Closed The Mix Up

Adrien Gonzalez

Nerd | Friendly | Confused
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young
It was the first day of Hogwarts after the sorting. Adrien felt weird, it felt like his whole life was turned upside down and he was excited about it. Confused too but mainly excited. He had so many new things coming his way so it was difficult not to be curious about everything. He had heard that it was possible to see ghosts in the castle, so he was extremely looking forward to it. Adrien was so sure that seeing a real ghost would be the biggest accomplishment of his life right after talking to a portrait. It even felt weird to think about, he had talked to a portrait. He couldn't wait to tell everyone about it. But so far, he not only hadn't managed to tell anyone, he had also managed to mess up the tables he was supposed to sit at as if the colors wasn't the biggest giveaway. But Adrien thought that maybe, just maybe he was actually supposed to sit here. He had noticed a few people sitting not with their house colours so he thought that the tables were subjective and he could sit anywhere he wanted. So the Ravenclaws got their sausages, omlettes, tomatoes and an orange juice stolen from them by a sweet, unsuspecting Gryffindor first year.
Bea sat next to her sister at breakfast, nibbling on a piece of toast as she noticed a boy dressed in some Gryffindor attire at their table. But he didn't seem to actually be interacting with another Ravenclaw and was really just scavanaging from their table. She looked at her twin, who had a smirk on her face. She knew what she was thinking and was feeling a little mischeivious this morning. "Do you remember that girl who got detention last year for eating at the wrong table?" she asked her twin a little louder than was normal volume. "Didn't she get end up getting expelled?"
Maggie took a bite of some potatoes as she watched a boy closely, snickering once her twin caught onto her looks. "No, I think you're thinking of the girl who was punished for stealing food by having to sit through a seminar with every house ghost, which honestly sounds worse than getting expelled, in my opinion." Maggie took another bite of potatoes as she tried to make eye contact with the boy, wondering if he had been listening to their theatrics at all.
Adrien was just trying to eat when he accidentally overheard the conversation the girls were having. WHAT? He was confused, immediately looking around. So he was supposed to sit at the same table that he sat at yesterday? Where was he? "Seriously? Wait, so was she expelled or with the ghosts?" he asked right away. He didn't care that he didn't know them. His whole life was standing on this. "Oh my God! Are we supposed to sit in the same places that we sat at yesterday? Can we change the seatings? Why did no one warn us? I don't wanna get expelled on the first day, I just found out that magic existed. Do you think they will erase my memory too?" Adrien wanted to stay at Hogwarts. His siblings would never let him live down that he got magic and lost it in the span of a few months, and got kicked out of the coolest school ever on the first school day.
Beatrice tried to hide her laughter as the boy was seemingly distraught. "I think she got expelled... but maybe both," she suggested, stuffing some toast in her mouth. The boy started to freak out, and she looked at Maggie, who was much more clever than she was and better at dealing with people in a crisis.
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Maggie bit her lip, trying not to look at the boy until he started really freaking out. She saw Bea's glance and piped up once he seemed to finish. "We were just joking. No one is going to expell you. You can sit wherever, I guess. People go sit with their friends all the time. You just have to sit at your house during like big stuff, I think. I don't actually know, so maybe you do get expelled for stuff like that," she finished, shrugging before grabbing a sip of her juice. "What's your name anyway? Anxious Andy?"
Adrien was panicked when he looked at the first girl, then the second one said that he was gonna be fine. He was looking between them so long that he forgot which one said what and was also confused at which one to look at. “Wait, so I can get expelled but I also can’t? When it’s better to sit at my house not to risk it?” He didn’t wanna spoil this whole Hogwarts experience. “I am Adrien, I’m a Gryffindor,” he proudly showed off his house as if he wasn’t sitting at another houses table. “You two are Ravenclaws, aren’t you? Or are you trying to get expelled too?” He was trying to be funny even tho he was still a bit heated from the scare the girls gave him.

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