The Race Begins

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El Obstacola stebbed outside, letting the contestants pass him. It would only be a matter of time until they finished the course.

OOCOut of Character:
All contestants may now continue in the race. Karah Love and her partner face a 3 post penalty for Karah's lack of posting facing her boggart. This means you cannot post until three other people have posted.

Olivia: Because I found it an interesting way to go about the course. Also, it was funny. :r

Briar was glad that madlyn had also managed to pass the bogart. "good going. I'm fine how about you? do you want to keep moving" she said waiting for madlyn to pick her feet up again. she continued along the track as fast as they could. although briar was not used to running on her hands, her fitness was good so she was able to keep up the unusual activity.
Azolla pushed forward, trying to both forget and remember her parents as she did so. She was extremely conflicted but she needed to win this race to make up for looking like a fool for crying so much. She even ignored the burning in her palms just to go forward, worried about Michael but knowing that what they just experienced was probably far too personal to explain right now.
"Yeah I'm okay just have this sickness swirling around my stomach, it's nothing" she pushed further, her hands slime with sweat kept losing grip around Briar's ankle. This has become very difficult for the tallest girl in the race. She would like to stop, in the middle and quit, but the will power to trudge on spoke louder than her will to quit. "We can do this don't worry" she said to the wrong person. "We have to keep going, I don't think there's anyway to stop !" she call out to Briar
Olive took a shuddering breath, hardly noticing that the contestants could go on ahead again. The voices were starting again, shouting in the Prefect's head that she was worthless and was going to lose. Her eyes stayed trained on the ground, but Olive hoped her hesitation wasn't obvious when she began to move, feeling like some machine rather than a confident and happy girl like she'd fooled everyone into believing. Swallowing down the thoughts, Olive did what she always did best when she felt like the world was trying to end; she worried about everyone else instead. "Are you alright, Jeremy?"

The shake in her voice was evident, but one would have to listen mighty hard to notice it. She was doing worse at hiding her emotions than ever before, the Prefect noticed. Maybe this would be what would begin to break her.
Karah's breath hitched when she was suddenly enveloped in darkness and lost the sensation of Eve's ankles in her hands, instead her palms burned and she looked down at them but something caught her attention: a looking glass. In it she saw something she feared and loathed: herself. Except with a beak, wings, claws and fire balls coming from her hands. Everything about it was unrecognizable but she knew it was herself, she saw her flaming red hair and sorrowful green eyes as they gazed into their reflection. Karah blinked and looked down to her hands, one was clenched tightly in a fist and the other had her wand wrapped around it so she knew it wasn't true but the fact remained that if she became angry enough she could become a monster and hurt people like Ezra or Michael. She fought to remember the spell that she had been taught over the year and when it did she bursted out, "Ridikulus!" The darkness quickly faded and soon Karah was standing with Eve's ankles in her hands which were clammier than before but she was otherwise not harmed and so she continued to run with the younger Gryffindor.
Jeremy could only concentrate on his breathing for the next few minutes, trying to regulate it once more. He was continuing to move, but was not even aware of it. It wasn't until Olive asked him if he was alright that Jeremy recalled that others were in the area with him. He looked down at his partner and nodded. She didn't sound ok, and as he opened his mouth to speak, he hoped that his voice wouldn't sound as shaky as hers. To his utter surprise, it didn't.

"I'm alright now. Are you doing ok down there?" he asked, hoping that her arms hadn't grown too tired. His voice was much calmer than his body and mind were, and Jeremy couldn't help but be a little impressed. He gave Olive a small smile (it was the largest one he could muster at the moment). "I think we're almost there. We can do this."
Takuya saw the finish line appearing rapidly in the distance.

OOCOut of Character:
Okay guys, it's basically an open sprint to the end now! Your victory doesn't count until both your team crosses the line! Prizes are given down to third place. Go go go!

Karah squeeled as she saw the finish line and ran with Eve to try to win because now that they were close she just wanted to win and prove to Michael that she was better than that other girl he was with.
briar saw the finnish line and put all of her energy into crossing it. this last push vaguely reminded her of when she was little and she would race the young centaurs. she always lost unless it involved climbing a mountain when she had the advantage that she could climb. "Come on Madlyn almost there" she shouted seeing the line get closer. suddenly she passed it. she went a little further so that Madlyn could pass before she stopped.
Madlyn held tighter to Briar, with all her might she pushed to the finish line. She wasn't sure if they were going to win or not, if they were going to make, but for what it was worth she gave it her best shot. Her heart was pounding and there was shouting everywhere, now all she had to do was cross that finish line. She ran towards the end, and felt the moment she crossed it, was it finally over ?!
Michael sprinted with Azolla in his hands steadily. His legs grew tired, but he could see the finish line was in sight. He crossed it, the pair were not in time to get the first place, but he looked around, putting Azolla down on the grass and wondering which place they did manage to get.
Azolla moved with her partner as quickly as they both could without falling over and when they had crossed the finish line she heaved a breath of relief that there wasn't another emotionally draining obstacle instead. She stood up and said, "Team Micholla!" Azolla laughed heartily before she looked at the Headmaster to tell them what place they had gotten.
Evelyn spotted the finish line, picking up speed as she desperately wanted to win. As her now-sore hands crossed the line, Eve collapsed in triumph. They probably hadn't come first, but oh well. Any place was better than last.
OOCOut of Character: The Results!

FIRST Place - Recieving 100 House Points For Their House AND Something Special is...

Briar Rowan and Madlyn Margera!

SECOND Place - Recieving 75 House Points For Their House is...

Azolla Loncar and Michael Harper!

THIRD Place - Recieving 50 House Points For Their House is..

Evelyn Mosca and Karah Love!

Every other contestant recieves ten house points each, and contestants who answered a riddle correctly recieve another ten house points. I've also awarded points based on your performance at handling the Boggarts.
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