Third Years Lesson One

Mallory had set up the classroom the way she liked, giving it a quick cleaning that morning before arranging her desk. Amara was curled underneath her large oak desk, fast asleep, and all of Mallory’s notes and lesson plans were arranged neatly on the desk itself, turned to face out to the rows of seats so she could sit and still supervise her students.

She had decorated the desk with a line of flowers, most of them shorter, creating a small barrier along the edge of the desk that she could still see over. She had taken care getting dressed that morning, her light soft lilac robes swishing gently around her feet and her dark mahogany hair pulled back in a braided chignon. Thankfully, Tyra had been kind enough to adjust all of her robes to accomadate for her growing belly. Mallory placed a protective hand over her baby, smiling softly to herself.

She rose from her desk as the students filed in, smiling kindly as the last of them settled in their seats. She clapped her hands lightly to get their attention, looking over the fresh young faces of the third years. “Dobroye utro, good morning my dears,” She greeted gently, her Russian accent a more subtle but still there. “My name is Professor Mallory Corrins, and I’ll be your Professor until fifth year,” She raised a hand, the chalk raising to write out her name in an elegant script behind her.

By now, Mallory was feeling almost completely at ease. “Now, all of you have chosen to be here. I would love the chance to get to know each of you, and work on a personal study plan so I can assist each of you in the best way possible,” she spoke, looking out to the smaller group of third years.

Today, I would like each of you to work together in groups, at least two each, please, and begin your reading for the semester. Today I’d like you to read over these charms, if you can,” She flicked her wrist, the board filling with the charms for the semester. “Take notes, write down any questions you may have, we’ll begin our charm work next week. I would like each of you to make an effort to stop in and see me, we can talk during todays lesson if you’d like, but my office is also open from breakfast until dinner every day. I want to see each of you personally before the next lesson so we can discuss what you’d like to get from this class,

She smiled, sitting at her desk and placing a hand on her stomach. “That’s all for today, my dears,” she smiled fondly at her students.

Rp for full marks

Charm List:
Cheering Charm
Locomotion Charm
Engorgement Charm
Shrinking Charm
Fire-Making Spell
Wand-Writing Spell

Visiting Mallory is optional but encouraged, message me on this account if you'd like to set something up.
Audrey was really excited to go back to Charms, it was her favourite class of all and she loved learning new interesting spells. Especially because they were spells with common applications - that also let Audrey ponder what other applications they might have, and how she could tweak the spells to use them differently. She did pause a little seeing Professor Grayveson waiting to welcome them all to class - her pregnancy was pretty noticeable, and it made Audrey double-take. She wondered if there were charms to make pregnancy less horrible. From what she'd read, it sounded absolutely miserable and she didn't get why anyone would willingly put themselves through it, but Professor Grayveson seemed as kind and patient as ever.

Of course, Audrey had read up on the charms they'd be learning. She'd read up on them the second she'd gotten her textbook last year, and she'd tried a couple she knew she could get away with. She didn't really have the opportunity to try the fire-making spell, as even Audrey wasn't foolhardy enough to try something like that unsupervised. At least, not when she was trying it for the first time. She didn't want to get in trouble and lose house points. Audrey made a note to maybe go see the professor for more spell work, or at least for some guidance to make sure she was completely acing everything. Though she hoped she wouldn't have to talk about the whole pregnancy thing. Audrey liked Professor Grayveson, but she didn't think she could stop herself from being entirely earnest about her opinions. She finished listing all the spells in her overly loopy handwriting and headed out when they were dismissed.
Teddy enjoyed Charms, though perhaps not as much as Audrey. He didn't have a specific plan for what he wanted to learn, he just wanted to learn everything. While "everything" might not be the most specific goal, it was exactly what Teddy aspired to by mastering all the charms and achieving top grades in the process. He read through the spells they were covering this semester. He was particularly interested in the Cheering Charm, thinking of a few classmates who could definitely use it. As the lesson concluded, Teddy gathered up his belongings and left the classroom.
Callie walked into the charms classroom and immediately noticed that the professor was pregnant, at least she assured that the professor was. She took her spot in the class and glanced up at the woman as she got started. Callie was very curious about what they might cover within this class and was eager to get started on it. She didn’t mind working in groups or coming up with a study plan, those were all normal things in a school setting. She nodded and then the lesson was wrapped up. She made a plan to come speak to the professor soon enough, and knew she’d bring a little present for her too.
Enoch walked into the charms classroom and immediately went to sit in his usual spot, without so much of a glance at the professor. He looked at the woman and then back at his notes, he was a little frustrated that they would need to work in groups, he always worked better alone, and rathered working alone than with other people. He just was better at it, could control it more, could currently, forgo it more. The teen wasn’t too surprised that this lesson was short, he packed up his things and headed out the moment he could definitely not intending to come see her at any point.
Friday walked into the charms classroom and took a spot near the back of the room. She glanced at the professor and huffed a little as the professor told them that they would have to do a personal study plan, and that they were to meet with her, and to work with others, all things he wasn’t that interested in doing but seemingly would have to. She rolled her eyes and then headed out of the charms room the moment she could decidedly not sticking around.
Marley was excited to learn new charms, even though she wasn't the greatest when it came to learning the spells, she was always eager and happy to try new things anyway. The Hufflepuff excitedly made her way to her charms classroom. Once she arrived, she took a seat in her usual spot and took out the things she needed for the lesson, before placing them on the desk in front of her.

Marley moved her attention towards the professor as the professor got started with the lesson. It looked like they weren't going to be learning anything new today. Marley didn't mind being put into groups or pairs. She sat with her group as she was told to do and began looking over the charms that was on the board. The Hufflepuff made sure to take note of all the charms that were all on the board as well as making sure to learn the brief description of each.

It wasn't long before the lesson had come to an end and they were dismissed. Marley was relieved when there was no homework. The Hufflepuff quickly packed up her things and put them in her bag, as well as tided up her area. Marley says a quick thanks and goodbye to the professor before heading out of the classroom with her friends and the rest of her classmates.
Charms was always a fun class - the spells were just so enjoyable to do! Lucy had a feeling they wouldn't be getting straight into first class, which she was a little disappointed by, but she was looking forward to the lesson nonetheless. She thought the professor looked a bit different - was her belly a bit bigger? The thought of her maybe being pregnant consumed Lucy's mind. Babies were pretty cute, after all, in Lucy's opinion. She got distracted and didn't pay proper attention but got down most of what was important (she hoped). It looked to be an interesting semester as she looked up the spells and took notes. Before she knew it, the class had ended and she went on her way.
Bailey had mentioned that Professor Corrins had gotten married and was now Professor Grayveson but what she didn’t expect when she made her way into the classroom for the first Charms lesson of the semester was to find her professor to be noticeably pregnant. She smiled warmly at the woman as she walked past her to take her seat and waited for her to start the lesson.

Millie had always liked Professor Grayveson, she was a very welcoming and encouraging professor and that couldn’t be said about everyone on staff, Veronica and Bailey always insisted she looked just like their mother, but Millie couldn’t see it, not that she could remember much of what she looked like anyway. She always ignored her sisters whenever they brought it up, it was just such a weird thing to say about their charms professor.

Not many professors wanted to deal with their students one-on-one, let alone develop a personal study plan. She took out her quill and wrote down the list of spells they would be learning during the semester and once the professor was finished explaining and told them to pair up, she did so with Veronica and they spend the rest of the lesson going through the first part of the reading. Once the lesson was over, Millie packed away her notes and made her way out of the classroom once they had been dismissed.

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