The Morning of..

"No, but I have to be in the tents before the Tournament starts." Nina said still hoping Alex would show up soon. Then Nina felt something nip at her finger, Nina looked down and saw that it was the owl she had been using. Nina absentmindedly took the letter off of it's leg andsaid, "Go back to the Owlrey I'll be there in a bit." Nina pet the owl's head happily and smiled.
"Alex will come. He won't miss sending you off. He's going to be sitting in the stands with us cheering you on too." Asher grinned wrapping her arm around Nina's shoulder reassuringly. Then she noticed the owl land on the table and deliver a letter to Nina. "What's that?"
[Asher, I edited my you want to edit yours?]
Harri smiled as the owl came down, "From home?" she guessed before taking another bite of her toast.
Nina smiled as she opened it and noticed it was in her Mother's hand. "Yeah, its from Mum." Nina said mostly to herself then read it silently, not caring if either of them read along with her.
Dear Nina,

We are all so proud of you and of your acomplishments, but don't go over board, we all know how you can get. I am upset you haven't told me about this boy before, I looked him up, don't ask me how but this Diggory boy was older than yourself, and I don't want anything to happen to you, watch out please, I am begging you hunnie. I am sure you will follow these instructions as you will have no choice, I will have someone watching you and informing me of everything that is happening on your tasks.
And on seprate news, Darcy's hair changed to Green for a day then back to red, I suppose that means he is a Metamorphagi, as you said in your previous letter. His fever is slowing down, which must be a huge relief for you. Remember hunnie, I love you, and so does your father.

Mom, Dad and Darcy.

Nina smiled brightly at the end of the letter and sighed with relief.
"Darcy is getting better, and is a Metamorphagi, his hair changed to green then back to red." Nina said happily.
Asher beamed. "Oh! I'm so glad!!" She wrapped Nina in an embrace. "Congratulations on having a metaporphagi brother!"
"I'm just glad he isn't sick." Nina said relieved slightly. Nina beamed proudly, she loved her brother and could now share magic with him.
Harri grinned "Well it's all good then isn't it!" she said, though she didn't know Nina's brother had been sick it was nice to hear he wasn't any longer! "Wow! A metamorphagi brother! Thats pretty cool!" she siad grinning.
"I am too! That's very exciting news!" Asher loved being able to share magic with her sister. She knew how important it was.
"I know," Nina said happily, she couldn't be more excited.
Alex had been sleeping badly the last week and couldn't stand being in the tent any longer today so he walked out and went for a walk before bothering to come to breakfast. He felt some air of excitment and suddenly remembered the first task was today. Nina would be bag of nerves or so he thoguht anyway. he noticed them at the table and walked over to them, rubbing his eyes tiredly. 'Morning all.'he said sleepily smiling and sat down, immeadiately going for some rolls.
Nina's smiled widened as Alex came over and she hugged him for a little comfort and whispered, "Good Morning." Nina then pulled herself back and smiled sweetly at Alex.
"Mornin,"Harri said as Alex joined them before returning to her breakfast, she glanced up at Nina with a look that said ' I told you so', grinned at her then went for some orange juice, no matter how long she had been here pumpkin juice just wasn't her thing. "Look at me sitting at the Hogwarts Scotland table, hope you guys don't mind!" she said, looking back at the Gryffindor table that now looked pretty crowded.
Asher smiled as Alex entered. "Good morning Alex! Did you sleep well? You look rather tired."
Alex smiled back at Nina and rolled his eyes at harri. 'Yeah, we do mind. Stop eating all our supplies,'he said sarcastically at Harri before looking at Asher. 'Umm,'he said looking at Nina before back at Asher. 'Yeah, I slept ok,'he said, not bothering to set anything bad up when Nina was already in a task today.
Nina then noticed Alex did look a little troubled, Nina looked into his eyes wide eyed and nervously to show him, that she cared for him, no matter what ever would happen during this task.
Harri laughed looking up and down the table "I doubt I could eat all of this. Even if I wanted too!" she said, there was masses of food! She frowned a little at Alex seeing Nina now looked nervous. "Stop stressing her out," she whispered so only Alex would hear.
Nina overheard what Harri said and she glanced at Harri and gave her a look that said, 'it's not him, let him be', basically a warning. Nina smiled weakly at Alex.
Alex noticed he was the only one along with Harri eating here. He frowned a bit. 'You better eat up Nina. You're gonna need that energy loads today. How you feeling?'he asked her, smiling and trhowing an apple to her.
Harri raised and eyebrow at Nina defensivly but said nothing more on the subject. "I'm going to go join the Gryffindors," she said pushing the bench out and walking away, feeling the atmosphere change a little since Alex's arrival, "Afterall need to wish Hilary good luck!" she said smiling, "Good luck, I know your going to do great!" she said hugging Nina and passing one table and slumping down on the Gryffindor table.
Alex smiled. 'yeah, go eat your own supplies,'he joked as she left before lookign back at Nina and Asher.
Nina cuaght Alex's apple and smiled she took a small bite and said softly, "I am okay a little nervous." Her stomach was in knots and she was fighting with herself to keep the bit of apple down. Then she saw that Harri had taken her warning the wrong way. Nina looked up at her apologetically. "Bye Harri." Nina said warmly then hugged her as watched her leave a little upset that she left, she knew this one was her fault.

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