The quiet one she was

Riley smiled when she said it was nice to have someone to love. He had a different girl to love every nigh but there would always be Adele there for when he needed some real love. " Yeah i suppose it is but i like to wait for the right girl." He said making himself sound so sweet and prince charming like.

Riley shook his head at the other question, he never felt lonely. He always had company. " No i do have friends you know." He laughed slightly as he sipped his drink. " So how old are you exactly then. Your too old to listen to your parents but not old enough to move out." He said thinking that he just described all teenagers
She laugh after listening to his comment. "I'm 16 and would love to move out and live all by my self" Belle smile sweetly and sip another butterbear of hers. "The right girl will come. Who would resist you?" Belle actually enjoy flirting but she's too shy to do that.
But how could a boy live by them self and earn all of these? It doesn't make sense except if he work somewhere and get lots of money. But how could an 18 years old do that?
"Hey by the way, what do you do for living?" She eyed the boy.
Riley smiled. The girl seemed to be flirting back with him but she was only 16 so she was too young to please him, although if he kept hold of her until she reached 17 then it may be worth it. " Yeah well i have a girl in my sights now." He looking at her. He smiled at her question about his job. He he shook his head. " Oh please." Was all he said. He never spoke of what he did, mainly because he didnt do much but he got paid enough. " What do you want to do when you leave school?"
There was no eros feeling in Belle's heart and she doesn't really mind flirting with the boy just for playing or if the boy won't like her. SHe didn't really wanna know what his job is anyway it's not like the answer matters. "Umm... I don't know really. Definitely leave the house and maybe... Marry someone that wouldn't think I'm too odd?" She giggle a little. "You have a suggestion for me?" Belle smile trying to look as innocent as possible.
Riley thought for a second. " On what. A job or dating." If it was dating then of course he would say himself and if it was a job he would say it would be her choice now his. With a slight sigh Riley shifted his position on the sofa and sipped his drink as he looked at her wondering if she liked him enough to be with him. He did seem to have a weird thing about him that attracted girls to him naturally
Job or dating? "Both" She said as she wipe her laps that was spilled by butterbeers. She could see lighting out side the house and step forward to the window looking at the lighting "It's... Beautiful" She said slowly as she put her hands on the window.
"Life is beautiful isn't it? Beautiful nature, people, things" She look at Riley and stare back at the window.
Riley watched her walk to the window. He nodded at her comment even though he didnt really care about the weather and all that stuff. Coming up with the idea to try his luck, Riley stood up and walked behind her. Placing his hands on her waist he looked out the window and followed her gaze. " Yeah it is. I love nature and weather." He said looking back down to her to see how she would react to him. Of course because of her age it wouldnt really bother him if she freaked out and left but he would prefer her to stay here. They could still have fun
(OOC: lol I can't make this character a wierdo lol imma change the character :p aww.. she's too good.)

The 16 years old Belle was experienced with relationship. In fact she's now heartbroken due to her sick ex-fiancee. All the sudden, she felt strong hands on her waist. She spun around so that she could see the boy
. "You like the position don't you?" She smirked and lean forward to the charming boy closing her eyes but she ended whispering "not so fast boy" She smirk one more time.
Riley smiled slightly at her comment. Leaning down to kiss her neck line gently. " You know your just teasing now pretty lady." Riley let go of her waist and rested them on the windowsill behind her. " You said you didnt have a boy friend so whats up." Riley asked her charmingly smiling at her showing her perfect and white teeth. She may have rejected him but she hadnt done it completely so he would still try
The boy do have a charm Belle had to admit. "Well perhaps because..." She tried to find an excuse but she couldn't think of any. There was a pause for a moment and she open her mouth to answer "I didn't have time to find the perfect guy yet" She quickly put a grin on her face. She walk towards the boy as she put her palm on his cheek caressing it "What about you?" She playfully hit his cheek softly and sit on the couch while sipping her butterbeer.
Riley was starting to enjoy this. He watched her sit down but he stayed standing. " I can be what ever you want me to be. Give me a chance and you wont regret it." Riley said as he sat next to her. " You know sometimes the best thing is what is right in front of you." Riley ran his hand softly through her hair as he spoke softly to her. He was thinking about the sweet things to say now rather than the charming things. It would make him sound less like a love them and leave them type
She couldn't imagine her self being in another relationship. After she broke up with her fiancee, she couldn't face another boy. Since then she started acting awkward. She start acting like her old self again since she met this charming boy. She was a player she didn't really care about serious relationship until she met her ex fiancee. She could tease whoever she please before the `incident`. Belle feel like flirting with boys again. She had missed that a lot. "What do you wish to be?" She smirk waiting for the answer.
Riley shrugged. He didnt really care what she wanted him to do. He leant down to kiss her neck line again. It was a harmless bit of fun but may help her make her mind up. " Well what are you in the mood for?" He asked her charmingly as he looked at her in the eyes. She was pretty that was for sure. Pretty enough to make him want to try and not want her to leave so soon. He moved his hand up and rested it on her outer thigh with a slight smile on his face
Belle rested her head on his shoulder as she felt a hand slightly move to her outer thigh. To be honest she was turned on, she started to like him but she wouldn't let the boy know. "Anything would be just fine" Belle whispered on his ear playfully as she kissed it softly. She then start resting her head on his laps and start playing with the button on his shirt. "Hey just wondering but... How many ex's gf do you have?" She asked. She didn't really care if he answer 1000 or more. She was a player and she knew how it feels having lots of ex bfs/ gfs. She had missed being one, she was too busy being an odd girl all these day and nobody stop her from being one until this day. She wasn't planning to be one she was planning to be in a serious relationship and let's just hope that this boy is the one for her
Riley was pleased that she wasnt pushing him away and instead going along with his game. Putting his hands on her waist and slightly moving her top up so he was hold her bare waisthe shrugged. " Only a sad person keeps count. I couldnt even give you a rough estimate. Why do you keep count?" He asked her pulling her closer to him. Riley moved his hands softly up her back and back down again, all the way down to her legs.
"No... I was just... Wondering" Belle said softly. She felt comfortable near him and was crushing on him a little. Belle was tingling at the moment until she felt his gentle hand on her legs. She was one of those who that are ticklish. She jumped from the couch in a sudden which made him surprise. "Sorry... I'm ticklish" She blushed madly and was hoping that he wouldn't tickle her. Being tickle really lighten the mood to get her self in the game. But she couldn't help but scream like a maniac when someone tickle her.
Riley was a little startled when she jumped. He stared at her for a second before shaking his head. " Oh urm dont worry." Riley said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly before standing up again and walking in front of her with a grin. " So where were we?" He asked playfully before leaning in to kiss her lips and pull her close again, careful not to tickle her again
Belle smirk and as she return his kiss. "Who are you, lad? Why are you so attractive?" She giggle as she put her arms snaking his neck. A music was turned on, it was a slow music and they began to slow dance. Belle rested her head on his chest feeling comfortable. She could hear his heart beat which calm her even more. She love being near him. She could feel his strong arms wrapped around her which makes her feel safe.
Riley held her tightly when the music came on and they began to dance slowly. Riley may have been a lot of things but a dancer was not one of them. He just went slowly in circles and hoped she was cool with it. "Well maybe im that guy you were talking about before. You know mr right." He said with a slight smile as he brought back their previous conversation wondering if she wanted a mr right and if he could be that one for her. Her and a few other girls that he thought it would be good to keep neat
The music speaks to her through her body. She dance so well and smooth. After hearing about the Mr.Right thing, Belle look up to him and whisper "Perhaps you are" She smirked looking away as she blushes, and look back trying to see his reaction towards it.
She didn't believe in love at first sight but she is now.
Riley smiled at her and kissed her gently. If she was falling for him then he would be able to hold onto her for some time. It was strange how girls just fell for him. He didnt really need to try and here he was with a girl dancing with her. " Maybe. Time will tell." He said with a soft sigh as he rested his forehead against hers. He may not have been an expert on love but he could just act the same way as he did with Adele and he would be doing it right. " Im glad i met you today." He said quietly as he turned with the music. He was just saying what he thought fitted the moment and that did to his sense
Belle felt a gentle kiss on her forehead. She started falling for him for sure but she wouldn't tell him. Her heart start beating faster than usual and she blushes a little."No... I'm glad to meet you" She smiles as she playfully kiss his nose and smile sweetly. She had always dream to have someone in her life again. "Who wouldn't fall for a loyal charming boy like you?" She smiles as she put her arms tighter to him. She hope that this one is for her if not she would probably got her old personality back.
Riley couldnt help but smile when she said the word loyal. He was anything but loyal although he did have a way to make girls think that they were the only on for him. He managed that well with Ana, Pat, Adele, until Adele actually saw him with two other girls but she was fine with the fact. As long as he was still with her see was fine. "Well i have you so i dont want any one to fall for me now." Riley said soft to her as he rested his chin on the top of her head. " You know im not actually as good with girl as you may think." He lied as he looked down to her
Belle could hear him breathing calmly. She then look up at him smiling "No you're not good" She smirk as she could see him frown a little. "You're amazing" She turn her smirk into a sweet smile. She lead him to the couch and sat on it. She was feeling a little tired at that time but she's enjoying the moment and the position.
Riley smiled smugly too himself at what she said. He knew he was good. His track record showed he was good. " Yeah im great." He chuckled slightly. He didnt really know what to say know. If she had been a year older then he wouldnt be standing here with her but she was and he didnt know what to do with him self. " Are you hungry?Im a good cook." He asked her too give him something to do. He had been told by many people that he was good so he had faith in his food

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