The Peanut Gallery

Justin Cliffeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
OOCOut of Character:
Anyone not participating who wants to watch the race, post here!
Professor Kingsley had not managed to find a partner, though she hadn't actually put in much effort towards that end. So, she was on the sidelines ready to enjoy the match in a different way. Cheering along as the race got underway, Cyndi wondered who would end up victorious.
Amber had heard about the race, but it hadn't seemed like something she would enjoy. Putting her hands all over the muddy grounds wasn't her idea of fun, but she still wanted to participate by watching it all. She saw that Flavio was participating, but unfortunately he was paired with Rory. She wasn't sure if she should cheer for her friend or hope they lost so Rory wouldn't be smug about it. She sighed, she found it so hard to believe the two were friends. Besides Rory and Flavio there weren't many people she knew very well. Of course there was Professor Pendleton, and her friend Clementine. She decided she would root for those three teams, even if one had Rory on it. She didn't really care too much about who won, though. It seemed like the most important part of this was the fun. She beamed as the race started, it was hard not to be amused by the sight. Everyone looked incredibly silly. This would be fun to watch.
Kennedy had considered participating in the wheelbarrow race because she was the new Head of House and she wanted to participate in schoolwide events, but truthfully she wasn't the type to do something like that. Instead she was happy to support the students, and her colleagues, by sitting in the stands and cheering them on. As she walked up to the lawn she saw the Cyndi and remembered the rose the Gryffindor had sent her and her promise to make an effort to get to know the woman more. "Hey Cyndi," she greeted the Ancient Runes professor as she stood by her to watch the race begin.
Katherine was no longer young enough to entertain the idea of competing in an event such as the wheelbarrow race, but she was pleased to see it being hosted. It was nice to see both staff members and students alike getting together and having fun, competing in activities less dangerous and more open to anyone than Quidditch or Dueling. Perhaps it was what the school and its inhabitants needed, more enjoyable activities anyone could participate in, events to help de-stress from weeks of studying. Maybe the students would end up being less prone to violence and misconduct, as so many of them had been throughout the year. Maybe not.

The Headmistress settled on the sidelines of the race, her eyes focused in particular on her son and his cousin, silently supporting him whether he wanted it or not. It was an odd sight, seeing him now as a grown-man, participating in activities she'd only ever seen him do as a child. The sight looked less odd in comparison to some of the other staff members, however. Truth be told, the woman was surprised to see Wren awake long enough to compete, and even more surprising was Arvo's participating. In terms of gardening tools, the part-goblin was less of a wheelbarrow and more like a trowel - small and handheld. It was definitely going to be interesting to see who the first few were to cross the line.
Professor Kingsley turned her head slightly as she heard her name, a smile growing on her face. "Hi Kennedy" she said, her attention divided between the woman and the race. "Didn't want to join in the fun?" she asked as she clapped her hands, cheering the participants on.
Norton had thought about entering the wheelbarrow race, but he hadn't been sure who to ask to be his partner, and by the time it had rolled around he still didn't have one. The boy however was still in the stands because his sister was in the race and as ever, Nortie was cheering her on, "Come on Gilly!" he noted that the boy she was with was the one he'd met before at one of the other school events, Gideon or something like that, "You can do it!" he cheered loudly. He was very hopeful that his encouragement would mean that they won, Norton really wanted his sister to win it and he knew that if this ever happened again he might choose to be quicker about entering, "Move fast Gilly!" he didn't care how loud he was being or if he was embarrassing his sister, Norton could do this all day!

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