Closed There's No Rush

Daiki Saito

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
June 2051 (11)
The library being right across from the hufflepuff common room was certainly going to be good for Daiki. He wasn't the top reader, he liked reading, but tended to read more slowly, absorbing it slowly. He had no rush to finish the books, though he figured he would need to move a little quicker with some of his classes. Daiki was exploring the library slowly, getting a feel for the place, and trying to figure out what he wanted to start with, school or not school. Fiction or non-fiction. Daiki spotted a book he was pretty interested in, and then noted that there was someone, a first year, likely, who was stood in front of exactly where it was. He didn't rush the guy, just stood where he'd spotted it and waited for the guy to move so he could grab the book.
Eli was... well overwhelmed probably wasn't the right word. After Jonah had gone on and on about how he was going to break into the headmaster's office and talk to the hat (which Elijah absolutely did not believe for even a second), he'd moved on and headed straight for the library, leaving Rose to try and deal with whatever situation his brother was going to get himself into. At this moment Elijah wasn't all that interested in what his siblings were doing. He had class work to get ahead on and how was he supposed to do that if this library was so big, it was making him, frankly, quite dizzy. He looked up at a couple of the books he was looking at, but felt no real need to get them at this moment, honestly how his parents had forgotten to prepare him for the sheer vastness of this old library was insanity, the library back in Mohoutokoro was better in that it had some good indexing at least. He noticed a boy standing near to him and frowned, "Oh, sorry, you go," he said, gesturing to the wall of books he'd just been staring up at.

@Daiki Saito
Daiki gave the boy a little smile as he turned to him and shook his head. "It's okay, I'm in no rush, you can finish, whatever it ws you were doing," he said in response, his tone indicating that he really didn't mind waiting for this boy to finish what he was doing. He wanted a book, but he didn't immediately need it, he could just easily wait and then be able to get it. That wasn't going to be a problem for sure.
Elijah muttered under his breath in swift Japanese. Nothing serious, but clearly frustrated. A couple of curses, none of which were aimed at the boy behind him. "I don't actually know what I want, is the problem. I'm used to a be-different index system, this one doesn't make any sense, it's like people pick up the books and shove them wherever they want to," he was sure that wasn't strictly true, because he knew there was at least one librarian around here (had to be!) who probably knew exactly how these stacks were organised, but they weren't organised by decimal or year, were they organised by author's name and subject matter? He looked back up the line of books and frowned. "You don't know where the books on the lake are kept, do you?" If they were organised by author name there was no way he was going to find it.

@Daiki Saito
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Daiki wasn't sure he knew what the be-different indexing system was, but he was pretty sure that this wasn't the way most libraries were, or at least, the way the libraries he'd been to were. He glanced at the books. "They're organized by the dewey decimal system," he replied, pointing to one of the books, where there was the numbers and letters at the bottom. "Might be a bit different from the muggle system, but probably just a little variation of it," he replied. "You probably want geography if you're looking for stuff on lakes, what specifically are you looking for?"
Elijah looked at the books. If this was the Decimal system, it was a very different one than the NDC system he was raised on in Mohoutokoro. He was looking for Geography, which should have put him in the 200 section, but he couldn't seem to figure out there that section was. "I don't know anything about the muggle system, I've not spent too much time with them," he said, shrugging. His dad might have been head of the Muggle Excuse Department in Japan, but he'd never spent much time with Muggles. Mostly he was reading, and the NDC system in Japan made way more sense than whatever these random numbers meant here. "I wanted to know more about the Lake here, people keep telling me there's mermaids and I want to know more about that, but why would you put letters in a decimal system, it's designed for numbers, this isn't algebra." He didn't have anything against muggles, not really, but unlike most wizards his age, he'd read some of the books about he statute of secrecy and knew some of why it was created and enforced.

@Daiki Saito
Daiki nodded, he was a little surprised that this boy knew nothing of the muggle system, explaining it away with hadn't never interacted much with it. But it didn't really matter, he just nodded as the boy explained what he was looking for specifically. "We could split up, I can do magical animals, if you do georgaphy, that way we can cover more ground and find books on it?" he asked. "Or I can ask the librarian, one of them is likely to know the numbers and where exactly they sit,"
Eli thought for a moment, considering the options. "Splitting up sounds like a good plan. I can handle the geography section and see what I can find there. If you focus on magical animals, we'll cover more ground and have a better chance of locating the books we need. If we still can't find everything we're looking for, asking the librarian would be a solid backup. They usually know exactly where things are and can point us in the right direction. That way, we won't waste time searching aimlessly." he said, already heading in the direction he thought, or hoped, he might find geography, since that had been half his problem in the first place.

@Daiki Saito
Daiki nodded in agreement as the boy went over the plan, and then he nodded again. He headed over to the magical animals section, and didn't struggle too much to find the books about the lake. There weren't that many of them, and some seemed to be more general, with only references to lake animals, and at least one short one seemed to be a little more the idea about a giant squid in the lake. He grabbed any of the ones that he thought the boy might want, and then he headed back towards the spot where he had originally found the boy, rather than seeking him out. Though if he wasn't back quickly, he'd go find him.
The books were ordered fairly well now that he sort of understood the system, which would hopefully make them a lot easier to find. He looked for books specifically on the black lake, and then some on the local landscapes. It's hard to know what he might need to find with all of this information now at hand. Gathered five or six books in his arms he heads back to where he saw the previous guy. "I'm Elijah by the way, Eli Edogawa," he said, putting his books back on the table. "I hope we've got enough to cover, thanks for the help, I'm trying to get a head start and it's customary to start the year with a written essay on certain subject elements, I've heard they don't do that here, but I don't want to get out of the practice."
Daiki smiled at the guy as he approached. "Daiki Saito," he introduced back as he placed the books down on the table and then frowned a little, wondering where it was customary to do such things. "Did you go to school before this?" he asked, knowing that some magical kids did, but he hadn't. He could figure this guy, Eli, likely had.
"I went to Mohoutokoro," he said, tilting his head at the guy slightly. His name was Japanese, but he didn't suppose that meant anything really. Just because the other boy had a Japanese name, and possibly Japanese parents, didn't mean he'd been born or raised there. After all, Eli was only half Japanese, but he had been born and raised there, so there was no telling. "They have a day program from the age of seven. I actually thought I'd be attending their boarding program too, like my older siblings, but I guess my parents changed their mind in the last moments and so we came here."
Daiki gave a little nod of understanding, wondering why he was here now if he'd gone to that school before. but as the boy then clarified it made perfect sense, in the way that he knew if this body didn't know, he was never going to. "I was supposed to go to Mohoutokoro's day program but ended up moving here when I was six," he told him. "Did you move to New Zealand too or do you still live in Japan?"
Eli shook his head, "No, we still live in Japan, or... my mum does, and my older siblings, but my dad got a job here, and I think that might be why we are here now too," he said, shrugging. He hadn't asked and honestly he didn't want to know because he was upset enough as it was over the fact that his parents had refused to send him to Mohoutokoro - he didn't see why he couldn't have gone there when Ru and Rica had. Then again, he supposed it would have been unfair to move them to another school when they were currently in their NEWTs year. Still, he wished they would have at least given them the option, now Lewis would be coming here too probably and that just made Eli even more mad. He liked his freedom, and he liked being able to do what he wanted to do. Now he had to look out for his siblings and though he loved them all mostly dearly, he also knew that they were probably going to rely on him way too much and he didn't like that so much. It was one of those things he was going to have to get used to because if he didn't it was just going to cause more problems, and between Jonah and Rose, well, the last thing he needed was problems. "Do you like living in New Zealand? I find it very... loud." The whole place, not just the school.
Daiki nodded, he wasn't sure why if the father got a job in New Zealand why the whole family hadn't moved. That was how Daiki had ended up in New Zealand after all, but he knew his parents had been thinking of moving anyway at the time, and his mother hadn't had a job, so moving for her was just obvious. He gave a little smile. "I don't really remember Japan much," he admitted. "it is different though, some of the customs and mannerisms. I like it, but I've been here longer," Daiki reasoned, not wanting Jonah to think that he thought his opinion about the place were invalid, just that he'd been there longer.
"I think getting used to speaking English all the time is weird," he shrugged, still finding it a weird experience. he was bilingual, so it wasn't that difficult but he often found himself switching into Japanese before remembering that he needed to speak English. Honourifics also confused him sometimes, because that was a massive part of his experience and to suddenly not use them almost felt rude. "I'm very comfortable with English because my mum is American, and she speaks English mostly, but at home we always switched between both, so I have to remember not to do that," he added, flipping open one of the books to glance at it. He didn't really dislike New Zealand all the t much, in fact he thought he was getting pretty used to it, but that didn't mean it wasn't still weird, and there was so much he felt like he was missing out on. The fact his siblings were in different houses hardly seemed to make him feel any better, and he hadn't had the chance to properly speak to them at all yet. He needed to it was just... hard. He knew he was making excuses. "Do you have other family here too? Siblings?" Elijah had too many siblings.
Daiki's own Japanese wasn't the best, given that he hadn't spent that much time in Japan, and apart from his mother he didn't really speak it, and they didn't speak it all that odd. "I don't mind if you switch, though my Japanese isn't the best," he said, not wanting to end up in a situation where he ended up disappointing this guy because his own Japanese wasn't to the right standard for him. "Nah, it's just me, my dad died when I was like seven, so, they weren't able to have more kids," he said with a little shrug. "Do you have siblings here?"
"That's okay, if you left when you were six you probably only learnt the basics, I didn't start learning Kanji characters until I was about seven," he says shrugging, and considering they were very basic like human or moon, he figured Daiki probably wouldn't have gotten much further than those, unless his family wanted to sit and teach him. Now that he'd started at Hogwarts though, he didn't know if he'd have time to learn more than the 825 or so he already knew and there was well over 2000 everyday Kanji to learn, "so I don't blame you honestly if you think your oral Japanese is rusty. I think I might ask my dad to continue my education, I'm sure he'll know most of the ones in Jōyō set, it will be easier than learning out of a text book, let me know if you ever want to learn them too, he loves teaching." Not that he would ever admit to his dad he thought he was a good teacher. "I'm sorry to hear about your dad, that must have been rough," it was hard to imagine what he would be like without either of his parents, and really he didn't want to have to. "I have nine siblings, only about half of them are in the school though."
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Daiki nodded. "I certainly only know the basics, I can listen better than I can speak, since my mother does speak more time speaking it than english," he said with a little shrug. He appreciated that the boy wouldn't judge him for his lackof knowledge of the language he likely was supposed to know more. He shrugged a little at the apology that he made about his dad. "Nine siblings, that much be chaos," he said lightly, laughing a little. He couldn't imagine being that many in his family, or the pressure that it would be on some of the siblings. "What's it like having so many siblings?" he asked.
"It is very chaotic," he agreed, shaking his head. Honestly if it wasn't one thing it was something else, there was never really any moments of true privacy. It had always been hectic because for the older siblings their mum had been pregnant a lot, and it had been a bit similar for Eli and the triplets too until she'd had Lewis. He didn't remember it much though because he'd been like two or three when Lewis had been born and they were so close in age with Sayuri they sometimes joked that she was the fourth triplet. After all they were in the same year and everything. "I don't really know how to compare it since it's just always been my life. I've always had someone that's done something before I even got the chance, like Quidditch, Academia and stuff, it makes it hard to find something that's uniquely yours, you know?"
Daiki listened to what the boy was saing, finding it pretty interesting but also in the same way that he didn't know much about being an only child, Daiki didn't know much about having lots of siblings. "Do you want something which is uniquely yours?" he asked, curious about it, but he couldn't say he wanted that necessarily. He was perfeclty content with the way his life was, and having things which were his.
"Yeah, I think so, it's hard to say, honestly," he said, frowning. He wanted to have something that was his, something that had just his name on it and not the entirety of his family. Even at Mahoutokoro he wouldn't have had something that was uniquely his because it would have been shared with Ru and Rica and the fact that his older siblings had transferred there before they'd finally settled in Japan, that was probably why most of them had settled in Japan, he thought, since it was just something that happened. Would that mean he would settle in New Zealand? He wasn't sure how he would feel about that. "I just want to put my name on something, and say it's mine."
Daiki gave a little nod as he admitted to it about the fact he wanted something he could actually say was his. That his name could be on. "What are you thinking for what that'll be?" he had to imagine that a guy like Eli, was likely to have an idea of what he wanted to achieve so that he could have something to put his name on to.
Eli shrugged. It was something he'd been thinking about but honestly he wasn't sure what he wanted his name on. Sometimes he thought about researching something really cool, and putting his name on that, but there were so many things that it was hard to think of exactly what he wanted his name on. "I would love to make an important discovery, maybe an artefact, or something really valuable to Wizarding Community, but... I don't know, all I know is I dont want it to be Quidditch like my siblings and my mum."
Daiki thought it was very fair that he didn't want it to be like his siblings, but he also wondered what there was left to discover. He wouldn't say that to him, it seemed like a little bit cruel to do so. "I'm sure you'll manage that," he told him with a confident expression. "More than sure of it!"

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