Open The Sound of Music

Nolan Burke

irish ☘️ | musical 🎶 | 60' grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Sturdy Hornbeam Wand with Fairy Wing Core
22 (10/2041)
Nolan had liked the Hogwarts castle. It had been a lot bigger than he thought it would be. The boy had made a few friends already, who he thought was cool. However, the boy defiantly missed the environment at home where he could play his music. Yeah, there was an art room at Hogwarts, which had different instruments offered, but it still wasn't the same for him. Nolan had decided to go to the great lawn, with a different sort of scenery, as well as taking his ukelele with him. The Irish lad had decided to take a seat on the grass, underneath a semi-tall tree. It was sunny out, and Nolan defiantly didn't want to get burnt under the sun. After Nolan got settled in his spot, the boy started to play a random tune on his ukelele, not caring about what was going on around him.
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Rhys was already growing bored with the same scenery day in and day out. The castle had been quick to lose its interest and he was already looking for something new to take up his time outside his journalism and drawing. So, he decided to wander outside in search of new inspiration, sketchbook tucked neatly under his arm as he tried to find something new to cover the pages with. He hadn't even made it very far when he first heard the music, frowning as he started to curiously follow the sound until he eventually found the source. A boy from his year, if he wasn't mistaken. "It's good," he eventually piped up, making himself known as he almost awkwardly stood there, "Your playing, I mean."

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