Amber had heard about the race, but it hadn't seemed like something she would enjoy. Putting her hands all over the muddy grounds wasn't her idea of fun, but she still wanted to participate by watching it all. She saw that Flavio was participating, but unfortunately he was paired with Rory. She wasn't sure if she should cheer for her friend or hope they lost so Rory wouldn't be smug about it. She sighed, she found it so hard to believe the two were friends. Besides Rory and Flavio there weren't many people she knew very well. Of course there was Professor Pendleton, and her friend Clementine. She decided she would root for those three teams, even if one had Rory on it. She didn't really care too much about who won, though. It seemed like the most important part of this was the fun. She beamed as the race started, it was hard not to be amused by the sight. Everyone looked incredibly silly. This would be fun to watch.