The World is Sick, So Kiss Me Quick

Hetty Riveon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Domino !x
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Hetty sat in a cafè in Oxford Street. It's raining and dark and late. Hetty was lost. She didn't know her way back and her cousins wouldn't buy her a muggle mobile.

The cafè was small with only 2 booths and 2 tables. The tables has food on them and the booth was full.

Sipping a coffee she gripped her coat.
It was getting rather dark and the rain was pouring rather harder than what Devlin had expected. Yet, here he was, walking along the streets of Oxford with only his coat to protect him from the cold. It was not his fault that he cannot conjure up any spell that would keep him dry, after all, he was still underage, and he was pretty much not allowed to use magic out of school. But now that he had thought pf it, there's actually nothing to blame but this stupid classmate of his that had just decided to meet up with him at one of the malls in the said area. Yet, the same classmate had had the guts to actually not appear. How he wished that he could just kill that classmate of his, and Devlin was quite sure that the next time that he would see him, he'll show him not to ever mess with Devlin Howard. He'll definitely show him what he was made of.

Groaning in irritation, he decided to look for a temporary place that could possibly shelter him from this continuously pelting rain. "D@mn rain, when will you ever stop." He muttered to himself as he spotted a rather small and dainty looking cafe. It was the only establishment that was still open at that time, and though he didn't really feel like going into it, he had no other choice. Frowning, he entered the said shop, only to frown even more as he saw that the place was pretty much full. He wouldn't actually want to share any seat with someone, but he didn't really like the idea of getting out once more. So instead, he just decided to stand there, leaning against the wall of the said cafe as he wait impatiently for a seat to be vacant.
Hetty saw a young boy stand at the side. She sighed. "Hey."she called. She waited for the boy to notice her. "You can sit here if you want." she offered politely. She thought about how Luke and Ethan and how they would be looking after Tori. Victoria was only eight and often bit and kicked.

Looking at the boy, she realized he was quite cute and definitely taller then her. She blushed a bit, looking away smirking to herself.
Devlin was quite sure that he had heard someone speak and offer a seat, though he wasn't that sure if the said call was indeed directed to him. Even so, he decided to turn and look at whoever it was that was the owner of the said voice. It was a girl though, and she looks pretty much around his age. Her offer was rather tempting, after all, standing there for quite some time was not really a comfortable position if he may say so. But then again, Devlin wasn't the type to just sit around with random strangers, and he's not also the type to act so friendly and such. And so with that thought, he had just decided to actually ignore her and say nothing at all.

However, after quite sometime of just standing there with no luck of getting any seat at all, he decided even against his will to actually sit with the girl. Pulling a chair out, he sat there wordlessly, looking as uninterested as he was as he glared at crowd before him. How he just wished for the rain to stop just so he would be able to go on his way, but then, by the looks of it, it was far from happening.
When the boy sat down, she smirked inside her head. "Nice to see you not standing around." she joked. Her fingers fiddled with her bracelet. It was a little black thick string one with the Riveon family crest. It was a famous crest, and everyone in the wizarding world knew it. She was sixteen and already famous. Not Harry Potter famous but Malfoy famous. She had survived the great collaspation of Riveon, Catras, Pascot and Hartford, and her father a famous death eater. She was ashamed of her father.

"I'm Heather. But everyone calls me Hetty." she held out her hand to the boy.
It was Devlin's intention to actually ignore everything that the girl would say. He's not really that interested in making friends, and he definitely didn't want to get associated with a random stranger. So, even if she had just decided to talk, he decided not to respond to her at all, but rather, he kept his eyes fixed at the crowd before them. It's not that he was trying to be mean and cold, it was just who he is. He's not a social character after all.

However, though as much as he blocked himself out to this seemingly overly friendly girl, he knew that he couldn't really do that for by the looks of it, he girl would just keep on talking. He turned his attention back to her now, though he didn't really speak at all. But rather, he just looked at her, his eyes boring into hers intently. He can be pretty intimidating at times, and if this girl was just like the others that he had met before, she would just run away and excuse herself to leave him alone.
Heather didn't smile or frown, she just kept her smirk. "Ok, Ill be quiet. Oh and you should know, You don't scare me." she smiled genuinely this time She thought about who this boy was. He was very secretive. Like me she thought. He'll talk to me eventually. She sipped her coffee, an evil scheme thinking up in her inventive mind. Hetty was an inventor and she invented the craziest little gadgets.

Hitting Eureka with her scheme, she decided to put it in action. "You'll have to talk to me eventually you know. You can't stay quiet the rest of your life, little boy." Her plan: aggravate him until he had the nerve to say 'shut up' or 'be quiet'.
Devlin's temper is not one to be tested, after all, he had a very short one and he can barely control himself when he gets angry, however, from the looks of it, this girl who had just introduced himself as Heather didn't seem to notice that he was in no mood to talk. And she was pretty much irritating him at the moment. Just one more word and he will surely explode and who knows what it was that he would be able to do to her. After all, he was already annoyed by the rain, and her constant talking was certainly adding to that building irritation.

When she had called her a a little boy, Devlin's temper had snapped. That was the last straw and he was definitely going to give her a piece of his mind that she shouldn't talk to random strangers. "Look here, don't EVER call me little boy, one more time that I hear you say that, you'll be sorry that you had ever met me." He said sharply, glaring at her with utmost annoyance.
Hetty had expected him to explode. "Says the boy who said he wouldn't talk to me. Little Boys suffer in silence. Now, either you talk to me or I tell the whole street that your a little boy." she joked, not expecting him to do it.
"You speak Spanish?" she asked in Spanish, hoping he did. She found English a confusing language punctuation and pronouncation.

Devlin was getting really irritated that he had almost had this urge to just kick the table and storm out of the cafe, which wouldn't be good at all, seeing as the rain was still pouring rather hardly and he didn't really feel like getting sick just because of this overly irritating girl. "Don't threaten me." He said, his face remaining void of any emotion except for anger. He's getting really heated up now, and he as quite sure that he would definitely do something to her even if she was a girl.

"And what if I do?" Devlin and his siblings had been forced to study when their parents were at home, and though he would often ditch his class, he was pretty much intelligent too. So, getting to know different languages was pretty much a cinch for him, and of course, Spanish was just one of those languages that he had learned in those classes that those hired tutors had done for them before.
"Good, let's get back to a better start. I'm Hetty. Who are you? God I loathe muggles sometimes."she whispered the last statement about muggles. She was fluent in Spanish, Italian and German, after being told to study by her controlling and horrid father. Her father, Mick Riveon was a death eater and had died 8-9 years ago, forcing Hetty to live with her cousins. She was going through the rebellious teen stage. She often stole her cousins firewhisky. She sipped her coffee to withdraw attention to herself, but alas, a man walked by his eyes glued to her. He leant over her drink and slipped something in it. Hetty didn't notice.

After pulling a face at the man she glared at her coffee as it started boiling up. "Odd." she said out loud, watching it with curious eyes. Her fingers grasped the cup and she went to sip it.
It was not in Devlin's personality to just introduce himself to random strangers. He had figured that it would just be a waste of his precious time, and usually, when asked about his name, all that he would ever say was that, he was just a nobody. But as he heard her last comment about hating muggles, Devlin had had to smirk. At least now, he could see that there was pretty much something worth knowing about this girl then. "They're just a waste of space." He commented flatly, not even bothering to cover up his annoyance with the said non-magical folks. "Devlin." He then said in a very low tone, that if one is not listening that well, one wouldn't be able to actually hear what it was that he had just said.

The man that had just passed by and slipped something into the girl's drink didn't escape Devlin's watchful eyes. He had seen everything that the guy had just did, and so, just as Heather was about to drink her coffee, he had had to grab her arms to stop her from doing the said act. "Are you stupid? Didn't you see that someone had placed something in that drink?"
When Devlin caught her arm, Hetty flinched. Her dad would'ce grabbed her arm like that when she touched something that wasn't hers. "No...." Hetty trailed off. She tipped the coffee out the window. "I know this pub, right? Wanna come?" Hetty asked before putting in her leather jacket under her bulky coat.

After grabbing her house keys from the table and paying the bill, she looked at Devlin. "Coming? Or are you scared?"
This girl was indeed testing Devlin's patience, and it was pretty obvious that she was challenging him too. Yes, he was not one to actually back down from a challenge, but he's not that stupid as well to actually follow whatever it was that the girl had had to say just because she was covering it off as a dare. No, Devlin was a quick thinker and he is logical enough to not just agree on everything that she would say.

"A pub? As if.." He said flatly as he continued to not move from his chair. He didn't really like those dainty and cheap looking pus out there, they were just too little in his opinion and growing up in a rich family, he can be pretty choosy and vain at times. "I'm definitely not scared, idiot."
Hetty smirked. He was acting all tough, and he says acting fir a reason. He was obviously an insecure little girl on the inside banging to get out of the closest. She took a strip of gum and put it in her mouth, chewing. "See ya round then? Devlin, right? Sure you not, Devlin Howard?" she smirked before waiting for his answer.
Devlin was actually getting pretty much bored by the conversation that he was having with the said girl. She was just acting tough and all, and it was getting a little uninteresting. However, she she had said his whole name, Devlin cannot help but to wonder how it was that she had known him. Yes, he did have a reputation of being unpredictable and being dangerous in school, but then again, it's not like he had seen the said girl in school anyways. "So what if I am a Howard?" He said, face remaining blank, he might get interested again if whatever it was that the girl would say would be interesting in his opinion.
What the girl was saying was not making any sense at all. Devlin could never remember that he had met her in any way, or that he would call someone with such a name as she was saying. Devlin had never been a friendly one even when he was still a child, he had never been sociable, in fact, he was rather cold and detached by then. "Just what the h3ll are you talking about?" He said, frowning as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, glaring at the said girl.

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