The Monster Mash

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Anmoch Marcach

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Another year, another halloween. Anmoch had yet to see anyone in both his house or the school that he thought truly deserved their place but as the spirit rode his steed once more down to the Great Hall, that was littered with various treats and candy that the children so desperately seemed to crave these days, and an accumulation of plastics and fake blood that would never have passed for the real deal, his sense of duty at attending the feast was at the forefront of his mind. The Dark Rider would have been greatly satisfied had he been given a chance to show them how it was done properly, but frozen in the immortal form of a ghost proved difficult to do anything more than observe. As was the case that evening, the man dismounted from his horse, eyes lingering for a few moments on the passing students as he did little to show his distaste for their poorly created outfits. The man was here and that was of most importance, and he strode through the hall at a glacial pace, ensuring that he was noticed before moving on.
Why The Dark Rider thought it necessary to bring his spectral steed with him everywhere was beyond Gladys, but it certainly made the semi-transparent man far easier to find in a sea of the much more colourful mortal youth. The Ravenclaw ghost weaved her way through the crowd of children, giving a few costumes a critical once-over before moving on her way. Halloween was a familiar festivity she had partaken in within the original Hogwarts, at one point in her life. However now, as someone ethereal, donning a costume was an infinitely more difficult task. Technically, she supposed, she could argue she was dressed as a ghost every year, as dull as that sounded, but the costumes and the contests were more for the living than the deceased, and Gladys had long since lost the desire to involve herself in some silly dress-ups.

"Good afternoon, Rider." Professor Wright called as she swept up to the Slytherin ghost, who appeared as unimpressed with just about everything as he always was. After so many years of the same thing, over and over, who could blame him. Some of outfits this year were particularly lazy. Gladys was certain she had seen someone in little more than a bedsheet, and a few others who practically wore their everyday clothing. If they weren't going to partake in the festivities, perhaps their time could have been better spent studying.
Abian hadn't known there would be a Halloween celebration at Hogwarts, so when he had heard about the costume contest he had simply thrown something together in haste. Now as he entered the Great Hall, he was amazed by the amount of effort the professors had taken to make this feast awesome. The Great Hall hardly looked the same, and he was eager to find out everything there was to do. So far he hadn't spotted Raf, William, or Elio yet. Maybe he would find them if he walked around for a bit. But then he stopped short, as he suddenly noticed two ghosts. Two real ghosts. They were hovering in the air, chatting. Abian had heard ghosts were real now, and even caught a glimpse once or twice, but to see them from this close was startling. He simply stared at them, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. He could see through them.
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