The Knight Family

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Moriah Knight

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The Knight family have decided to make some friends! The four children each have a study of their own that they are interested in and specialise in. Meet Gary, Moriah, Lilith and Avery;

Gary is a 'cool' guy. He drinks, he smokes, he flirts, he's generally a good guy though. He's 21 years old. He isn't mean to people like a lot of the 'cool' guys on here, he will help someone in need and do anything for his sisters, Avery especially because she is so young. Gary's subject is drums, he takes out any frustration he has on them so he can be happy and awesome in public.

He is needing some guy mates to hang out with him and what not, drinking and stuffs. He needs a couple of flings and possibly just some girls with a crush or a girl he flirt with that has none of it if you catch my drift.

Moriah isn't the nicest of people. She is b1tchy and can be cruel. She won't usually be cruel for no reason but she doesn't really like guys that much and tends to be more aggressive towards them. She protects her family with her life and, since she took martial arts when her siblings did their chosen subject, usually wins her fights. She gets along fine with girls, any kind of girl really, from gothic to chavy she doesn't really care about social status or peer groups, if someone is cool she'll hang with them.

Moriah also needs friends and the usual stuff. I don't think she'll have a relationship, she's not a lesbian but she doesn't like guys either. I was thinking maybe a guy who doesn't care about her physical blows and bugs her and flirts with her anyway. It can be a crush or he just wants to big her, up to you really.

Lilith is twelve years old. She is a bright girl who's special subject is languages. She can speak English (Obviously), French, German and Russian. She is currently working on Spanish, getting Gary to take her to Spain sometimes to help her learning. She can be violent or nasty because of the influence of her elder siblings but is generally a nice girl who just likes learning.

She is looking for a few friends, believe it or not she does have a final but I'm not looking for flings until she's at least fourteen. Maybe a study partner or something.

Avery is eight years old. She's a sweet girl who takes dance. She likes all types, from ballet to street dance. She loves music and often attempts to dance to Gary's drum playing, she often fails at it as well. She's a very nice girl and hasn't been influenced by her older siblings yet. She's seen how they act and doesn't approve of violence but is capable of hurting someone if she is in a situation where there is no other choice. Moriah made sure she can take care of herself.

She needs some friends and maybe a couple of role models, like older girls or boys that a good role models.

The Knight family all live with Gary in their family home. He adopted them after their parents died. Their parents died in a mugging with two large men, one of the reasons Moriah dislikes the male gender so much.

Please reply!
Hello there,
This is Mina presenting my Durmstrang character: Zsofia Zsinnek de Ezsedyi. She is least to say morbid, has a taste for blood and enjoys admin-approved plots (killing stuff, generally)... :r Needless to say she has no friends, at all; nor does she apparently need any. :r So regarding character relations: it will be very hard to make friends with her.
If you do have any Durmstrang characters then please feel free to PM this account for further development. Warning, Zsofia might get out of control res the anger and hurting others physically part.
I can offer Avery Epiphany Bones as a playmate. She's a hyper little girl with way too much of an imagination and has a tendency to talk to fast when she's around her friends. When she's in front of people older than ten though she's really shy. This is because when she was younger Epiphany was saved from her abusive father. She's a little ray of sunshine just like her older sister used to be like the sun itself. Avery might have to watch out for her best friend though :D
Zsofia; Moriah is in Durmstrang. She is the only one in the family who is and, though she isn't usually morbid and blood thirsty, she can be viscous and violent if that'll work for you.

Jaylisa; I think Avery could get along with her. She'd be a bit shocked by the hyperness and sunny but she'd like it once she got used to it. If Epiphany was willing to put up with the dancing they'd be good.

Riley; Riley could be good for Gary, they do both drink and he would understand the child thing as he has a son of his own. I will tell you when he is made.
Moriah: Perhaps, she and Zsofia can be partners in crime? Or just adversaries in general. Any further ideas?
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