The last child

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Rafael De La Cruz

Well-Known Member
So basically I need Rafael to have one more kid he doesn't know about. He has three daughters; Willow, Sarah, and Lexi. Each one of them have their own story. Out of the three he thinks he was only in love with one but ended up breaking her heart anyways. So I need the fourth to be a boy, possibly a rebel, maybe like soccer? He has to be part Spanish (Spain) and be younger than 15 no one older but not to young at least 13 or 14. I may accept them but I need them to be around his sister age. So if anyone interested post here. He could have my last name or not, it doesn't matter he just have to be biologically my son.
I have two boys he could be the father of, one fourteen and one either eight or nine but both would include sleeping with a married woman. The mother of the fourteen year old does tell people she's single if that helps.
Oh sweet can you link them both to me? I don't mind having more =)) Just can't have to many :drat: you know my daddy not that much of a man ***** xD!
First one: Markov Kalforovich. (Family CD). Fourteen year old. Parents are in a very open relationship and don't care if the other sleeps around so it is likely that he isn't actually his fathers' son.

Second One: Marcus Caine. Eight years old, slightly confused about whether he likes muggle borns or not (Been told he's a pure blood). Mother, Tracy Rouge, could have had an affair on her husband.

Tell me if you need more.
Summer x
(Its Madz)

Okay these sounds fine, even if Sarah is going to have a cousin and brother with the same pb =))
So these two will be like Sarah story a one night stand kind of thing? Or something else? Lexi story was that her mom was married (now going through a divorce) but had a little toy on the side (Rafael) meanwhile he was in a complicated relationship with Willow mom (the one he loved)

That's about it but you can add more to the story and make it wilder xD!
I have an idea when Rafael gets summoned by court to take a blood test in the muggel world or wizaring world (doesn't matter) and both boys parents are there too? Since Sarah knows already who her dad is, Willow already had an encounter and he's about to have one with the court thing is original but I still need a story from how the parents know each other. And btw some of them might change their last name you can keep yours if you like, just giving you a heads up Rafael if like more cause each girls mother are (beetches) so yeah. He will be the somewhat okay dad but a hard azz sometimes
This is just something I will have to interrupt.
In order to have someone have their dad changed completely, you will have to have it Admin-approved.
For example: Pat becoming Professor Styx's daughter had to be approved.
Source said:
Any storylines (plots) extending beyond the normal guidelines of this site must be approved by the Admin via the use of this form. This includes major events and wizarding wide events.

Just a heads up.
That is a major plot, changing one's family, especially the father.
If you have any other concerns, PM Nick. :)
Well as for Sarah, Lexi and Willow concern they are okay because neither of them have father character, even Lexi's mom husband not in character so I figure that's fine. As for the other two, who I'm not sure if they have fathers or not, either way I already sent a plot request. Thank you very much.
Are you suggesting that both characters never knew a father, were never told somebody was their father, were never even told a name?
If that is the circumstance, not only would I not believe it, but it would be an allowable plot to occur without approval.
If they were told so and so was their father and it was not - well, that goes outside of what is "normal" and would need approval.
We can't have a site full of people who suddenly discover their "true" families.
According to all of my records you have not.
So this thread is closed until this is resolved. :)
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