The Little Book Of Knowledge

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Megan Vine

Well-Known Member
Megs is a very factual person so she tends to get picked on a lot. She is kind but shy so she finds it hard to make friends. She enjoys History of Magic as it is a subject with exact facts where as she doesn't like divination because there are no facts.

Megan needs friends (they will have to be able to break through her shell and get her to open up), enemies (maybe a few minor ones that just take the mik all the time), anything really. :D
i have Angela Marion, She's a first year Ravenclaw. They could be friends. Angela is smart and caring; she forgives people pretty easily, and is an exceptional singer. She loves to have battles of wits, so they might be able to go back and foruth with those kinds of things :D Let me know if she's okay :D
Blake-That sounds great. Where do you want to start???

Kyra-They could meet in the library. That's where Megan spends lots of her time. Do you want to start???
I have Lucinda Buckley, a 2nd year Ravenclaw, she's kinda shy and still not completely in to this wizarding thing, though she likes History of Magic too. She used to hate Hogwarts and now she's getting used to it, but she only really has one good friend (who she's engaged to, lol). :lol:
Oh sorry it took so long. Yeah i can start, I'll PM you the link :d
Violet-Once they get talking they could probably be quite good friends. Do you want to start a RP???

Blake-Ok. I'll try and make a RP as soon as I can and I'll PM the link to you.
Yeah. That's fine. Thanks.
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