The Race Begins

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Olive uttered a silent groan as the pair were second to the obstacle. Resisting the urge to swear or something, the suddenly competitive Prefect trained her eyes on the ground ahead of her, looking to keep her hands from walking on anything too painful.

The clue was solved and Olive was more than ready to go. Hoping like hell that Jeremy had a decent grip on her ankles, she began with a jolt. Arms conditioned from fitness trainings meant that Olive could keep herself up, but she had no clue how strong Jeremy would be.
El Obstacola stepped aside, his question had been answered correctly. The magical wall fell from behind him, "You may pass." He said, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

OOCOut of Character:
Azolla Loncar and Michael Harper may not attempt the next riddle.
As they rushed towards the next obstacle Azolla was surprised to have gotten their first and listened to the clue and just as she was about to answer the question Michael did and they were able to go past. "Woo! Go team!" she yelled excitedly as they continued to go forward, the young Slytherin not noticing how absent her friend was.
Jeremy couldn't believe that he and Olive continued to be just behind the team who arrived at the obstacle. He gritted his teeth, knowing that they had given the correct and felt Olive move forward quickly. Jeremy stumbled a bit, but managed to keep hold of Olive's ankles even if she almost did come out of his grip. He didn't know Olive all that well aside from the classes they shared, so he didn't want to drop her. He didn't know how she would react to that, though he had the feeling she wouldn't be thrilled about it.
Reaching the next obstacle, Eva craned her neck to see that they were not the first to reach this one. Nonetheless, the riddle was a more complicated one than the last, so she didn't count herself out just yet. "A, ah, a dementor!" she blurted out a second too late, having already been beaten to the punch by a boy with a far more intelligible answer. "Oh, right," Eve laughed groggily, the blood must have rushed to her head after being at such an odd angle for several minutes now. Continuing onwards, her palms struck at the grass beneath them, and hoped to make less of a fool of herself at the next obstacle.
Karah ran with Evelyn and she nearly stumbled when she sat Michael and his Slytherin friend pass them but she pushed forward to try to get to the next obstacle before them because something in her made her want to make Michael regret not asking if she wanted to be his partner by winning with Eve. But he had beat them to the wall and answered correctly while Evelyn said 'Dementor' which made her sigh silently before continuing on, doing her best to shake off the glance that she and Michael had exchanged, however brief it was.
Olive sighed, gritting her teeth in agitation as the pair were second to the obstacle again. This really was getting ridiculous. She rolled her eyes goodnaturedly at the girl who answered late, not wanting to upset her but finding it all mildly entertaining. The group were allowed past and Olive began again; this time cautiously to try not to pull Jeremy over. She had a feeling that wouldn't be very good social etiquette.
Briar continued along the race corse. hand over hand. she was glad that her shoulder was holding up after she broke it the other week. when they reached the next obstacle she had no clue. she wasn't that good aa riddles at the best of times, and when she was upside down wouldn't class as the best of times. when the one of the other teams got the answer right she continued along the track hoeing that she or madlyn would get the next one right. maybe it would be something physical, her and Madlyn would be good at anything physical, madlyn had hight and strength, and she had speed and agility.
Jeremy continued to move along with Olive. They were going at a steady pace now, and Jeremy had the feeling that Olive knew that he had almost dropped her. He had a good grip on her ankles now, so unless the next obstacle was a rock that tripped him, he thought he would be alright. The Ravenclaw hoped that he and Olive would be able to pass the group ahead of them so that they could make it to the next obstacle first.
Justin had to starting picking up in the race now, it had been going on for a while and it would only be a matter of time before the finish line presented itself to the contestants. He, of course, wanted to be the one that won it, but he definitely wouldn't be able to do it without Dannii's help. They were in this together, and having lost the last two obstacles to others, he hadn't yet experienced El Obstacola's true power. He knew that the obstacles wouldn't stay as riddles though, that wouldn't be practical for race, and so he wanted to know what would go down next. He gripped Dannii's ankles twice, and they continued through the race towards the finish line.
El Obstacola didn't have a riddle or anything this time around, this time the challenge was going to be based of their wits and their ability to react fast in a situation. There would be a question, and then there would be a challenge for every single one of them to get past. El Obstacola once again raised his magical barrier, looking different to them all once again. "The question I now ask of you is simple; what is a magical creature that all fear, yet never looks the same to each individual?" El Obstacola asked. It was a relatively easy question to ask.

OOCOut of Character:
All contestants may try this question; but stick to the rules. Once somebody has had a guess, nobody else may post until I have verified it. There is more to this obstacle then just a question.
Briar continued down the track she had lost track of the other contestants. after a while an obstacle came up and she was thankful that this time it wasn't a riddle. the answer was easy. possibly a little too easy. "It's a Boggart" she said suspecting that there would be more than just the question. she braced herself for the worse. trying to remember what her boggart had turned into in class. "are you okay?" she called up to Madlyn who was still holding her feet
Dannii was trying to go as fast as her arms would take her. Thank Merlin she was a beater so her arms were her strongest limbs. Even though they hadn't answered a single clue Dannii thought they were doing quite well. Since when did younger students get so damn smart? she wondered. Of course it didn't help that she had never been very smart herself. Soon after the last riddle the obstacle spoke again. Finally something she could answer. She was just about to answer but someone got there before her.
El Obstacola took one look at the Gryffindor Prefect. "That is correct." El Obstacola said, taking a step back, behind the magical barrier. A chest appeared into his hands. As the rest of the contestants began to gather around the barrier, his voice magnified. "You will all face your worst fear, and only once you are successful will the way through shine." El Obstacola raised his arms, and darkness covered the area they were all in. They would have to fight their fears in the dark, with only their wands and their wits. It released the Boggart.

OOCOut of Character:
RP as being in the dark, your only weapon is your wand. You must RP as still being part of your wheelbarrow. All contestants must post as facing their fears. Your partner cannot assist you. You will be handed out points based on how well you RP getting past this obstacle, their purpose is a surprise. Begin.
Suddenly, shadows embraced the racers. Evelyn squinted, continued for a few steps as her eyes adjusted. This was probably just a little obstacle where they had to navigate the dark, and avoid a pool of water or something. "Nonno, Nonna!" Evelyn screamed in Italian, spotting her grandparents' unconscious bodies a few feet ahead in the darkness. At least, the figures looked a heck of a lot like her guardians. Scrambling forward on her hands, Eve couldn't care less if Karah still had a grip on her legs; she had to get to them. Pulling her wand frantically from her pocket, she cast a quick "Lumos," and that's when she saw it. A figure was advancing, a black bandana obscuring their face. Or was it a balaclava? Whether this was a simple obstacle or a genuine threat didn't matter, she was simply determined to beat it. No one could hurt Stefano and Roberta, not again. Hand-stepping over their bodies to block them from harm, Evelyn began casting spells. "Stupefy!" The man was stepping closer, having dodged that attack as he sent his own back. "Protego!" Evelyn blocked the green blast, supporting herself on one forearm, the other arm holding her bloodwood wand outright. But these futile efforts weren't working, he was heading straight for them. She glanced all around, trying to spot some sort of object or solution in the darkness. There was nothing. Eve would have to rely solely on her limited first year knowledge to ward off this evil. A difficult concept, but one the Gryffindor didn't let faze her.

"Locomotor Mortis," she tried, her voice less strong than she would have liked. The figure collapsed, and she quickly followed up with "Expelliarmus!", leaving him incapable of movement or retaliation. She breathed tiredly, a headache impending from this continued wheelbarrow position. Evelyn looked down, her grandparents were still lifeless. Were they dead? They couldn't be. Maybe they were petrified or something? Pointing her wand downwards to where Stefano and Roberta were protected under her arms, Eve whispered "Finite," sighing with relief as their eyes fluttered open, alive. As the darkness cleared, her grandparents disappeared, as did the threat. The obstacle had been disturbing, and the young girl took a few seconds to breathe as she lay with her forearms in the dirt, her ankles still in Karah's grasp. Eve hoped her partner hadn't been hindered by her pursuit of her grandparents, but of course she did not know what the older girl had seen. To each of them, the other was only in darkness. She shoved her wand back into the pocket of her shorts, and regained her position on her palms. "Well, shall we get a move on, then?" she laughed, her voice a little tired from fright.
Dannii grumbled a little to herself when the obstacle spoke to Briar. She didn't have much time to do it though because the obstacle began to speak again. Dannii didn't even have time to protest the next test before she was plunged into complete darkness. The darkness seemed to be closing in all around her blocking out everything. The Head Girl began to hyperventilate as it felt like breathing was becoming harder and harder. Dannii tried moving forward hoping that she could just push her way through this but when she put down her hand instead of feeling grass she felt something cold and stiff. Dannii looked down and felt vomit rising in her throat. Underneath her hand was the body of her mother. Laying right beside Phoenix was her husband Ambrose. If the sight of the corpses hadn't been the cause of Dannii puking then the smell was. Dannii knew what was going to be there when she looked up but she forced herself to. All around her were the bodies of everyone she knew and loved. Muriel, Aurora, Rue, Kyle, Justin, and even her pets had joined her parents in various stages of decomposition.

The smell of death over powered Dannii as she emptied her stomach contents. Tears were pouring out of her eyes and she moved her hand and placed it on Justin's hard cold face. She reared back her arm and slapped him hard across the face. "YOU WAKE UP RIGHT NOW OR I WILL KILL YOU!" Dannii screamed frantically at the lifeless body. "WAKE UP GOD DAMN IT" No matter how loud she screamed or how hard she hit Justin never moved. She had snapped. The terror of the scene around her had caused Dannii's brain to shut itself off to protect her.

Dannii collapsed into a heap on the ground defeated. It was then that she felt something holding onto her legs. It was Justin. If hes holding onto me... Hes not dead. She told herself. Thats right. None of this is real. Everyones still alive... Well almost everyone. Dannii repeated this thought in her head over and over again. Dannii thought back to her defence against the dark arts classes. She would have to think of something happy. Dannii pulled her wand out of her jean pocket and tired to think of how to turn this into a happy situation. "Riddikulus! Dannii cast. Almost at once the dead bodies disappeared and various strangers being pranked took their places. As soon as a laugh had escaped her lips it was defeated. For her at least.
Briar looked across as she heard someone right next to her as she had said the answer, she looked apologetically across at her when the obstacle said she was right, in fact she was looking in the opposite direction as the trunk appeared. however she heard exactly what it said.
suddenly everything went dark then around her was her forest home, but there was a smoky wall around her, and she couldn't reach it, then gradually it was replaced with high rise apartments, and electric lights.
then from out of the smoke came the nurse who had helped her in the hospital wing. she felt a odd pain in her shoulder from the memory of her last visit to the ward, however the look on the nurses face was grim and she knew something was up. Briar isn't it" she heard the nurse sayin her irish accent. I am sorry to say but when I fixed your shoulder i missed another broken bone. It was stable but unusual exercise of being a wheelbarrow has strained it and unfortunately it has become unstable and broken properly. the nurse continued, briar wished that she would get to the point. so far it wasn't scary just frustratingly slow when she had a race to compete in. "that bone was in your neck, I am afraid that you will be unable to move anything below your shoulders"[/b] the nurse continued. at these words briar felt the world crashing around her. the only thing that she wanted to do was to play quidditch, an that would be worthless if she couldn't move. she knew that it was a boggart, but she didn't know what to do, she knew the charm to finish it but she couldn't think of way to make it funny. she tried to move her hand and after an initial shock of remembering that she was using them to support herself and falling over she realised that it moved freely and that she obviously wasn't a quadriplegic. she managed to get her wand and said the incantation hopeing that something funny would present its self in time. thankfully it did. it wasn't much but it was enough. the nurse lifter her hands to her head and pulled off her mask. beneath it was her Friend Sid. "April Fool"[/b] she shouted "you almost had me there" briar said before starting to laugh. when the darkness lifted she felt that she was sprawled on the floor. she realised that many of the other students had briefly lost loved ones, and she was a bit guilty that her fear was so self centred. she turned around to madlyn. see how madlyn was tackling the bogart.
Huffing irritably, Olive watched someone else answer the question. This really was annoying the prefect.

They all awaited the call to move on, until El Obstacola announced a second part of the obstacle. Olive's breathing immediately ceased, and the girl closed her eyes tight as she could. This was far too familiar. The panic bubbled and tore at her chest, and almost as if her subconscious hated her, the prefect's eyes opened wide. She could feel dozens of other people pressed up against her. Their breath seemed hot, burning Olive's skin. She opened her mouth to cry out but her voice was lost in fear, she tried to move but there wasn't space to shift. All Olive could do was to let the tears drop as she was trapped in a silent world.

Numbly, the prefect's thoughts flicked a switch and turned to sense. It was only another panic attack, nothing the Hufflepuff hadn't battled before. Flight or flight took over, the girl finally able to move enough to lift a hand from the grass and to pull a wand from her hair. It obscured her eyes, but that was okay. It was dark anyway. Olive sent a few spells out to no effect, feeling the panic raise again while she racked her brains to remember what this was. A memory found it's way to her through the noise, pushing away some of the anxiety. "Riddikulus," whispered the Prefect, relieved to no end when the light returned. Olive fought back the rest of the panic attack, noting that she was one of the last to escape. Glancing around, all Olive could hope was that none of the Professors would try to take her to the hospital wing like they had the last few times. Olive let her eyes fall back to the grass, blinking hard to stop the tears from falling any longer. She couldn't stop now, no matter how hard it was to breathe or how much she was shaking. The Prefect would have a hard time forgiving herself if she abandoned Jeremy now.

A mix of agoraphobia and claustrophobia. Plus she has bad anxiety and is susceptible to panic attacks... how could you put her through that Zachson?!
OOCOut of Character:
Please remember that only third years and above can cast Riddikulus. So, you firsties and secondies and such, will have to figure out another way to get away from the Boggart.

Also: remember it's spelt Riddikulus. This isn't a big deal, it's just something I felt necessary to point out.
Jeremy couldn't move fast enough to arrive to the next clue in time. Once the student had given the correct answer, Jeremy was glad that they weren't right in the front. It didn't seem to matter though because the boggart that was let loose seemed to affect everyone anyway. Immediately, Jeremy found it harder to breathe and he was trying to figure out why. The entire lawn seemed like it had grown smaller and the forest on one side of them and the school on the other seemed to be pressing in closer and closer and closer. Jeremy nearly let go of Olive, his hands slowly losing their grip, as they became slick with sweat, and felt the urge to push the empty air and create more space for himself.

It was only by the smallest sliver of his wits that he did not, though his hands did loosen their grip significantly. Jeremy could feel his breaths coming faster and faster, more shallow with each step he took until finally he could move no more. Letting go of one of Olive's legs, Jeremy shut his eyes, and reached for his wand realizing that it was a boggart that had been set loose. He opened them to discover that there was no air. All of the people around him had sucked it up. He opened his mouth and pointed his wand "Riddikulus" he croaked with as much conviction as he could muster. It was enough thankfully. Almost instantly, he could breathe easier and Jeremy was convinced that the lawn was growing in size again even though in reality it had never changed in size. Jeremy started, realizing that he had dropped his partner's leg. He hastily thrust his wand in his pocket and he picked it up once more to resume the race.
When Azolla and Michael came up to the next riddle she looked up at him with confusion, she'd never heard of whatever it is and even when it was name she still felt somewhat confused. Before she got a chance to ask Michael what was meant by this there was sudden darkness surrounding her, almost suffocating her but through the darkness she saw her parents. She had been young when they died and didn't actually get to see them when they were being buried so the morning she had woken up and kissed them goodbye had been the last time she had seen them. Until now. Instantly the eleven year old reverted to the stage she had been when she lost them, "Mommy! Daddy!" She rushed up to them and shook their bodies which were cold and lifeless with pools of blood around her as she kneeled and cried over their bodies only to see the rest of her family lying with them. Tears spilled down Azolla's face faster than she would have liked. She hugged her parents tightly and repeated, "I'm so, so sorry," over and over again when she realized that this was an obstacle. She had been lost in the moment and her greatest sorrow and fear but as she looked down at her parents she wished that she didn't have to go back to reality, that she could be with them for just a while longer to say a proper goodbye to them but she would never have the chance so she scrambled to the feet and shouted, shakily, "Protego." Of course in her fear there wasn't any sort of assailant coming towards her, she just thought that if she had any protection from the boggart perhaps it could help her but it didn't. She shouted, "Finite," with more gusto to her voice before she groaned and looked at her older brother and imagined his worst fear would be cleaning up a mess like this and a light chuckle came from her lips that still had the salt of tears on them and then it grew as she let her think of much happier times and before she knew it the darkness was gone.

When Azolla realized this her laughter faded and she looked around her and noticed that she was still held in Michael's hands and looked up at him through red, puffy eyes and smiled anxiously. "Wasn't so bad, was it?" she lied before moving forward with them, trying to get a leg up on the competition.
This race was nothing like last year, nothing like the innocent one she remembered watching from the stands. She had been in her third year and the wheel barrow race was no interest of hers till this year when Briar decided to be her partner. She was happy to have taken part of the race, but not as they wedge into the darkness and their obstacles where more challenged, the great lioness took steady steps. Her fingers stretched wide around Briar's ankles, holding her up more as they proceed into the race. No significant warning was giving, it happen like a horrible accident. She saw Briar, first encounter her greatest fear, the skies grew bleak and her heart raced across her steep chest. Worried lines broke across her face, no time was wasted for any of them at all.

She tried to slow down, pull back as much as she could, but as she step further into the unknown tracks, Madlyn felt her palm sweat and her eyes flickered like light switch. She heard the screams, screams coming from the ground below, her greatest fear was unleashed as she further step forward, like walking on egg shell she heard the terror increase by the minute. Everyone she had ever known, every person she made in contact were suddenly so small to her, they resemble ants from the ground that she stood. And she was the big threats to their little life, she step wanted to cross over them, but there was just to many small people around."I can't I can't go ...on!" she declared in this small voice, the further she wanted to get away the more they double in quantity. Only did a greater scream pulled her out of trauma, she remembered now again this was race.

Doubling over, she manage to pull her coconut wand from her left front pocket, quicker than she thought, she shouted " Riddikulus!", dropping Briar in that point of time, she saw a jet of light wash over the small people below her, and saw as they took the shapes of water filled balloon instead, it made much more easily to walk passed, though she got wet and took Briar's ankles once again, all terror was finally over. Still did not suit her well, showing weakness in a wheel barrow race wasn't called for this evening. "Are you okay Briar?" she huffed, half out of her wits.
OOCOut of Character:
This is your last chance to post for your Boggart. The race needs to be over by the weekend so as to allow for final exams and such. Sooooo, let's try and get this wrapped up yeah? :r

Michael had become rather confident in himself after getting one of the answers to the riddles correct, which was a silly thing to do as little did he know that with Azolla in his hands he would face his greatest fear. He listened to what he was to do, but nothing could have compared to being in the actual moment. Everything around him became dark, and though he was not alone he felt as though he was. His mother had died giving birth to him, and all his young life Michael had blamed himself, his older brother had told him that he had killed her, as though it had been murder. And as the thirteen year old stepped forward it seemed he was standing in the room he had been born in, his father and brother heads hung low and fingers pointing towards him. He rushed to his mother and his fingers gently touched the face he had never seen in person before, the one thing that brought him to tears so often. Holding his mother in his arms he thought he saw a smile, but her face turned to stone, and was whiter than a sheet, the sheets on her bed stained with blood coming from between her legs. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kill you." he wept as he held her body. Even if he had not intentionally murdered his mother, his life had taken hers from his father and older brother, that could not be so easily forgiven. If only the boy could have stayed and held his mother, it was the first time he had ever properly seen her, he hadn't had the chance to thank her for giving her life so he could live his. He recalled his Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and the deepest sorrow he felt had him bring his wand into his hand, he clutched it in the darkness as he stood above his mother. "Riddikulus." he whispered with all of his might.

With that, he was back to the race. Already he missed his mother, he would never forget what had just happened. As Azolla commented he knew she was lying. The experiences the students had all been through can not have been easy. He knew it. "Piece of cake" he said, faking along with his partner as they sped ahead, he hoped they could get ahead in the race now.
Before Justin even knew what was going on, he was being plunged into darkness and he had no idea where Dannii had gotten too. He was alone, and he was deperate now. He hated being alone, and if they were facing a Boggart he would probably have a mental breakdown. Glancing around quickly, Justin's fears were quickly confirmed as he saw the bodies of the only two people he had ever loved, laying dead on the ground around him. He was scared, he was really scared. Justin didn't want to have to face this, he was ready to throw up his wand and pull himself out of the race. But he knew he couldn't do that to Dannii. Dead or alive, he couldn't let her down like that. He couldn't let anything happen to her, and he knew that as long as he was around he wouldn't let anything happen to her. Justin could feel someone else with him, he could feel his hands around Dannii's ankles. It wasn't over, it wouldn't be over. They would win this race, and he would beat the illusion of the Boggart. "RIDDIKULUS!" Justin yelled, willing the illusion to dispel with every part of his body. And it left. Which meant that Justin and Dannii could continue on in the race. "Dannii.. you're alive.." He said, still admittedly a bit shaken. "Let's move." He said, regaining control of himself.
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