The Love live of a Panda

Alison Kingswood

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Everything was going well, her job was lovely and they had won the last couple of matches. That seemed the only thing that was going well, her love life was death. Even a panda seemed to have more love in its life than she did. She had a couple of dates in the past, but they were never the one. They didn't feel good, in the end she had given up on love. She could afford a tiny apartment and she didn't need anything else. Alison was free and that was what she wanted. She didn't want to be stuck with someone she didn't even like.

She had some free time tonight and Ally decided to grab a coffee on the go. She wanted to read the wizarding paper so opted to go for a magical place. Nosy muggles reading her paper with her wasn't ideal. It was always hard to explain why they saw pictures moving. Although their brains altered it to something logical, it took some time, time she didn't want to spend today. Ally walked to the coffee house and placed her favourite order. A large mocha late with a muffin on the side. Ally loved the blueberry muffins that they sold at the place and thus she ordered two. One to take home and eat tomorrow. Alison grabbed her order and sat on a table at the back. She opened her paper and started reading.
Casey hadn't expected things with Kylie to end so abruptly and it had been getting to a point where he had been beginning to wonder if they were going to end at all. He had been hopeful, he hadn't loved anyone since Ally at school but he had loved Kylie. He was in a bit of a daze as he continued his daily life and was almost on autopilot as he headed to his regular coffee shop for his pre-work latte. The former Slytherin made his way into the coffee shop and joined the queue of what he suspected was mostly muggles who all like him were beginning yet another day.

Having failed to take in any of his surroundings on his way in Casey was quite surprised when he heard a familiar voice place an order at the counter. Casey didn't draw any attention to himself and instead watched as his ex-girlfriend took her order and found herself a table. Once Casey was front of the line he ordered his latte and debated heading straight out and to work before he found himself taking a seat at Alison's table. The Gryffindor had always had a strange effect on him and it appeared that even when he was going through a breakup it was still the case. "Come here often?" He asked mimicking what was a routine chat up line and waited to see how long Alison would take to realise it was him.
The paper didn't contain super exciting news or anything, it contained the Quidditch scores of the last match and it mentioned Ally her team as a good possibility for champion. Ally grabbed her muffin and took a large bite out of it. It tasted as delicious as it always did and it was kind of sad that the muffin was the highlight of Ally her day. Ally sighed and sipped her mocha latte. When Ally sat her mocha latte back on the table she noticed someone decided to sit at her table. Not that she owned the particular table, but normally people avoided her. Ally peeked below her table to check out who was sitting at her table. Not that she knew a lot of people, but she was curious. Soon the person started to speak and Ally reconsidered the voice instantly. It was the guy that ruined her ability to love. Well she wasn't really sure, she loved the guy. But Casey was already taken, he had a girlfriend and Ally didn't want to go between that. Ally was sure that Casey was the only person she could ever love. He was her fairy tale prince and she was the princes. When Ally lay her paper down and saw Casey her cheeks turned beetroot red. It always happened when she saw the boy, well he was definitely a guy now. She didn't exactly know what to say, so she just stared at him for a second. Until she realized he had actually asked a question. ''Eh, not that often, but sometimes yes.'' Ally blurted it out in one go and decided to mirror the question. ''And you?'' Ally her head was saying that she hoped that Casey would go away soon. She didn't need him in her life and wanted to get on with her boring life. Her heart told her otherwise and that part was telling her, she should enjoy every bit of this moment.
Casey smiled at Alison as she informed him that she didn't come to the coffee shop all that much, he himself was a regular and hopefully whatever reason had brought Alison to this part of town would bring her there again. "I come here a lot, its my regular spot before work," He said as he took a sip of his coffee. "It's really good to see you Aly, what have you been doing with yourself?" Casey asked. It felt like an eternity since they had seen each other, Casey could count the number of times he had seen Alison since leaving school on one hand and the thought of that made him sad. They had been so close and so happy in their early years at school it devastated him to think about how their relationship deteriorated him to the point where they were only seeing each other out of coincidence.
When Casey said that this was his regular spot before work Ally decided that she would come her more often. She was going to develop into his personal stalker, but she really didn't care anymore. Even seeing Casey made her stomach twist in all kinds of knots and seeing wasn't illegal right. Even if he was almost married to that other girl. ''I have been playing a lot of Quidditch haven't you seen me in the papers?'' Ally poked her tongue out, she wasn't one to boast. She had even heard that the Quidditch shop sold a miniature version of her. Alison smiled ''What about you?'' It was like they were meeting for the first time all over again. She knew Casey had told her what he did for a job, but she had forgotten it. It wasn't like she didn't care about him, but hearing he had a girlfriend and was in for marriage was a big shock to her.She did want to still be friends with him, so this was the perfect moment to start. Ally smiled broadly and took another sip of coffee. ''So, anything exciting going on with your life at the moment?'' Ally her life was as boring as ever, but she wasn't going to tell him that.
Of course Casey had heard all about Ali's exploits playing Quidditch, he'd followed her career as closely as he could. He was incredibly proud of her, he just didn't want it to sound like he knew everything about her already. "I know, I know about the figurine too, I have one," Casey laughed. It was a little embarrassing to admit but having stumbled on the figure by accident there was no way he wasn't going to get one. "Is that weird?" Casey asked taking a sip of his coffee. "I'm still working as a curse breaker, there was a big change recently, well not so recently its been a while now I guess, Kyle and I broke up," It had been a little unexpected, things had been going well until they weren't. "Not exactly what you'd call exciting I suppose,"
When Casey said he had a figurine Ally blushed, she didn't even want to know why he had one. It was weird, but it was somehow cute as well. ''No, it isn't'' Ally giggled she couldn't really say it with a straight face. So Casey was still working at the ministry which was a pretty nice job to have. Although it would never be something Ally would do. She wanted to be outside and being a Professional Quidditch Player was awesome for that. When Casey said he and Kyle broke up she didn't feel sad, she did feel sorry for him. But that was it, she somehow felt a little spark of hope that something could happen. ''Ah, sorry to hear that'' Ally gave him a comforting smile and hoped he wasn't feeling too bad under it. ''It is far from exciting I must say'' Ally didn't really know what to say, she was so awkward with these kinds of situations.

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