The New Professor

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Hello all,

So Anamika is a New Professor and she teaches potions to 5th year and above.So I wan't some Professor friends and acquaintances.I would also like to be friends with adults who are not Professors.And some students whom I will be teaching.They can be my favorite students or they can be the ones whom I first give detention.If anyone is interested please reply to this topic.

I have Alexandra who would love to be a teachers pet, considering potions is her favourite and best subject. She'll be in fifth year next 'year', so what sort of rp did you have in mind with a student-professor?
Cyndi is looking for some more professor friends. Do you have anything specific in mind?
Aphrodite:I would love to have Alexandra as a teacher's pet :D .Maybe she could have trouble with brewing some potion and she could come to my office to learn.And then i could probably teach her a potion that is for advanced level because I think that she has talent enough to make it ;) .

Cyndi:Anamika would love to be friends :D .I don't have anything specific in mind,maybe they could just meet in the Staff room and we will see how it goes.

Maisie:Yes it would really fit.Why don't you start a topic in my office? :D
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