Open The Watchful Raven

Violet Fields

Un-Perfect ✒️ Rookie NZ Cop
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
Violet returned to Hogwarts after the pleasant holiday break with her mother and siblings. It seems as though her mother was doing a whole lot better with taking her potion, taking care of herself. At least that's what she gather during her stay back home. Or, her uncle Jake informed his niece of his sister's wellbeing. It was a bit of both, still, Vi could never be too sure about her mother. It felt like she had to be vigilant, keep a watchful eye on the older witch during the whole break. Now, back at the castle Vi found herself worried as usual whenever she returns. Due to these same old worries and her need to stay in shape, Vi is back out running lapse around the pitch. The brunette wore her hair into a high pony, comfortable clothes that kept her ventilated. The slytherin did about five lapse around the pitch and called it a day. Huffing, slightly out of breath Vi wanders over to a pair of trees. Vi sat down on a patch of grass and close her eyes, resting against the bark of one of the tree. She sat like that for a while until a sound of gurgling croak forced Vi to open her eyes. She squinted them searching for the source of the sound.
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Cyzarine was skipping her way through the grounds, it was a good day, the weather was nice and she had decided to head outside. She wasn’t doing much, just spending time by the lake and having a good time just enjoying the warmth and having her feet in the water. Her hair was loose and she was wearing a light summery dress and just enjoying herself. She was without Mihail this semester and didn’t want to end up too lonely so was actively doing more. She heard a little croak and spotted a little frog just at the edge of the water. ”Oh hey there buddy,” she was able to quickly reach out and grab the toad from the water. She held it up to her face to look at the different markings and colourings of the thing. She wasn’t too surprised when it would occasionally squirm in her grasp and she glanced around and spotted her best friend, ”Violet!” she said with a happy tone, ”Girl I barely see you nowadays,” she greeted warmly. Approaching her friend with the toad still in hand.
No, that wasn't it. Surely, that wasn't it. From the warm, beaming sun rays, Vi squinted her eyes towards the brunette drawing closer where she sat. She squint her eyes to the toad or frog, whichever her best friend now carried, and then squint her eyes to her best friend. "Cyzarine, I know. I've been busy with studying and training for nothing in particular," Vi responded vaguely to her own whereabouts. The slytherin rose from the ground, she patted herself from any dirt that she may have collected from sitting on the grass. "Or maybe it's you who's been busy with your guy friend..," Vi moue, pretending to dislike her best friend's boyfriend. "How are you? What the hell are you holding? Styx's lunch?"
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Cyzarine smiled widely at her best friend, she could tell that Violet was being vague about her whereabouts but she’d known her long enough to know this was just kinda part of who Violet was. She didn’t mind it even, they were close friends but she didn’t need to know everywhere that Violet was or what she was doing. ”Well, is the training for nothing in particular going well?” Cyzarine asked her with a little smile, she wouldn’t push Violet to answer but it if was going well then she’d be happy. Cyzarine’s smile faltered lightly at the mention of Mihail but she didn’t let that linger. ”Oh he dropped out, he’s working with his uncle’s catering company now. I’ll probably join him once I’m done with school. I always said that he and I should start a restaurant. But I’m good, Heta keeps me pretty busy,” Cyzarine held the frog up slightly and giggled, ”It’s a frog, and god I hope not. Look at its cute little face,” she told Violet as the frog once again wriggled in her hands and the force of it caused her to let go. ”Well, even if it was Styx’s lunch it’s off,”

There it was again, that noise. That noise that's so noisy! Vi grimace, puffing out her chest as she crossed her arms over her them. "Oh, that's, ah, too bad. What kind of uncle makes his nephew drop out of school to work for a catering business? That's so messed up," Vi vocalizing her opinion that's probably not warranted but she's going to say her peace anyways. Vi turns away to look for the source of the sound, eyes roam up the tree branches, the tree she was sitting underneath moments ago. croooOOOOACK. The source of the sound came from a dark, very dark small animalistic figure perched up in the tree. Vi squint her eyes to make out the figure, which prove to be a little difficult with the sun rays spilling in between the branches. "What is that? It's not your little hippity hoppity friend that ran away from you," Vi tries to ignore it. Maybe if she did it would go away. "Cyzarine, there's something I need to tell you...Actually, there's something I've been avoiding to tell you but I feel like I have no other choice and it will make sense why I didn't tell you...once I tell you..."
Cyzarine couldn’t help but find the noisy frog a little bit funny, even if Violet didn’t. She shook her head, ”Ah come on Vi, he wanted it, school wasn’t for him, and forcing someone to do something they shouldn’t even if it’s school, isn’t the best,” she missed him deeply and did of course wish that he had stuck out school a little more, but he hadn’t and that was okay. It wasn’t a big deal, she was proud of him regardless of what he did. She kept watching the frog or toad for a little bit until she looked back at Violet laughing lightly at her first statement but growing serious as Vi said that there was something she wanted to tell her. ”Yeah?” she would of course listen to it, hear out what she wanted to say. ”I’m all ears for you Vi,”
Vi didn't say anything more about Mihail. She will eventually say something too out there and regardless if she is being truthful, she didn't want to upset Cyzarine. Even though it was nearly impossible to upset her friend, Vi rarely sees her frown. "Okay, promise you're not going to like, bail on me," Vi questions the sincerity of her best friend's words. Vi sighs, and toss her head back before she spoke again. "My mom, my is sick. Really sick," Vi began, slowly opening up to possibly the only person she trusted in this school. It's sad, really it's sad. So much for wanting to be a bad arse, well, she can be at times. With Adorah she can be. It's fun to mess with the little raven. She like a bratty little brat that she's never had. "She's been sick for a long time..."

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