Closed The Very Latest Breakfast

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (16)
Gregory had been struggling, though really, that wasn't anything new. It was just now, even after him telling someone and trying to get it to work, he was having issues. He didn't have an alarm, and the boys getting up didn't wake him up, and they were still a little frosty towards him. He raced to the great hall and was relieved that there was still food to be had. He was struggling with the sign language book, having never been particularly good at learning, and doing it on his own was hard. he just didn't want to ask anyone else, because he knew no one else would. He as cursing himself in his head, cursing the loss of his hearing, just how difficult it all was. He was cursing even Cassius a little in his head, but without really cursing the why.
Styx normally had his meal and tea after the crowd had dispersed. He finished his meal and had his tea when his onyx eyes caught the student that arrived a bit late. Normally, he would not care, but this was a student that failed Transfiguration. If his memory serves correctly. He likely should not have used his special ability, but he could not resist to see why this boy was failing so much. Loss of hearing. That made him wonder how long that had been going on. Styx got up from his seat, and approached the Hufflepuff table. He even saw a name that made him approach the boy and put a knee on the bench. He knew that clearing his throat won't catch the boy's attention, so he just gestured his gloved hand to get the lad's attention. One way to get him to hear what he was going to say was by putting thoughts into his head. Although, perhaps a note would be better. Styx taught deaf students before, so he knew how to talk to them. Just not newly deaf students.

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