The Ministry Lies

Athena spotted the yellow smoke and looked around for Hercules. It was more difficult because no one looked like their normal self. Eventually, she spotted him and pushed her way through the crowd to get to him. By the time she had reached him, she had spotted an Auror. Whether others had arrived more incognito or not, Athena didn't know. What she did know was that the man was asking them to leave, not capturing or arresting anyone. "You heard the man" Athena replied coyly to her partner. "Far be it for us to let the man capture us when he so clearly wants to let us go and fight another day" she added, grabbing the guy's hand so they could walk away as a couple if need be.
Alexia couldn't believe that this would be happening at a time like this. Of all things she could have been doing, she had to be breaking up a disturbance of some kind. She wasn't going to be jumping to conclusions, but it was pretty obvious what was happening here. She followed her fellow aurors and pulled out her wand, standing to the side of the crowd as opposed to walking through them to the front. There was really no point capturing anyone, because they couldn't tell who was involved and who wasn't. The Scitorari were tricky and they were just as likely not to really be there at all, but to be employing someone to speak for them. Who knew what was happening here. "Everyone just head back to what you were doing, thank you."
So far, everything seemed to be going without a hitch. People were interested, nothing was happening and it was all perfectly boring. Hercules saw the yellow smoke, and a grin grew on his face, things were finally getting interesting! He looked around to see an Auror stepping out and demanding they left, and he snorted, rather wanting to tackle the goody-good to the ground. However, the pregnant lady stepped up to him, and he remembered what his job was. Herc snickered at Athena's comment, and held her hand tightly, moving them quickly out of harms way, hoping that maybe once he had looked after her, he could return. Hercules was itching for a fight, but his priorities were making sure Athena was okay, and then Yev. Maybe Yev would let him fight. "Ready?" He asked Athena in a gruff voice, once they were far enough away, before apparating the two of them out.
Very few people dared oppose Eustacia, by mere reputation alone. A Necromancer, a former Death Eater, a leader of the Scitorari. Yet here, a simple civilian had the nerve to shieldanother against her power. Who did this man think he was, to meddle in her affairs. It was the same man who had spoken up earlier. If they weren't trying to gather people to their cause, he'd no longer be standing, but she would have loved to have watched him attempt to block a more potent spell. Still, he wasn't worth much more of her time, but if he attempted to intervene again, she wouldn't be so merciful. Instead the elderly witch turned her attention once more back to the more outspoken brat, a small, yet superior smile on her lips as she listened. "Here we have a perfect example of someone who has been brainwashed by the Ministry of Magic, someone who eagerly soaks in their lies. Listen to his words, people of Obsidian, and realise just how deeply rooted the governments control is, how easily molded the youth of today are. We are here to share what we know, and we are here to learn more - but only once we have obtained the information hidden from us by the Ministry. You say you must look in the shadows to find us, but here we stand under the light of day." She laughed, with barely concealed derision. Children such as he did not have the capacity to understand they were wrong. "People fear us because that's what the Ministry wants, they puppet the media and paint us in this poor light. Is that not obvious to you, to everyone here? I would argue that it is. I don't see any of you fleeing for your lives, you yourself, child, do not seem to fear us. Did you consider what you were saying, do you realise there is no basis for your argument? Who are you to tell us what we do and do not stand for? You do not understand, but you will, in time." There was little more to say, but even if the woman had wanted to, they were cut short by a signal, yellow smoke billowing into the air, marking the approach of the aurors. Only moments later did two of them appear, attempting to disperse the crowd. The Necromancer shook her head. "There is no game, Ministry. Just the truth. I was not aware that was against the law." The woman's fingertips curled more tightly around the dark hawthorn wood of her staff, prepared for the inevitable fallout with the aurors appearance.
Sage listened along as the boy spoke, finding his points a little persuasive but looking to just do something else with him. It was definitely leaving a lingering thought in her mind, the ministry and school had said to give her all the knowledge she should need in life and yet with him this was the first she was hearing about magic and death, and honestly she was definitely interested in it. It wasn't something she imagined herself to be interested in but, he definitely was. The former Slytherin listened to the description of the group the elderly lady had, occasionally glancing at her before looking back at him, she was sure with how many there were that it wouldn't miss one guy, but as it appeared that as he called the ministry late they arrived. She watched as a number of men, and a pregnant lady left immediately, but the woman who had interested her was speaking to a boy, clearly right about what she was saying. But her attention wasn't so focused on that but on him, "Looks like you just got busy," she told him as she pulled out a little scrap of parchment and quickly wrote a place and a time, "If you don't end up getting arrested, this is where I will be," Sage gave him a small smirk, as she handed him the paper and then moved away, leaving him to deal with the things he needed to, though she was hopeful she'd see him later that day, Sage just loved that kind of fun, and boy had that guy been exactly her kind of fun.
As soon as he had spied the Auror, Ioan had released the second signal and kept walking. By the time, he'd stopped it was well away from the Auror who was saying something, though the wind didn't carry his words. That the Ministry had only dispatched one Auror was laughable, unless there were others around undercover. Ioan knew that they could easily handle one though whether they should was another question. The spectators here today had seemed to mostly understand where the Scitorari was coming from, seemingly had sided with them to some extent. Would that be ruined if they engaged? Did he care? Ioan's grip tightened on his wand in his pocket. Really, he had the perfect angle to attack the man if he chose. In the end, he didn't though he did stay on alert in case he was needed.
Aspara knew that the ministry had arrived, no less because the elderly lady accused him of being with them, brainwashed by them, if only this woman could how wrong that was, how much if they were just a little bit different that rather than being against he would be with. He wanted to free the information from the ministry if ever there was any and he wanted to have all people live fairly and equally which he doubted many of them wanted. The man just let her give her speech, annoyed silently that she was calling him wrong, that she was accusing him of being on their side but knowing that interupting her would likely end with him being cursed and though he knew that he was probably playing with fire, he had the smarts to know when not to strike a match. Specifically considering that he didn't want to get arrested by any of the two Aurors, and likely more that were lurking about the place. Although the woman was right, as far as he knew they had just as much right to be standing and promoting themselves like they were as any group, the only difference being that Aspara didn't want them to, and likely so did so many others.

"I trust the ministry less than I trust you," he told her, a slight harshness in his tone that indicated he didn't much appreciate the insinuation that he was with them in any sense of the word, and he took a moment to glance at the men who very obviously appeared to be. The man however had to concede that he wasn't cowering in fear and nor was anyone else, those who were facing them today, but he didn't think that didn't mean that they didn't prompt fear. The man had known people like this, his community full of them, they had lived separately, thinking themselves better, looking down upon others but never sharing what they knew, what they were with anyone. He doubted that these people would ever want the knowledge to be spread among the masses, "It is not I who is merely a puppet of the state, but it is you, you do what the ministry's wants without realising it, dividing up the people of the wizarding world into different apposing sides with your archaic and death eater like beliefs. The ministry uses you so that they can continue it's control over all of us, keeping the people weak, un-unified and inwardly fighting, and you play right into their hands,"
As if on cue, the Ministry's dogs made their appearances, a man and a woman. Two meager aurors were all the government had decided to dispatch? Pathetic. They'd soon realise their mistake, and the Ministry would truly know that the Scitorari were a force to be reckoned with. "It would seem so. I was starting to worry they wouldn't show." The Lancaster man responded, in a tone that almost conveyed genuine concern that the aurors weren't going to arrive. He took the scrap of parchment the young woman handed to him, and flashed her a quick smile before she departed. "Arrested, by these two?" He shook his head dismissively, as if the very idea was laughable. "Trust me sweetheart - I'd like to see them try." He tucked the parchment into his pocket, swapping it for his wand. The situation was about to take a turn, and he was looking forward to it. Spinning the wood between his fingertips, the man stepped closer to his relative, who seemed amused by the boy shouting out from the crowd. "Would you like me to take care of him?" He asked the Necromancer in a more quieter tone, itching to erase the civilian from where he stood. He was becoming a nuisance, and not a lot of what he had to say made solid sense. The Scitorari, a puppet of the Ministry? Some of these wizards really were stupid.
While most of the crowd seemed to co-operate, and respected the authority of the Aurors, not everyone seemed to be listening. What kind of world were they coming to, where the people thought themselves above the law? Howell pushed himself to the front of the lessening crowd, standing between them, and the Scitorari members. He did not like to repeat himself. "I won't be asking a second time. Do not acknowledge these people and return to what you were doing." The way the two groups were interacting, it was only a matter of time before one of these on-lookers got themselves injured. He turned to the hooded figures, his wand at the ready, expecting some real trouble at any moment. They didn't appear to want to budge, but they hadn't attacked, or made any sort of aggressive move yet. He couldn't be sure they were really who they claimed to be, or just some lunatic supporters. "Leave, or you'll be removed."
Adrian Maley arrived late to the party. She assumed such because there seemed to be standstill between her members and an Auror. She wished she could have arrived on time, but she had to deal with Mordred. She may not love or care about her son, but she would definitely not leave him alone, especially with her things running around. Adrian walked to the front of the group, cloaked in her black robes with her hood up. "We will be removed? What have we done to warrant such treatment? You know as well as we do that we have done nothing. So what will you remove us for?" she asked boldly with a chill to her voice. She made sure to stand with her people and keep her distance. She made no moves towards her wand. There was a fire inside of her, urging her to simply attack, but she remained calm.

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