The Start of a Beautiful Friendship

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Daytona Bradshaw

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Hello All,

click on my character background and biography to know more about me ;)
What I need are the following...

a) a few friends but only in United Kingdom
b) they have to be 12 - 14 no younger and no older
c) it doesn't matter if you're half blood, pureblood or mixed blood
d) at least one character that she absolutely loves to hate
e) the characters don't have to necessarily be attending HS, they can attend any school or be homeschooled
just once they have a valid reason for being in UK - she won't be any where near NZ for a while yet
I've been waiting for an excuse to make him so this sounds like a good one. I have (or will have if you're up for it) Josh Baxter. He is a 13 year old and attends HS as a Gryffindor 3rd Year. He's you're usual hot headed Gryffindor and full of that famous Gryffindor Courage ;) xD Not sure what relationship they could have but let me know if you have any ideas ^_^
OK, Salazar is older. Thought I'd post here just in case you wanna RP with him anyway.
15 (almost 16 - a few months IC). Homeschooled and pureblood, he knows very little about the muggle world, including being unaware of the fact that muggles are real people, just like witches and wizards. He's about to rebel and try to go to Hogwarts Scotland, haven't got it fully sorted out yet, but if you're interested let me know. He's fun loving and easy going but holds prejudices about people who aren't like him.
Patricia Styx Zdablooptybloop:
sounds awesome ;)
she has two NPC best friends one in Slytherin and one in Ravenclaw but both are in her class. So it would be interesting to have a run in with a Gryffindor and one a year up from her. Am dying to rp her now because I seriously don't know how she'll behave - if that makes sense at all. She's cocky and overly self assured at the best of times but she has a genuine vulnerable side. Daytona is also very gullible but she's got the side of her that nearly had the sorting hat put her into Gryffindor and that's thinking last, acting first. Something most Slytherin's aren't noted for.

Salazar Stayde Zdablooptybloop[:
hmmm I could push the age limit to 15 I guess. We can rp them together and see how they gel. Her family on one side are all muggles and disowned her father because he was 'different' - on her other side are all witches and wizards. So I'm sure they would have plenty to talk about.

Were you both considering 'friends' or did one of you want to be 'the love to hate' relationship. I don't actually want her dating yet but there's no harm in her being interested in anyone.
I have Lana Hayden :D

and her sister Lily (Ilana)

ones 12 and the other 13th and we both are in HS so just let us know
Lana and Lily Hayden:
so what houses are they in, what are these girls like? Do they have bio's that I can read up on? I pretty much read Salazar's character bio so would like to know some more about the girls if that's ok. Just want to know whether Daytona would actually like them as friends or lean more towards average school only friends or <_< OMG! type of thing ;)
They're both in Hufflepuff. We haven't done bios yet but I'll start working on one soon.
Lily likes
1. Standing up to bullies
2. Climbing
3. Acting
4. Reading

She is sometimes lazy, but that's usually with schoolwork.
As for Lana, it's mostly up to Madderz. The basic thing is that she likes to cheer people up.
Lily Hayden:
I think they might actually be friends or can get to that stage at least. We can do a meet and greet thread if you want, they run into each other after a class or something and start talking or they both come to the rescue of some student being bullied and get talking from there. We can hash things out here or by pm.
Well he's Josh here. I really won't know what he's like until I get RPing with him. So when I get back we can get one set up and see how they get on? :)
Josh Baxter:
;) can't wait for them to meet up, should be fun

Salazar Strayde:
Diagon Alley would sound perfect during the holidays but as it's another term at school, Hogsmeade would be our best bet. I won't be able to start one up today but should defo be able to tomorrow, unless you are up for starting it and linking me to it from here? ^_^
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