The quiet one she was

Maybelle Grimm

Well-Known Member
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Strolling down the street alone had been Belle's hobby. She's quiet a loner, a beautiful one. Nobody understand why she doesn't have any friends, not even her family. Belle isn't the type of girl that wouldn't know what to say when people is around. She's just scared and is hiding something from everyone.
Day by day, the girl kept quiet and wont talk except if someone talk to her. She doesn't have the initiative to talk to other people first.
The autumn breeze hit her face gently as she skip on the empty street while smiling all by her self. She then started dancing gracefully, she was a professional dancer in fact. Her flexible body move enchantingly while the wind blow her dark brown hair.
The black eyed girl then stop in front of a big tree and below it. She lean on the tree while closing her eyes inhaling the fresh air in New Zealand.
She remember she used to come here with her sister but that wouldn't happen now. She pulled a scarf from her bag and put it around her neck. She then open her clarinet case and start playing ballad song that sounds sentimental and laid back. She had enjoyed playing it all by her self.
Tho doesn't mind accompany by other people.
Riley was out and around the Harbour. He wanted some time out and ws just out for a walk to clear his head. It was strange how he felt. One hand he was on top of the world after Adele said she would marry him and on the other hand he was frustrated that his brother was back in town and skulking around with Rileys ex. The last he saw her she looked newly pregant , again. Apparently Ana was stupidly fertile and now she had Theo's child. She had been pregnant with Rileys child until his dad killed it. He hated his dad for that, well that and everthing else he had done

Sighing Riley walked over to a darker part and sat near a tree. He loved this place and found that it was good to think things through. He lookde up to see a pretty girl. A smile creeped on to his face at the opportuniy of a girl to spend the night with. " Well would you luck at that. Must be my lucky day to be meeting a pretty girl like you." He said with a smile on his handsome face. No girl could ever resist his charm, unless they were ugly or his ex.
Belle stop playing and listen to the nature until she heard a footstep. Belle put her clarinet in the case gently, her eyes starts following the sound as she look at the north, there a boy was standing praising at Belle. Belle is a shy one she doesn't talk much and blushes pretty often. 3... 2... 1 There you go, the girl blushed.
"Glad to make your day lucky" Belle said shyly.
Yes, to be honest the boy is good looking but Belle is too shy for boys.
Belle closed her clarinet case and put it beside her gently while pulling the coat tighter the wind blew hard.
Some people said that she's wierd since she doesn't talk much but there's something behind all of those.
The black eyed girl then stand up trying to act "normal".

"Haven't seen you around. You're new?" Belle asked softly. She never really talk too loud, only sometimes but most of the time, soft would be the best volume for her.
Riley watched her pack her instrument away. He wasnt very musical so wouldnt know what it was. Looking back up to the pretty girls face he smiled charmingly at her. " No lived here a while now. Although i dont recall seeing you, and believe me i would remember if i had seen your face before." he said charmingly to her as he folded his arms across his chest and looked at her. He thought that she looked younger than him but she couldnt have been that young though, so that was good news for Riley. " So what school do you go to?" He asked her curiously and to make conversation with her so they wouldnt have that awkward silence thing going on
Belle felt embarrassed hearing that the boy lived around. Well Belle is kinda transparent in the community. Even tho she was born in New Zealand, not many people know her.
"Yeah I live around here but I just don't... socialize that much" The girl blush feeling awkward that there would be someone like her. Most teenagers would meet their friends and hang out but not with Belle. She would stay home playing her clarinet or walk around the city by her self.
"Beauxbatons... You?" Belle asked at the boy not knowing his name. She wanted to ask but she's too shy for no reason. The girl is just plain... Wierd or awkward.
Riley listened to speak. He wasnt surprised that she lived around here and he just hadnt noticed her. He dint really notice people around unless he actually paid attention. Riley shrugged. " Well i would defiantly spend my whole day socializing with you." He said with a wink. " And i dont go to school. Graduated a while ago." He said with a smile on his face. " So do you have a pretty name to match your pretty face" He said with a wink in her direction. He loved flirting. It was just natural for him now and he couldnt help but do it. It was as natural as breathing. It was also something that he did very very well and was next to perfect at
Looking at the his expression, Belle blushed even more. She felt awkward that she's blushing she hated it when someone knew that she's one of those that is shy.
"Wow... Graduated? I would love to graduate" Belle giggle a little pushing some of her hair that covered her cheeks. Blame the wind...
Looking at the boy without blinking she then open her mouth to speak
"The name's Belle. You are?" Belle put a sweet smile on her face. The last boy that had treated her with respect was her ex fiancee but the boy couldn't marry her for some reason such as... Disease.
Having a friendly conversation had always been her favorite thing to do tho she's not that good at it.
Riley laughed softly. " Yeah i prefer being out in the world than being stuck in school. More to do." He said smiling. He watched as she brushed her hair back and smiled at him. Thats always a good sign. Holding out his hand with a crooked smile on his handsome face he answered her. " Im Riley Smith and it is certainly my pleasure to be meeting you." He said sweetly deciding to go for the more sweet approach with her and not the full on charming guy that seemed to be making her blush, not that he would stop that completely. " Well your name defiantly matches your gorgeous face." He said with a slight smile and a wink to follow
Belle's brown eyes observe the boy's body language, she could always tell someone's personality by their attitude. "Lovely to meet you too, Smith, Riley Smith" Belle then lean to the tree. She love the sound of nature and the smell of it. She blushed one more time seeing the handsome boy winked at her. She never really get that a lot from other people but she's used to it now. She then look at the boy and smiled and began to open her mouth "so... Tell me about your self" She smile friendlily at him.
"Friends? Fiancee? Brothers? Sisters? Parents?"
She look at the boy curiously. She had always wanted to know about other people but she was one of those who would keep quiet until they reveal them self to her. But in this case she couldn't help but ask. When Belle gets comfortable around people, she would open her mouth to speak if not then silence would be the best thing she had ever have.
Riley hesitated about talking about himself. He didnt exactly have an A* life style. He thought about how to shorten it out. " Well i have one sister and two brothers and a cousin. Im single and have quite a few friends." He said with a shrug. He lied about the fact that he was single but he didnt see how that would change anything, he was still going to try and see where things led. He also missed out the fact that one brother was dead and the other one was a heartless killer. " So What about you. Pretty girl like you is bound to have a guy in her life." He said with a smile as he waited for her reply
Belle rarely talk about her self most of the time in the conversation, Belle talks about the person she's talking o instead of herself. She's not quiet happy with the way she is/ her family is. "A mother, father, an identical twin sister and is not in a relationship" Belle said shyly. She didn't want to tell the boy that her twin sister is no where to be found a.k.a dead. Nobody ever know about the death of Anna (Belle's sister) not even her parents. Only Belle knew what happen on that day but she wouldn't tell anyone not even her closest best friend, not even her family. "Why not have someone in your life? Most of my friends are engaged by the time they reach your age" Belle smiled at the boy.
Riley shrugged passively. He was engaged but he wasnt going to mention Adele to her. " Im not big on the marriage thing and i suppose i havnt met the right girl yet." He lied. Of course Adele was the right girl for him but it wouldnt stop him from sleeping around with other girls and such. It was too much fun to stop just for the sakes of person. " So why are you not seeing anyone? I would have thought the boys would be lining up for you. I know i would do." He said with a charming smile on his face as he led up to getting her in his clutches
In a sudden, Belle's cheek became as pink as it could be. That's the beauty of hers that whenever she's shy around people her cheek became pink not red as tomato. "I don't know never really thought about it yet" She shurgged and look at her feet. Then she look at the boy again "I don't know" She then became curious of her self. Why on earth is she not in a relationship? Perhaps because she's too quiet? Too shy? Scared? The real reason lies in heart and nobody knew except her self. She wouldn't spill it out, and will never spill it out.
"Any girl would love to have you as theirs" After saying that to him, Belle was shocked. She never really say that to anybody else not even her crush but the words came automatically. She couldn't control it and she didn't know why.
Riley smiled widely when he saw her tun bright red. He smiled again when she said that any girl would be happy to be with him, he already knew this though. " Does any girl include you?" He asked her curiously knowing he may be pushing his luck but he didnt care. He was a casanova and could get any girl he wanted if he put his mind to it.

(wrong character sorry)
(OOC: lol sok)

Belle never believe love in first sight, not even now.
"Perhaps" Was all Belle could say. The girl blushes as she look over to the falling leaves. She didn't know what to do or say to Riley. Belle was scared getting into a relationship she didn't want to hurt other people's feeling and her's but perhaps she could give it a try. The sky gets darker each second, rain might come any minute. "Hey I think it's gonna rain soon" As the girl look at the dark sky, water start pouring but not too hard. She grab her clarinet and bags then start running towards a building. "Coming?" Belle asked to the boy.
Riley smiled smugly at what she said. Looking up to the darkening grey sky, Riley felt some droplets of rain land on his face. Looking back down to see her running off and asking his to come with her, Riley started to jog along side her to get to cover. " Well i dont know about you but im a little wet." He said laughing at a silent joke in his head. He gave her a side ways wink before leaning against the wall under the building shelter. " You know as i dont know how long this rain will last we can always go to my place." He said looking over to her to see what she would say

(thats weird. Its raining here as well :lol: )
All the sudden, the rain start pouring hard. Belle's house isn't that far either but it takes around 15 minutes to walk and if she walk all by her self in the middle of the rain, she'll look like an idiot after that. "Alright but make sure to return me home after that" Belle giggle. She then start following wherever the boy went.
"How far is it from here?" She said in a louder volume since the rain was pouring harder each second and the sound of the nature is louder than her voice.
Riley smiled when she accepted his invitation. " Oh i will just apperate us there." He said taking her by the waist and pulling her close while he apperated them outside his house. It hadnt started to rain here but he could see the rain cloud heading in his direction.

Riley took out his wand and opened the door. He held it open for Belle to come inside. Shutting it behind her Riley walked into the kitchen and took a butterbeer from the fridge. " Want one." He said holding one out for her.
(OOC: is it a house/ mansion? lol I gotta write something about it)

Belle really didn't thought that they would apparate. She thought they would run and she would caught flu coz of that but apparating was really a good idea. As followed the boy she muttered "Thanks for bringing me here" She smiled looking at Riley. She then walk towards the living room standing there waiting for the boy to come out
She might be a loner but she drink, she could finish a bottle of butterbeer in a minute when she's all alone. But never do that in front of people.
"Sure" She walk towards and grab the butterbeer gently. She drink it slowly, so much slower than she used to.

Riley smiled as she took it. He took a swig of his drink before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room. " Make yourself at home." He said to her as he sat on the sofa. " What time are you being expected back?" He asked her wondering if she had a deadline to be back home with her mummy and daddy. Something he didnt have any more. Well he said he didnt have a dad because Ash was nothing less. He hated most of his family. He never saw his little sister or his cousin and they were his favourites. It was weird how he saw the family he hated most more than the family he loved.
(yeah that's a big house lol and oops about the kitchen thing)

Belle sat on the couch while sipping the butterbeer. "I'm not 5 years old anymore" She laugh a little " I could go home whenever I want" She smiled. It is true, sometimes she wander around like a lunatic and didn't know her way back and came home at midnight. Yet her parents never notice it.
"Wow your house is beautiful" Belle said while her eyes wander around the house looking at the minimalist furniture. "Where are you family?" She asked calmly to the boy.
Riley smiled. He did like his house a lot. He shook his head at her last comment though. " I dont live with my parents. I moved out the second i was old enough to live on my own. Me and my family dont get on." That was just the overly sweetened version of the story. His big brother a murderer who had now got Rileys ex pregnant and turned her against everyone including her own family who she loved. His other brother who was killed by a death eater. His sister who he never saw and his dead mother and a father who couldnt care less about his family except Theo. " I live with a room mate who is never here though. She works in HNZ and comes here like once every two term or something like that." Riley said with a shrug
It quiet surprise her that the boy live there not with his family. "Wow... You earn all of these?" Belle smile at him and her eyes starts wondering at the house again. "Nice... You have a roommate, and a she eh?" Belle tried to speak like Canadians and giggle a little. "You sure you're not with her?" She smirked at the boy trying to figure out why on earth would he live with another girl if he's not going out with her.
Riley shook his head and shrugged. "Im not with her. She lives here but i dont see enough of her to have anything serious with her besides i dont think she is interested in me and i like having a friend to talk to and not feel awkward. Because imagine if we split up." He laughed. Riley had tried to get Cyndi but failed, but that wouldnt stop him Riley was very determined like that although he wasnt trying as hard as he could because of the reasons he just said but he wasnt not trying either. "If you lived with a boy who you hardly saw would you want to date him and be at risk of loosing the friendship you had with him?" He asked her turning the situation so she could answer it in her opinion
The boy got a point, why on earth is he out with a girl who is rarely home "True... I would do the same thing as you" She sipped another butterbeer of hers and put it on her laps. "But it'll be nice to have someone to love" She said innocently as she smiles sweetly.
"And second question... Aren't you lonely staying in the house all by your self?" She frowned as she look at the boy. Belle knew how it feels to be lonely, she was once a clown class not until the 'tragedy' happen then she became quiet. So quiet that people wont notice that she's there. She's now trying to be like she used to.

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