The Same Friends

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The blonde Gryffindor was feeling a bit confused. She had different feelings about some of her friends and was rather enjoying all of the people she had met over the years but was also feeling a bit confused about who she liked more than others. Since the note from Valentines day last year Lucas had made it confusing and for the blonde things weren't as clear as she wanted things to see. She and Lucas had avoid eachother and only spoke with a letter over the summer. Was this something that boys did as they didn't got what they wanted, that they just avoid people and that was it? Evelyn had a twin Espen but she couldn't talk to him about this because he wouldn't understand and he didn't liked people that hurted his sister. Evelyn wasn't mad at Lucas but she just wanted to have a clear chat with him how things were at the moment. As she found herself walking to the North Tower she wanted to enjoy the view from above and clear her mind a bit.

Evelyn had really nothing to complain, she had the best friends and a good reputation around the school where she was about to change something to with getting in contact with Hogwarts Monthly. She hoped to get something out of that meeting. As she found a spot at a window she sighted a moment. The girl didn't know what she wanted with her friends. Noah and Lucas two boys that she really liked, but Lucas was a friend and a really good one. Noah was a boy she had met last year and a special boy with a good status as son of the Minister of Magic and next to that a son of Professor Kingsley too. The blonde really liked Noah and felt something different for him than for Lucas, but that feeling was something new and not something she could place. It was a bit scary and she wanted to chat with somebody about it, it didn't mattered who just someone that would listen to her. She thought about Amber who she could really use right now, but which girl from their age had experiance with this stuff? Or boys what would they think about it, the blonde was curious.
With a letter in hand addressed to Valentina, Flavio climbed the stairs to the North Tower, on his way up to the Owlery. Whether he was sending a letter or simply wanting to spend time with the few friendly owls that were there, the Owlery was a peaceful place to be, and one of Flavio's favourite places in the castle besides the Ravenclaw common room and the quidditch pitch. It was perfect for being alone with his thoughts and in addition to replying to his sister's letters, thinking to himself was exactly what he needed that day. He smiled as he continued to ascend the stairs and began to absent mindedly whistle a tune. Though he was soon silenced as he walked past one of the windows, realizing he wasn't alone. He paused his steps, and returned the letter in his pocket after noticing his company was none other than Evelyn Manning.

Despite being in many of the same classes, and sharing the same friends, Flavio had only spoken to Evelyn once. She was intimidating, to say the least, and with his introverted tendencies and general lack of confidence, Flavio had been too scared to speak to her much during his time at Hogwarts. That day he felt much the same and wanted nothing more than to leave the tower so he wouldn't bother her, and return when he knew there would be no one around. But he somehow stopped himself from leaving, thinking that this would be the perfect opportunity to practice being confident and attempt to make a new friend. He mustered up every shred of his courage and cleared his throat, then approached to the window where Evelyn was sat. "Hello Evelyn." He greeted, trying to sound confident. "How are you today?"
The blonde had send a lot of letters to home. She enjoyed telling about things she had experianced. She didn't spoke to Rama as much anymore, sometimes when she saw the girl she greeted her but that was all. Still Evelyn was very curious at the Ravenclaw. And now she was pretty close to their dorm, but ofcourse she wasn't allowed there. The blonde hoped to run into her or somebody else where she could have a nice chat with. Still she hoped to make more friends every day. And it was clear who she liked right now and not. There were only two people that she hated. Zenia she could never like and Desislav was a loser and annoying.

As she heard a voice she turned around and noticed Flavio. She didn't spoke that much to him before but he was kinda cute in a way. He was a good friend of Amber and Evelyn was very good friends with her. If Amber liked Flavio there must be something that Evelyn would like too. And when he asked how she was doing she got a smile on her face. It was nice of him to ask and she would love to get to know him better. '' Hi Flavio!'' the blonde said with a smile. As she looked at him she was suprised by the fact he seemed so social. '' I'm doing okay I guess. But not the best day ever, what about you?'' she asked friendly in return.
Despite feeling slightly uncomfortable having to socialize with someone he did not know well, Flavio matched Evelyn's smile, happy that she returned his greeting. He resisted the urge to put his hands in his pockets and stare to the floor awkwardly, instead squaring his shoulders and keeping his hands to his sides in the way he thought a confident person should stand. His brows furrowed as Evelyn said her day was not the best, and he immediately questioned it. "What makes your day not the best?" He could not understand how someone who seemed so confident could have a bad day in their life. But he then figured that everyone had bad days whether they were confident or not.

Flavio then realized he was thinking too much, and quickly blinked himself back from his thoughts. The last thing he wanted was to seem awkward or give the impression that he wasn't listening properly. He thought the conversation, although it had only just begun, was going well and he didn't want to ruin it by seeming rude. Evelyn was as interesting as everyone else in his year and he wanted to make it clear that he was paying attention to her, even if he had a tendency to overthink when he was uncomfortable in a social situation. He blinked again before answering Evelyn's question politely. "I am sending a letter to my older sister. She wants to know how this year is going for me, and wants to make sure my brother is okay so I am telling her everything that his happening." It was normal for Flavio to speak openly about his family, after all they were all he had known until he stepped foot into Hogwarts to be sorted. He hoped Evelyn wouldn't mind this as he stood, continuing to smile at her, feeling furthermore comfortable with every passing moment.
Flavio seemed really nice and just what Amber had told her about him. She was wondering if Flavio and Amber would become more than friends, but it seemed they were just good friends. When he asked about the reason why her day wasn't not the best the blonde sighted for a moment. '' Well if you really want to know. One of my best friends is ignoring me because I've hurted him.'' The blonde told the truth she did hurt him but not on purpose. But what she didn't got was that Lucas said things were fine in the letters they writed but now it seemed anything but that. '' Don't think wrong of me now. I can explain why, he liked me more than a friend but I've been honest to him that I didn't felt the same way. '' Evelyn thought being honest was always the best, and she would chose to do this a hundred times more than lie to him about her feelings. She didn't knew how Flavio would react on this he didn't seemed like someone with great experiance. But to just talk to someone about it was comfertable and perhaps it made her feel better afterwards. The blonde didn't want to speak with Noah yet about this, since she liked the boy and she didn't want to ruin things by telling this stuff with Lucas. She was gonna tell him eventually when things were fine. '' I just hate that he is ignoring me, we have been friends since the first day of our first year. And now all of sudden you are a stranger, that is weird right?'' The blonde hoped Flavio had some interesting things to say and she was curious at his opinion. She didn't want people to amen and please her with every answer. It was lovely when people did what she asked but also boring sometimes.

When Flavio told about his family the blonde got a tiny smile. He had a brother here at school and a older sister. She was curious if she had met the boy but didn't thought so. '' Who's your brother? Is he in your house too?'' the blonde asked curious as she always was. It was lovely to hear him speaking about this, it seemed like their relationship was good. The blonde hoped Espen would be himself around here soon too. '' So Flavio you are friends with Amber right?'' Evelyn asked to the Ravenclaw boy.

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