The Werewolf Mentor

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Deimos Ares

Well-Known Member
Ok, I am looking specifically for young werewolves who need a mentor.
Deimos has been a werewolf for 17 years and now he wants to help others to cope- In fact,
any young werewolves or anyone who has recently become one and needs help should contact him.
He is willing and understanding but can be a little anti-social.

In future I will be looking for a wife for him but for the time being he is just trying to help others like him.

-Anyone interested in becoming his wife, these are a few things I'd like;
Wife aged between 20 and 34
Has something special about her- E.g, werewolf/Part-something.
Can have kids as Deimos likes them.
They need to be aware of his anti-social attitude.

Let me know if any of this applies.

PM or leave a comment. :)
Hey there ^.^ You know, wife sounds nice for Kyra, she needs someone like her.

i have applied for were-wolf with Kyra, so i haven't gotten that information back, but she is 23, and loving once she opens up.

Kyra's last relationship completely fell apart to unknown reasons, so she might have difficulty in the relationship with Deimos. But she loves children, in fact, children lighten her mood to a great extent. She herself can be anti-social, so she migth understand Deimos.

What do you think. If you need to know anything else, let me know :D
Okey-Doke, minnie Artichoke
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