The way you look tonight

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Professor James Cade

Father of 6 | Whole Again | Always
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
James was excited to be going to the Yule ball with Lyra, things were going well between the two and there was no sign of that changing anytime soon. After the drama of the last yule ball James was looking forward to a quiet evening with his girlfriend, and maybe he would run into one or two of his friends. James was more than happy to recycle his suit from last years dance, once it had been thoroughly cleaned given that he had been stunned and thrown to the ground while wearing it. With the drama of last year behind him, and his suit looking as good as new, James made his way out of the dorm and out of the common room. Anticipating that she would take a little longer than him to get ready the pair had agreed to meet at the dance so James made his way to the Great hall. After a quick lap of the dance James made his way out to the entrance hall to await the arrival of his date, he couldn't wait to see her in her dress.
Lyra Potter smiled as she looked herself over one last time before leaving her dorm room. Her dress fit her like a glove, showing off her slender figure. The brunette had a feeling her boyfriend would appreciate that. She would meet James at the bottom of the staircase in the entrance hall instead of walking down with him like she had with Lanithro last year. Felix seemed to like her new boyfriend even less than her old one, if that was possible. Of course, she understood there were other complicated issues between James and Felix. However, Lyra didn't mind it. Things were going well with the Gryffindor couple. Lyra enjoyed spending a disproportional amount of her free time with James, and she was looking forward to a perfect evening with him.

The Gryffindor girl made her way out of the common room and down to the ground floor. She looked around for her boyfriend, not spotting him amongst all the people mulling in the entrance way.
Briefly it had occurred to James that if he looked he might spot Maddie. But he wasn't sure he wanted to as he was sure he would spot her with her boyfriend. The two of them were probably on the best terms they had ever been on, they actually referred to each other as their friend, but all the same he couldn't stand to see her with Aion. He had taken an instant dislike to the boy the moment they met at Obsidian harbour. Maybe it was his connection to Ezra, or his charm, or the way Maddie's eyes had lit up whenever he spoke to her. Whatever it was, it wasn't the focus of the night, Lyra was.

Just as he snapped himself out of his little daydream, he spotted Lyra arriving at the entrance hall and made his way over to her. She was breathtaking, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Only one other person had made him feel like that, but he wasn't thinking about her in that moment. Cutting through the crowd James arrived in front of his girlfriend with the biggest smile on his face. "Lyra, you look breathtaking," He said taking both her hands in his and kissing her cheek. How did an idiot like him get so lucky?
Lyra's green eyes finally spotted James as he came toward her out of the crowd. He was grinning like an idiot at the sight of her, and his smile one of the things Lyra found most adorable about him. She blushed slightly as his words, but she was glad she hadn't been wrong. "Thank you. You certainly clean up well." she said with a wink at him. She smiled as he kissed her cheek. Really, the Gryffindor girl thought he looked very handsome and she was happy he was attending the dance with her. She always enjoyed their time together.

The brunette briefly wondered where Felix was and who he was attending with. She couldn't keep up with the revolving door of his love life. She wasn't going to dwell on that tonight. Her thoughts were only on James. Lyra let go of his hands and threaded her arm through his. "Shall we go in?" Lyra asked.
James winked at his girlfriend when she told him he cleaned up well. He had to agree he looked pretty good, but when didn't he. "Thanks, we'll be the best looking couple in there for sure," James laughed. He did that a lot around Lyra, she was a lot of fun and he enjoyed spending time with her, being in her company was easy, drama free, he needed that in his life. It also didn't hurt she was drop dead gorgeous. When she took his arm and asked if they should go in James nodded. "Absolutely, there is a spot on the dance floor with our names on it," He grinned leading her inside
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