt a pang of disappointment when Audrey answered the first question, knowing he could have nailed that one. Teddy took notes throughout the lesson. He wondered why the side effects for the use of the Cheering charm on animals is completely unknown, had no one thought to look into it? Seemed a bit odd he thought. When the second question was asked he raised his hand. "It allows you to move an object in any direction," he answered, feeling happy as he also earned points for his house.

Teddy spent the rest of the lesson practicing the Locomotor Charm, a bit let down that they weren’t practicing the Cheering Charm too. Pointing at the marbles first, he cast "Locomotor" then moved on to heavier items once he was ready. He could feel the weight resistance increase with each items, but by the end of the lesson, Teddy had successfully lifted both the dictionary and the bowling ball with the spell. Satisfied with his progress, he packed up his belongings and was ready to leave the class.
Callie walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She took out her notes and books and placed them down in front of her as the professor got started on the lesson. The cheering charm. She thought that was an interesting and odd charm. What it might do and what it could be used for. She took some notes as the professor told them about the spell though it was clear that they wouldn’t be practicing that spell, which Callie thought did make a lot of sense. It couldn’t be an easy charm to cast without issues. The professor moved on to the next charm, and she took notes about that too. They were then allowed to practice the latter charm, and callie did so, getting pretty good at it by the time the professor was wrapping up the lesson and dismissing them.
Enoch walked into the charms classroom and took the same spot as the previous week. He glanced up at the professor as the woman got started and then was immediately nervous. He wasn’t quite sure what made him nervous about the cheering charm, but it was almost like he could assume that Dante would try and intentionally cast it on him. He listened along vaguely, but was glad when they weren’t to practice it and instead moved on to the next spell, which he was much happier to cover and glad to cover. He took the time to listen to this and then the professor had them practicing it. Which Enoch did, just glad to not to the other one. He practiced until the professor wrapped the lesson up and he was able to leave the room.
Marley enjoyed charms, she was always happy to be learning about new spells and charms. There was always something new to learn at Hogwarts. The Hufflepuff happily made her way to her Charms classroom. Once she had arrived, she sat in her usual spot, took out her things and placed the items on the desk in front of her.

Marley quickly focused on the professor as the professor started the lesson. She made sure to take note of everything the professor was saying and note down the answers her classmates were saying when answering the questions. Marley was glad to hear that they were learning about two spells. Marley made sure to take note of everything being said about the cheering charm. The next charm they were learning was the Locomotion charm, and Marley made sure to make a note about this charm, as she didn't want to forget about anything. She made sure to make a note of the incantation as well as the movement of the wand. It wasn't long before they were told to practice the Locomotion charm. It took Marley a few times til she got it right, but she didn't mind. Once she had got it right, Marley made sure to practice it a few more times as she knew practice was always good to do.

It wasn't long before the lesson had come to an end and they were dismissed for the day. Marley was glad to hear that they didn't have any homework to do. She packed up her things, putting her things away in her bag, as well as tidying up her area. She says a quick thanks and goodbye to the professor before heading out the door with her friends and the rest of her classmates.
Lucy thought charms was, well, charming. She entered the classroom, looking forward to learning. Of course, Audrey and Teddy were quick to answer the questions asked by the professor, which Lucy found more amusing than anything. They were always trying their best, and Lucy admired them for it. The cheering spell sounded useful to Lucy, but maybe no always appropriate. It wouldn't solve problems, not really. The professor moved on to the next spell, Lucy paying close attention before practicing it herself. She found herself unusually proficient at it, at least with the marble. Once she moved onto the bowling ball she found it a bit tougher, but Lucy managed it with a heap of concentration. Lucy almost had a headache from thinking so hard by the end of class, but that was faded into the background from the feeling of a job well done.
It seemed like the second charms lesson would be quite a busy one as Professor Grayveson confirmed they would be learning two spells. She took her seat and Professor Grayveson got things started by asking students what they knew about the cheering charm. She was beaten to answering the question by Audrey Beauchamp which disappointed her but she turned her attention back to Professor Grayveson as she continued the lesson and moved onto the Locomotion charm.

After going through what they charms did, they moved onto arguably the more important thing, the wand movement and incantation. Millie made a note of them as it was the best way for her to remember them. Once they were finished with that part of the lesson they were instructed to practice for the rest of the lesson. Millie partnered up with Veronica and got to work alternating between the two spells. When the lesson was over Millie put away her notes and wand and once they had been dismissed she left the classroom.

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