Open the learning curve

Flynn North-McGowan

amputee + duelling champ + ollivanders assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Flexible Fir Wand With Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2040 (20)
Flynn had been so sure he was never going to be able to fly or play Quidditch again. He had spent his whole winter break feeling depressed about that one thing, not even wanting to think about how his dream of playing Quidditch professionally was being flushed right down the toilet. And then he had gotten to Hogwarts, seen the Quidditch pitch, heard people talking about the upcoming try-outs and what positions they were going to be going for and his mood had gotten worse. And then, last night, in fact, he had decided he didn't want to completely give up on it all just yet. It wasn't fair. Missing a foot and a bit of his right leg shouldn't stop him from playing, he still had his prosthetic, there had to be a loophole, some way around it, some way that he could still play and not completely give up on everything.

He was careful as he moved out onto the pitch, it was early morning, an early morning mist still in the air and not another person in sight for the time being. Just the way he wanted it. Flynn was careful as he picked out one of the brooms to try, giving it a good look over, properly inspecting the bars you were supposed to rest your feet on. But now he was out here in the middle of the pitch with no one else around he was starting to get a little nervous. With one last check of his prosthetic to make sure it was going to stay in place, Flynn swung a leg over the broom and, with a loud swallow of nerves, pushed off from the ground. And already he was having problems, his left foot found it's place without even thinking about it, but it was hard to tell with his right, having to actually look back at what he was doing to properly guide the prosthetic foot to the right place. And once it was there there were just more problems, he couldn't push down too hard if it didn't want it to hurt, but without pushing, his shoe was already slipping. And he hadn't even moved yet.

Maybe this was just all completely hopeless.
Hilda had gotten up early for one of her morning walks and it was said that a flight on her new broom would wake her up, so she headed for the Quidditch Pitch. She was hoping that would change her mind, the young Gryffindor had a lot of problems at the moment: the arguments with her mother, the tensions between the girls in the dormitory and also the fact of being caught walking around in the forbidden forest .
The gryffindor therefore try to put all her energy into small flight sessions or long walks because she had to be forgotten for a little while before starting to mess around again.

She thought she had arrived on an empty lot given the time it was, but soon noticed a figure in the middle of the field, the closer she got the more she could see the person's face, it was Flynn. Hilda had had the opportunity to talk with him but it has not going too well but they had not really got to know each other and the young girl did not want to draw any fast conclusions about him. When she got close enough she noticed that he had a certain expression that reflected an emotion she couldn't quite recognize.
β€œHey North, are you all right?” She asked, leaning on her broom.
He had hoped that maybe, just maybe, he could get away without being bothered or without someone else walking in on what was no doubt going to be a complete disaster. It was why he had woken up as early as he had in the hopes that everyone else would just be asleep and he could get on with his struggles in peace. But, apparently, he hadn't woken up early enough, almost freezing in place when he heard a voice, turning his head to see who it was. Admittedly, not the worst person to walk in on him, but not exactly someone he was incredibly comfortable showing any sort of weakness around. "What are you talking about? I'm fine. Perfectly fine," he was rather quick to respond, not wanting to really tell her the truth about the matter. "But what are you doing here anyway?" He was added on, doing anything to try and draw the topic of conversation away from himself, "I thought everyone else was going to be in bed at this hour."
"Okay I just wanted to make sure," she said with a small smile even though she wasn't very convinced by his answer, but she wasn't the best person to emphasize the subject.
"Oh me, I tend to get up early to take advantage of the day and I thought I would come to practice the flight before the start of the lessons" she explained, proudly showing her broom, even if it wasn't the best, Hilda was still happy to have bought it.β€œYou practice for the try-outs?” she asked , knowing that quite a few students were interested in Quidditch and that maybe Flynn was one of them.
He realized after the fact that maybe he didn't sound all that convincing in his lie, but it was just a little late to say anything else about it and was simply thankful the girl didn't press further and ask any more questions on the matter. Instead, she just got right to answering his own questions. And there was a small pang of jealousy in his chest as she showed him her own broom. Something else which was completely unfair, the matrons refusing to let him buy his own broom so he was having to struggle on the less than perfect school ones instead. "Well, I'm trying to, anyway," he admitted with an annoyed huff at how little progress he had actually made with that so far. Then again, he had only really just managed to get on the broom and was currently just hovering a couple of inches off the ground. "What about you?" He questioned next, turning his eyes back to the girl, "You practicing for the team or just flying for fun?"
"You are doing better than some I have seen other gryffindor practice they were trying to take off from the ground without success and the only time we did they did they bump into each other" she said with a smile "But I can't say anything, the first I tried I took my broom hit me in the head "she added, letting out a laugh remembering this moment."Anyway what I mean is never give up, especially if it's something you really want and never let someone say you can't do it, these are 'are idiots who are often frustrated at not having so much talent "she said, thinking of all the times we had tried to discourage her in her life but that was not what it had stopped her.

"No I'm just doing this for fun but I might try to make it into the team next year," Hilda said, putting herself on the same level as the boy with her broom.
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He really didn't need the pep talk she was offering him, just scoffing slightly as he tried to adjust his foot once again on the bar of his broom to stop it from slipping all the way off. Maybe he should find some kind of strap to keep it in place or work out how to use a sticking charm that wasn't going to permanently just stick his shoe to this school broom. Because he doubted the school would appreciate that happening very much. "Alright, thanks for the life advice there, Mr. Miyagi," was all he offered once she was done with her mini speech, not in the least bit interested in hearing any more of it if he were being perfectly honest.

"What position do you usually play then?" He did have to wonder, looking the girl up and down as if he might be able to guess just from her appearance, "And why wait until next year, anyway? Why not just try now?"
Hilda laughed at Flynn's reflection "Okay, Okay no more pep-talk, I get it" she said with a smile.
"Frankly I don't have a preferred position but I would see myself as a chaser or seeker and not this year because I'm not totally sure I want to take a responsibility so I prefer to think before deciding". she said before trying to balance herself on her broom, she felt a few seconds before she almost fell, "And you? Which position would you like to have?" she asked because she was interested but also to erase her awkwardness.
At least she seemed to get the idea of quit with the stupid life advice, of which Flynn was rather thankful for because he could really do without any of that right now. It was not helping his mood in the slightest. But he did have to turn his head as the girl almost fell off her broom from just sitting there on it. If he thought he was struggling with flying, it at least appeared that someone was doing worse than him. "Seeker, usually," he offered with a small shrug of his shoulder, "But I can also play beater if I have to." He'd been told in the past he had a good swinging arm, but really he preferred playing seeker. "But if you want to make the team you might, uh, want to learn to balance properly first."

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