((Sorry in advance for my monsterly huge post

When Hilary heard the unfamiliar voice she turned her head. "Hilary Grace, at your service." she said with a smile and nod "And welcome to HNZ professor, I guess I'll be in your class next term." She said it happily although she had been sad when she heard about the departure of their previous professors, she had a feeling this guy would do great. After thinking about this briefly she turned her attention to Kat.
Katalina started explaining the drill of getting into groups from your year and practicing spells on each other. She looked around and saw no other fourth years but decided they'd cross that bridge when they got to it. As Kat was passing out the list of spells Hilary looked at a copy and saw some of the new ones she had not tried before. When they were told to start Hilary took her list and went over to one of the dummies.
As a sort of warm up she decided to start at the top of the list with the first year spells and work downwards. She glanced down at it looking for the spells that would work best in this circumstance. She lifted her wand and flourished it at the dummy, "Stupefy!" she called and it was knocked over. She levitated the dummy successfully and stunned the dummy again. As she had a simple dummy, it wasn't about to attack her so she had no need to set up a shield. She opened her bag and sent one of her fake wands over to the dummy and it settled in its hand. "Expelliarmus" she said pointing her wand at the dummy, disarming him.
"Petrificus Totalus" she said knocking the dummy over again. She levitated him back up again and placed him back into his stand.
She was feeling comfortable with these spells and so she tried one she had not used yet, the charm to enlarge things. "Incendio" she mumbled and her dummy lit on fire.... "Fire?, I meant to make the dummy bigger !" she cried out looking down at her list and seeing her mistake with allignment. "Um..." she looked down at the list for a water spell, but didn't see when. Then it struck her, "Finite" Hilary cried out and the small flames ceased.
Going a little red out of embaressment she mumbled apollogize to those around her and decided that that was enough practice for now. She walked over to Kat, "Um Kat, you said to partner up with others from our year but I am the only fourth year. What would you like me to do? I promise that I won't light anyone on fire..." She smiled trying to laugh it off.