Third Time's the Charm

Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Estrella was quite irritated with the fact that she hadn't been able to find anywhere private to practice in this gargantuan school, running into person after annoying person. First, it had been some rather giggly Gryffindor first years, and then it had been Bella, telling her how she had changed and not improving her mood a bit.

So, a few days later, she decided that she would try the dungeons, as they were a rather dark place that not many students dared to venture into. Her face was cold stone as she pushed on the door of a seemingly empty classroom, smirking as she viewed its wide space and lack of people in general. Shutting the door behind her, she locked it with Collorportus for more reinforcement that others would not bother her, her expression focused on an empty vial that sat on a shelf.

Hoping that she wouldn't be busted for destruction of school property or anything, she held it in her hands, dwelling on the current things that made her angry. People in general were one thing, although she had allowed herself to push Kale from her mind.

Her dark eyes screwed up in concentration, she gave a sigh of frustration as not just the vial she had been focusing on burst into shards, but the whole shelf along with it. Repairing what she could with magic, she flopped onto a bench, pulling a shard out of her palm and wondering when she was going to ever get this right. She was a rather impatient person, and did not want to practice at it as her father had told her to.
Sophia walked through the Dungeons carrying her Self-Stirring Cauldron, which contained some utensils and ingredients to make some potions. She reached the door of the room she normally practiced in and reached out with her left hand. When she pulled back however, the door did not open. "That is odd," she muttered and pulled out her wand. "Alohomora" she said confidently with a swish and a flick, the lock clicking open with ease.

Stuffing her wand back into her pocket Sophia pulled open the door. She was a bit shocked to see Estrella sitting on a bench within the room. What is she doing here? Sophia thought bitterly as she stepped to the nearest tabletop and set her cauldron down, her expression cold and hard. "Am I interrupting something?"
Estrella jumped as the latch to the door was suddenly unlocked, her face straining in surprise but the color coming back to her cheeks as she observed that it was only Sophia. Pulling a shard of glass out of her hand in irritation, she replied curtly, "It's not just you interrupting something. It's everybody in this whole school; is there anywhere private anymore?" Her tone was not pleasant, but cold and uninviting, her dark gaze trailing to Sophia and then back to her hand.
Not having spoken to Estrella in a bit Sophia had no idea what she was talking about with the whole school interrupting her. "Well, unfortunately you picked the room where I practice potions," Sophia said matter-of-factly as she walked to a cupboard and opened it. Her golden eyes scanning the contents intently.
"Imagine that," Estrella replied dryly, rolling her eyes as she stood up from the desk, watching a blossom of red as it appeared from a cut on her hand, thanks to her inability to control where the shards had gone. SHe looked to Sophia for a bit, and then added, "Lucky you. You can actually find somewhere to practice."

Her coldness towards Sophia was not forced as she used to have to put forth, as it was easy to talk this way to everyone now.
Sophia glanced over at Estrella and noticed some blood on her hand. Turning back to the cupboard she grabbed and a jar and walked over to Estrella. "Give me your hand," she said forcefully, setting the jar on the table and unscrewing the cap. She had decided to ignore Estrella's cold bitterness and focus on fixing her wounds.
Estrella held out her hand, her expression doubtful as she replied incredulously, "Why are you so willing to help me?" She couldn't decide whether this was relieving or embarrassing. She had not been getting along well with Sophia lately, and nothing had been done to change that.
"It is not personal, you are hurt," Sophia stated coldly as she pointed her wand at Estrella's hand. She used Scourgify to clean off the blood and then dabbed some salve onto the cuts.

"There," she said sternly and walked away with the jar in her hands. "I do not have anything to wrap it with, so you will just have to let it air dry for a bit." As she spoke she had closed the jar and returned it to the cupboard.
Estrella winced a bit as her cut was cleaned out, biting her lip against the pain of it. Her expression became blank and drawn once more as Sophia spoke, finding it much easier to be cold and distant to Sophia like she was to practically everyone else. However, she did not feel this time like moving from where she was, as she wasn't going to spend the rest of her school career moving out of the way for other people.

Moving over to another shelf despite the fact that Sophia was in the room, her dark eyes focused on one in the middle. If she could just get one alone with someone else in the room, she would be content and call her practicing a day.

Her face screwed up in concentration, her frustration was reaffirmed as not just the one, but the others on the shelf exploded, repairing them without saying anything. She did not care if this was Sophia's so called space; she had gotten here first, after all.

Why can't I do this? she thought angrily to herself, standing and staring at the shelf with her fists clenched at her sides. The legs on the thing had become loose and the wood splintered, something she could try to repair as best as she could. One of the vials had no chance, and she moved the shards to the side so they would not be stepped on.

"Ugh," Estrella commented out loud, but not directly to Sophia, "He said this should work!"

((I hope it's okay that my character didn't say anything, I wasn't sure how to reply..))
((Well then, I edited it.))
[I did not say it was not all right, I said what if. Oh well, that works better though.]

Sophia was not exactly pleased when Estrella decided to be cold and angry toward Sophia, even after she fixed up her hand. What has gotten into her? she thought as she watched her out of the corners of her golden eyes.

When Estrella exclaimed that he said this should work Sophia walked over to where Estrella was standing. "Who said what would work?" she asked in a plain voice. She was a bit interested in what Estrella was doing, as it dealt with her ability. Being unable to completely control hers Sophia was eager to find out what Estrella knew, but not willing to let Estrella see that eagerness.
Estrella turned to Sophia, her frustrated expression turning cold and blank once more. "Why does it matter?" she inquired, turning back to look at the shelf and not directly at Sophia, "You could seem to care less anyways."
Sophia's golden eyes flared when Estrella snapped at her. "Excuse me?" she asked in a harsh, drawling tone. "Did I or did I not just fix your hand for you?" She crossed her arms over her chest and stared daggers at Estrella, her eyes glowing faintly.
Estrella's dark eyes became fixated on Sophia, returning the same intensity, hers harsh and cold but not glowing, of course. "I never said thank you, did I? You may have healed my hand, but I was under the impression that it was nothing personal." She smirked as she stared back, unintimidated unlike most people would have been. Sophia was a few inches taller than her, but that did not deter her one bit.
Tiny flames flickered within Sophia's golden eyes as she stared at Estrella. Why can she not see that I am actually trying? Completely and utterly frustrated she looked away from Estrella as she felt the rage welling up inside her, her gaze landing on the shelf Estrella had been looking at previously.

The entirety of the shelf burst quite suddenly into flames and Sophia continued to stare at it. She let the rage fill and consume her just as the flames were consuming the old dusty shelves. The glass jars and such on the shelves began to crack and break as the heat reached them, sending them crashing to the floor as some of the shelves began to collapse in the flames.
Estrella jumped backward as the entirety of the shelf she had been working on burst into flames, consuming all the glass she had broken and the wood she had splintered considerably, licking at the bent nails and heating up the glass. The anger leaving her eyes for a moment, she turned to Sophia, commenting, "You've gotten stronger, haven't you?" She had a feeling that Sophia wasn't able to control this, although the display of raw power was impressive. It was quite like when she had ripped up the entirety of her dorm room.
At the sound of Estrella's voice Sophia was pulled back to reality and the flames ceased. What was left of the shelf was small, broken, and charred. She turned to face Estrella with a cold expression. "No, I just have more practice at being angry than you do. I cannot control it or anything like that."
Estrella stared at the shelf as it was crumbled, smirking and replying coldly, "I supposed not. Although I'm going to have some help with mine."

Her dark eyes gleaming, her expression became blank once more. She turned away from Sophia, looking to another shelf.
"Help, what do you mean?" Sophia's expression remained cold but she was quite curious. Professor King had offered to help Sophia with her power, but he did not have one himself, not to mention they were not currently on speaking terms. The only other living person Sophia knew to have Estrella's power was Tristan. Estrella would not ask him for help, would she?
Estrella looked over her shoulder at Sophia, an amused smirk on her face. She wasn't about to tell her exactly who she was getting help from, so she said simply, "Meaning, I might actually be able to get some control. I will just have to see how it plays out." She brought her gaze back to the second shelf, contemplating breaking something else but deciding not to in Sophia's presence. She would rather be able to exercise the power with confidence later instead of showing off now.
Sophia stared at Estrella for a few moments before rolling her golden eyes and walking back to her things. She decided she simply did not care what Estrella did and was not going to compromise her space. Lighting the burner with some of her leftover rage she put her cauldron on it and began working on a potion.
Estrella smirked at Sophia, figuring, I'm not going to be shoved out of here just because she's here. A bit of anger welling up inside her, she concentrated on a large vial, shattering it and most of the others around it successfully. However, it was not as bad as her first attempt, and while she still had virtually no control, there was a tad of improvement. She worked on repairing them, wondering if she was irritating Sophia.

A foul stench reaching her nostrils, she wrinkled her nose, looking to Sophia, and inquiring quietly, "What are you concocting?" It smells terrible, she wanted to add, but she was decided to speak with a passing interest. She wasn't getting anywhere with Sophia in the room anyway,and had nothing else to do?
"I am trying to make Felix Felicis for Ford as a birthday present," Sophia said offhandedly, keeping her golden eyes on the potion. "It is very tricky to make. I have already tried and failed once." Sophia sighed. She did not like admitting that she had failed at something but did not really care at the moment. Her focus was on the potion and the ingredients and such. Sophia wanted to get it just right for Ford.
"Felix Felicis- That's liquid luck, isn't it?" Estrella drawled, moving over to look at the potion. Indeed, the potion would be tricky to make, if it was what she thought it was. She was more than a tad interested. "Well, if it's Sixth Year Level Potions like I think it is, I figure it would take a while to get just right."

Estrella wasn't being overly friendly, but not overly nasty, either. She was more intrigued than anything.

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