The Wheel's On The Bus

Jack Dyson

Well-Known Member
The city buzzed with light and nightlife. Every bar opened its doors, welcoming in the punters with loud music and brightly coloured drinks. It was in one such club that Jack Dyson stood with his empty cocktail glass, attempting to socialise with the other people. He had not been out much, lately, aside from the odd party at which he would simply hide away in a corner and drink himself to Narnia. Tonight, he had decided that sobriety was not on the menu, and he had journeyed to Brighton via the public transport. Now he wandered around, his eyes looking over each girl he passed, wondering if he actually stood any chance at all of so much as starting a conversation with one of them, or if he was wasting his time.

With a resigned sigh, Jack found himself at the bar, seating himself on one of the stools and ordering in a shot. He stood the glass firmly between two fingers, and slung the liquid back down his throat. He set the glass back down. With his luck, this night would be just as disappointing as any other.
Since his Father had died, Tony had seen little purpose in his life. Each day was meaningless, and he felt he could no longer make a difference. Yes, he was an actor, but he was certainly not well known enough for people to stop him in the street. And the day he was asked to be in something new would be when hell freezed over. Nobody needed him - and now that he felt this way, he'd turned to seeking company from a local bar in the town where he lived. It was one he had rarely visited, but then this was the case with most bars in town. He just wasn't that sort of person. Today, however, was different.

As he opened the doors, he was greeted by the pleasant smell of alcohol and a hint of something else he didn't wish to think about. Scanning the room, he realised that most of the other people were younger than him. Not bothered by this at all, he sat down on a bar stool next to a young man and ordered himself an interestingly named cocktail, which arrived with a small paper parasol within seconds. Sipping his drink, he found himself rather at home.
Jack blinked his eyes as the shot hit his stomach. He felt sorry for his liver, and the sudden punishment he now sprung on it. What had it done to deserve this treatment? Nothing. It was just the innocent bystander in the loner's life. And Jack was surprisingly desperate for company, considering the number of parties he had attended in the last year. He soon found himself in the company of an older man, and Jack turned and gave him a nod in greeting. Why didn't more older people go to clubs? Probably because they've got a grip on their life, he thought moodily, ordering another drink, this time it was an elegant cocktail. He turned once again to the man, in the hope of striking up conversation.

"Hi," well, he thought sarcastically to himself as the words came out, that was creative. What did one say when meeting somebody for the first time? The years of solitude were taking their toll. "Er.." What did he say when he met those girls? What girl? his head laughed cruelly. In truth, he hadn't a clue, and he played it safe. "Lovely weather we're having." He gave the man a smile, before awkwardly glancing away to sip his drink, then returning his eyes to the man's face.
Tony was shocked to hear a voice next to him. He was even more surprised to find out that it was directed straight at him. Swallowing the mouthful of drink he didn't realise had been in his mouth, he gave an amused smile back, ordering another of what he'd just had. He hadn't ever made conversation with anyone but his friends since he became famous, and had never felt quite so detatched from a good social life. Suddenly, he was glad that the man had spoken to him, and he felt ready to speak to a stranger properly for the first time in two years.

After a moment of hesitation, he glanced up at the man's eyes, rested an elbow on the counter and sighed. "Mm. If it dared be sunny, all the plants would die," Tony's cocktail arrived and he drank it more swiftly than he had the first. As it burned his throat, he was starting to like the feeling. Instead of feeling painful, it was almost comforting, and definitely thrilling. Feeling awkward about what he'd just said, he closed his eyes. Why did he have to try and be funny? It was an unfortunate habit he was keen to get out of. "What are you having?" Tony asked, surprising himself.
Jack gave a polite chuckle at the man's words. He was sure he recognised him from somewhere, though he couldn't quite place the face. "Oh," he said, surprised the guy had even asked, "No idea." He should his head. The music was starting to hammer at his brain and dislodge his mind. He downed as much of his drink as possible. He couldn't stop thinking that he vaguely knew the face. He could resist asking no longer. "Are you.. In show-business?" He asked as politely as possible.<i></i>

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's short. Got sidetracked by IRL <_<
Tony felt himself relax when the man laughed gently. At least he hadn't already come to the conclusion that Tony was a complete lunatic. When he asked about his career, Tony was pleasantly surprised. Not many people recognized him. He'd been in a few things and had main roles, but the films had never been popular. "Yes, I'm an actor... I just do small bits here and there. What do you do?" He returned the question, trying to keep up a polite conversation despite the fact his brain was feeling rather foggy. Ordering two more cocktails, he slid one across the counter to the man and smiled.

OOCOut of Character:
No probleem. I'ma keep mine short cause I'm tired.
Wow, Jack thought with wide eyes, an actor! Someone important and you're talking to them! Of course, the lad had never realised that he had already met another celebrity at a party. Then again, why would he? "Oh, wicked!" he had responded rather thoughtlessly, before feeling like an absolute fool. He finished his drink and replaced it on the bar. "I work from home in the information technology department. I do call-outs and assist people with their new tech 'gizmos' that they can't suss out." he had tried to make the job sound like it was half decent, when in truth, they both new he was just the 'I.T. Man'. He gladly took the drink, taking a sip. It was rather light and fruity in comparison to what he had been drinking. "What's it like, being an actor?" He wasn't exactly not going to ask.<i></i>

OOCOut of Character:
That's okay. If need be, we can always finish this in the morning :)
Tony chuckled inwardly at the man's interest in him and how he had responded. His job seemed far more interesting, however, than acting. He would have loved to do something so simple, which helped others, instead of just amused them. "That sounds fun," Tony was being serious, and hoped he didn't sound sarcastic. Then he sighed, sipping his cocktail. "It's not all it's made out to be. It was great for a while - being in movies, having people ask for an autograph... But I never really get a sense of fulfilment," realising he was starting to ramble, he stopped talking and finished his drink. Truthfully, being an actor was great. But with the bad things that kept happening in his life, nothing felt good to Tony. Then he remembering something fairly important. "I'm Tony, by the way," he smiled, wondering whether to hold out his hand before deciding it was too formal and staying put.
He had not known what to expect in answer from the man, but the slightly gloomy manner in which his words dropped. Jack felt genuinely sorry for the man, for Tony. Jack gave him what he hoped was a warming and friendly smile. "Jack," he replied, still having not satisfied his curiosity of the man's lifestyle, but uncertain whether it was appropriate to question him further. He decided better of it, for the time being, and changed the subject. "Are you local? Do you live round here?" it wasn't exactly probing, and it was genuine and common a question as any other, though it gave Jack a little better picture of just whom exactly he was meeting.<i></i>
Tony felt Jack give him a warm smile without even looking at him, though he glanced toward him to confirm his suspicions. This man, Jack, was far too nice. Suddenly feeling as though the two could have best friends, he was eager to answer his questions. "Yeah, I live just a five minute walk from here. Handy, I suppose. What about you?" Tony coldn't help but feel as though he was just returning questions, but was finding it hard to think of any of his own. Instead, he ordered two more cocktails, hoping that this man liked them and that he wasn't forcing them onto him. He was enjoying the foggy, warm feeling that was creeping over him. It was something he hadn't experienced in a long time.
Another drink came and went, to be replaced by a twin. "I'm from Horsham," he replied, supping his drink, and hardly realising how much he had already had. His eyes scanned the wristwatch he wore. It was a rather retro style with digital blue number pasted across the face. He had plenty of time until he would have to return home. This called for more drinks, and the feeling in his brain blocked him from noticing that they had already got plenty enough drinks to be carrying on with. He ordered them a shot of something colourful, and slid one over to Tony. "Must be nice," he continued on, "living among the rabble.." Having knocked several drinks back, already, Jack was finding himself far more relaxed in the conversation than he had been. Time had been shifting past faster than Jack had been aware. "Do you come here often?" It was only as he said it that Jack realised he had just accidentally used a classic pick-up line on a celebrity. On the inside, he blushed profusely, but on the outside, his cheeks merely pinkened. "I mean, to this club, or any club, for that matter?" he corrected himself.<i></i>
Tony had a vague idea about where Horsham was, but couldn't really focus on something so tiring for long. Instead, he sipped his drink once more, wondering when he'd decide to stumble home. He wasn't quite sure what Jack meant, but he shrugged simply to avoid asking him for an explanation or answering incorrectly. However, it was his last question which made him smile. He put his drink down, suddenly overly aware of how he was sitting and not quite feeling comfortable in any position. Trying to act as natural as possible, he thought for a moment before replying. "Not really. This is the first time I've been anywhere except to the shops in months," it was the truth, though probably didn't help Tony look like less of a sad, lonely man. However, right now, it didn't really bother him. Noticing that Jack was glancing at his watch, he frowned a little, but he had just ordered two more shots, and therefore he dismissed it. "Cheers," he said, drinking his shot quickly and then placing the glass down. "How will you get home?" Tony asked, thinking that perhaps Jack didn't know that the last bus out of town had left at least ten minutes ago.

OOCOut of Character:
Laame :p
Jack hoped the thrill of learning he was not alone in his recluse lifestyle, did not show on his face in a delighted smile. Suddenly, the world didn't seem such an empty place. A man worth ten times himself, was just as socially absent as himself. The drinks were going fast. "Ah, I'll probably catch the bus back. I know there are a couple I can probably catch, soon. But I've got a while, yet, I think." The room skipped in a blip. Jack shut his eyes, squeezing them tight. His head began to spin, and he breathed deeply to steady himself. The trouble disappeared after a moment, and he returned his attention to the conversation. He felt content, and that precise moment in time.<i></i>
Unsure how to break the news to Jack, Tony hesistated for a moment, tapping the table without thinking about it. He didn't want to upset the man, but he couldn't just let him find out for himself. Though he rarely travelled, Tony knew the bus times from when friends had visited, and many had had to stay overnight due to the fact that there were no busses after a certain absurdly early time. "Uh, I think you'll have a problem, there. The last bus left about-" Tony was distracted by Jack squeezing his eyes tightly shut. Though he knew the feeling, and was experiencing it himself, he was immediately concerned. "Are you OK?" Tony placed his drink down. "Look, there aren't any more buses, but if you want to crash at mine for the night, you're more than welcome," he was only offering because it would make things so much easier for Jack.
"Fine," he replied, gesturing for Tony to go on. The sudden revelation of the absent bus, caused Jack to stir. What on earth was he going to do, now? But suddenly, the world shifted, and a new card was laid upon the table. He had the opportunity to crash at a celebrity;s house, for the night. He could stay in the home of someone who really was a somebody. So far off the opposite end of the scale to himself. "Well, I mean," he started slowly, not wanting to sound like he was jumping at the chance, which he was, "if it's not too much trouble.. Then, then, yes, that would be very kind." The alcohol was gradually turning his stomach, filtering through. He could almost feel it as his alcohol leves gradually raised, and the feel of drink, washed over him. He checked his watch, once more. Now, though, he did it with a smile, keen for it to be late enough to go and have a tour of Tony's residence. What lovely things must he own with a reputation such as his? It was easily late enough. Or early enough, as the case happened to be.<i></i>
Tony released the breath he didn't realise he'd been holding and decided that enough was enough. Any more drinks and they'd be unlikely to make it down the road and into Tony's house. Gesturing that they should go, he attempted to stand up from the stool. It was funny, that Tony had just met this man, and yet he was already willing to let him stay over for the night. "It's fine, I'll be glad to have someone over for once. I think we should go," Tony's voice was slightly slurred, but not too much. He knew it would be worse in the morning. Glad the man trusted him enough to stay at his house, but also slightly nervous about the idea, it took Tony a while to realise what he was really thinking. Keeping everything to himself, he waited for Jack to stand up so that they could attempt to make their way home.
Jack was only too happy to head out of the bar. Any more and, well, Jack hated to recall the other times he had drunk far too much.. And then un-drunk it. He smiled, standing up and sliding his palm along the counter to help himself balance as they began to walk. They started out on their journey, and Jack couldn't help but wonder what other people, his friends and family especially, if they saw him hanging out with an actor. How jealous would they all be? He grinned to himself. For once, he felt like he had some small ounce of importance, regardless of how short-lived that spark would be.

The night air was salting and cool, and only further relaxed Jack. Why was that, that the moment one got out into the fresh air, the effects of alcohol only grew more powerful? He stumbled a little as he climbed up and down a couple of kerbs. One such kerb went unnoticed, and he tripped, grasping for something to prevent himself smashing in his front teeth. The things he grabbed, happened to be Tony's arm, and, once he had regained balance, he apologised profusely. "Sorry.." he muttered again, wondering if they would have to travel much further. However, their pace seemed to slow, after some time, and Jack could only assume they had reached their destination.
Despite having drunk a fair amount, Tony was pretty sturdy when Jack tripped on a kurb and had to hold onto him for support. Having helped him up onto the pavement, Tony shook his head. There was no need for apologies. As they made their way slowly down the street as not to crash into anything or wander into the middle of the road, Tony scanned the houses for his own, suddenly spotting it and smiling, glad to see it again. "Here we are," he muttered, opening the front gate and leading Jack to the front door. He fumbled for a moment in his pocket for his keys before letting himself and Jack in. The hallway was pretty bleak, but that was how he liked it. It was very bare, with nothing but a table and some flowers on it. Switching the light on, he shrugged off his coat, hanging it up and offering to take Jack's. "Well, here we are. Beer?" Tony made his way clumsily into the kitchen. It was far too early to sleep. The night had only just started.
Jack handed his coat to Tony. It was a large, leather affair, which, up until now, had hidden the feather-light crumpled black shirt beneath it. He almost made a point to justify his fashion sense to Tony, but thought better of it. Why should he have to explain himself to everyone he met? Why he never simply vidi and vici life as he pleased, he did not know. The offer of beer, however, drew his thoughts away from Latin, and he beamed back at Tony. "I'd love one."

Jack wandered further into the house, noting how superior it was to his own home, how little mess there was in comparison to his place. The kitchen, for example, had not a scathed counter in sight. Jack's own kitchen, on the other hand, was covered in Cat's food packets and tins, and numerous empty bottles. He was only thankful that it was him going to Tony's place, rather than Tony crashing at his. "Good place you got here," he said thoughtfully, his words slurry a bit as he spoke, "do you live alone?" He wobbled on his footing and fixed Tony with a look. It was the best attempt at focussing his eyes, that he could make.
Opening the fridge and throwing a nice, cold beer in Jack's direction, Tony took one for himself and opened it, though he didn't drink it until he'd made his way into the lounge. It was a large lounge, and a room he took pride in being a little cluttered. However, his idea of clutter was a few books here and there, and the room still looked spotless and unlived in. It made Tony sad to think about the fact he lived alone, but he shrugged gingerly. "Thanks," he replied to Jack's first comment, glad that someone approved. "Yep, just me," he added, sitting down on the leather sofa and resting his head back, waiting for Jack to join him. "I quite like it though - It's quiet," Tony lied feebly, truthfully hating the lack of company which he so desperately needed. Which was why he couldn't help but wish he had someone living with him.
Seizing the beer, Jack bumbled through into the lounge. The sheer size of it very nearly bowled him over. He muttered some form of exclamation under his breath, before finding himself stroking the arm of the leather sofa. His sofa at home was second hand and badly worn with a large gaping hole in one seat that he had filled with a pile of cushions, and hidden with a throw-over. He sat down as carefully as possible, not wishing to leave so much as a hair on the fine piece of furniture. "Yeah," Jack agreed as he finally came to rest in what was probably the comfiest sofa in the world. Perhaps things would be different when he was sobered up in the morning. "I live alone, too, well, with my cat," he added in some form of agreement. "It's good to have some time to yourself, rather than coming home to all pandemonium.." he slurred. It was an outright lie, and he knew it. Jack gulped at his beer, wondering how much more interesting life would have been, had he been blessed with a girlfriend. "So," he went on, "must be nice having a great place like this to bring a girl back to, am I right?" he gave Tony a wink and a drunken nudge.<i></i>
Tony smiled, taking a gulp of his beer. However, his smile quickly faded when Jack pretty much asked him if he had a girlfriend. Shrugging, Tony was unsure how to break the news to the man. He would either be disgusted, or take it like it was nothing. It depended mostly on how polite the man was, and what his views were on the topic. Still, he kept quiet for the moment, hoping that a shrug would suffice. However, when he saw the man wink, and felt his elbow against his arm, his smile reappeared. There were so many things he wished he could say to Jack, yet he felt so alone, as though he'd surely be thought of as weird if he spoke his feelings. Besides, he'd just met the man. They barely knew each other. Despite this, Tony looked the man in the eye, giving him an obvious look which explained exactly how he was feeling.
Perhaps it was the alcohol, or perhaps he was just more tuned in to the thoughts and feelings of others than he had realised, whatever the case, Jack felt the energy of the conversation shift. Momentarily, the temperature had dropped a little, but now, as he found himself in what almost appeared to be a staring competition with Tony, the whole room heated up. How had he not guessed it sooner? How had he not known this? Jack's expression had altered, slightly, at first to one of surprise, and eyebrow reeling itself up his head, then to one of melting interest. Was this the real reason he had been offered a place to stay? Had Tony thought that he was.. No, surely not. I'm not, a voice deep inside of him began to shout out, I would know if I was.. Right? His heart began to thud in his ears. What could he do in a situation such as this one? He couldn't just run off. But then again, why would he? He had nothing against people who were that way inclined, but Jack, himself, wasn't like that, was he?

Confusion, impulse, and intoxication were a deadly mix. He could feel his blood filtering through his veins and pumping furiously around his body. He had no idea what he was doing, and looking back on it, he couldn't help but wonder what had possessed him at that moment to make him act in such a way. Maybe it was the fact that Tony was a somebody, maybe it was because he was drunk as a skunk, maybe it was because he just had to know the answer. In a moment of pure spontaneity, Jack reached out a hand to caress Tony's face, before lunging forward in a crazily passionate kiss. Jack! Are you still there? Are you even alive? What the hell are you doing?! What happened to taking the advice of a stranger and diving abroad to France to pick up a nice European girl? You do know you're kissing a guy, right? But at that precise moment in time, Jack didn't care, anymore. It was just something that had to be done. A once in a lifetime thing.

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