Open The Photographer's Fun

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Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
Eugene hadn't planned a costume this year, he'd gotten wrapped up in the accio stuff and getting a camera that he hadn't had money to spare on a costume. It wasn't a bad thing really, he didn't mind not having a costume, but he did feel a little out of place in his regular clothes. But at least he could say he was too busy for a costume, which Eugene was. he had his camera and was taking pictures of the people in the halloween as he was supposed to given that this was his first task on the Accio team. It was in part why though he felt out of place he wasn't actually feeling that bad about it. He had a job to do and he didn't have the time to worry about a costume, he didn't want to let the team down and end up being dead weight. There was a lot riding on this but that didn't mean that Eugene was stressed, in fact he was loving it, taking pictures of people was just so enjoyable.
Gwen had been excited about the Halloween Feast, though as an Accio intern she knew she was also expected to take photos. The girl had enjoyed herself a bit first, checking out the games and talking to a few classmates. Then she spotted Eugene, who was already taking pictures. The older boy was the other new intern photographer on the accio team, and Gwen had been looking for an excuse to get to know him better. It was never a bad idea to know some older students. She smiled and waved as she approached him. "Hi Eugene!" She said brightly. "So busy already, where's your costume?"
Eugene grinned widely at Gwen when she greeted him. "Hey Gwen!" he thought the girl was quite nice and was glad to get to know her better in accio. She seemed cool. He nodded, and then looked down at his clothes, his lack of a costume. He wasn't sure what to say, whether to be overly honest or not. "I don't have one...and couldn't think of one with my regular clothes," he said with a little shrug, "but you've dressed as a tennis player?" he asked, clearly not too sure about his guess, mostly the racket the girl had was either very old or just this wasn't a tennis outfit.
Gwen frowned a bit when the boy said he didn't have a costume. "But surely you knew the Halloween party would be a thing, you could have brought one?" She asked him, but then stopped herself. It wouldn't be any good to make an enemy out of someone she should be befriending. "Though I think you look fine this way too! And I bet you're getting a ton of work done." She said. Then she nodded at his question, posing with her racket. "Yes! I had a ball too but it rolled off somewhere." She said, glancing around. "Have you taken many pictures yet?"
Eugene gave a slightly nervous expression at her words, nodding every so slightly but he noted she did stop and instead went on to compliment him on what he was wearing, it was a bit of a one eighty though he didn't mind. He was a little shy about his lack of wealth in the face of what was a lot of wealth with other students. "Honestly Gwen, it's ehh, costumes are expensive and my cousin and I kinda ran out of money so I couldn't get one...," he told her honestly with a little smile. They were on Accio together and she seemed nice enough that he was sure she would be nice about this aspect of him. The conversation moved on and he was glad he was right about it. at the question he nodded eagerly. "LOADS! But I think like only a third will be useable. I think I gotta work on not over taking...," he gave a light laugh, "What about you?"
Gwen was surprised by how honest Eugene was with her, they barely knew each other. But she knew just how to spin this. She nodded and frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry." She said, hesitating for a moment. "Maybe, next year, I could help you make a costume out of your normal clothes? I mean, I'm pretty creative." She said with a smalls hrug. "Only if you want." She added quickly. She giggled as he said he had taken way too many pictures, but when he asked about her, she hesitated. "I haven't gotten started yet, there's so much going on!" She said though she looked a bit nervous about it. "I'll go take some pictures now, though. I don't want to fall behind." She said, glancing around.
Charlie was running a bit late. Working on his costume had taken more time than he'd thought. He walked into the hall, noticing that pretty much everyone was already there. He spotted Eugene and walked over, smiling beneath his mask. "Hi, guys," he greeted, looking between Eugene and the girl.
Eugene gave a wide smile at Gwen, "OH that would be good!" he said, he didn't have that many clothes that they could do much with but he could try and would try as much as was possible for him and he he was right about Gwen, she seemed nice, she probably was very nice. "You've got plenty time, I think I'm being over eager...," he laughed, "Plus this is your first dance right...? So you know make the most of this first experience and even if you have only a few pictures I'm sure it'll still be more than enough..," he assured her. He was one step away from offering to take the pictures for her, but stopped short it wouldn't be good to do that. Eugene jumped a little at Charlie and his ccostume. he'd seen the other boy getting ready and it still took him a little by surprise. "Hey Charlie! Charlie this is Gwen, she's a friend of mine from Accio, Gwen this is Charlie, he's one of my best friends and dormmates," he introduced the pair to each other.
Gwen was glad Eugene seemed happy about her suggestion, and nodded as he continued to speak and reassured her. It wasn't as good as him offering to take the photos for her, but at least if she got scolded for not having enough photos, she could point to Eugene for saying he was sure it was fine. "Thanks! I was just getting a little nervous." She said, clearly relieved. Someone new joined them and Gwen jumped a bit at the sight of his costume. "Ah! You look scary." She said, but then laughed. Eugene introduced them to each other, which she was glad about. She was pleased that he called her a friend. "Good costume! Nice to meet you Charlie!"
Charlie smiled, blushing as Eugene introduced him. He chuckled at the girls reaction to him, offering out his hand to her. "It's nice to meet you, Gwen." He folded his arms casually over his chest. "Accio must be fun," He told them. "I'm on the Monthly, I wonder if its similar at all to Accio," he looked to Eugene, curious about it now.
Eugene gave Gwen a warm smile, "You'll be fine Gwen, I'm sure of it," Eugene assured her, he could get being a little nervous about this but he also knew she was probably fine and would be. Even if she got a fraction of the pictures he did, he assumed hers would be much better. Eugene gave a warm smile as the two were friendly to each other after his introduction. "Accio is good fun," he said with a smile at Gwen. "I don't know if it's similar, it has to be a bit similar...just instead of writing, we take pictures...," he said, he thought writing was too much work for him, but pictures he could do with ease.
Gwen smiled as Charlie said it was nice to meet her, glad she was making another older friend. It wouldn't be long until she knew a bunch of people in the year above her, which could only work out in her advantage. "Oh, maybe." She said, thinking it over. "They do both need pictures." She offered. "But we don't have to write, that's true." She said as Eugene compared the two. She turned to Charlie. "What sort of articles have you written yet? Are you writing one about Halloween?" She asked, wondering if she could talk him into interviewing her.
Charlie nodded. They had a point. He smiled at Gwen and shook his head. "Oh, no, I'm covering the Quidditch games," he told Gwen. "My dad is a sports journalist, so I prefer to try and keep to the sports things," he chuckled lightly. "Which reminds me, I really like your costume. Do you play, or is it just a costume?" He asked, curious.
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