The Infernal Masquerade

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Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Hoshi Watanuki is back and ready for action. Step one get some of her peeps together for something stupid and fun at the same time. This time she's calling it the Infernal Masquerade in which everyone she had invited represents one of the Sins. The point of this is to wake up the school from the stuper that she believes the school has fallen into since Ms. Koshiba had taken over her life.

There is one spot open in the Masquerade and plenty of room to plot with me if you feel like it. So let's have some fun!

Hoshi - Pride (Dua)
Larissa - Greed
Shaylah - Wrath
Arisa - Lust
Taylor - Envy
Sam - Sloth - later maybe
Gluttony - Aeon and Sern
Ladies and Gents I happy to present to you
I have a second year slytherin, Shaylah, and she wouldn't really fit as the last person but I was thinking that she could be someone who follows around Hoshi and the other people and tries to help them. Shay's dad has just been thrown into azkaban for being a death eater and killing two kids and a young man so Shaylah's out for revenge in anyway possible which is hard seeing as she's in Hogwarts. So far, she's just been doing what ever she can to try and make people's lives hell but if she heard what Hoshi was doing then she'd want to try and get in on it.
It's just an idea. I understand if you don't like it.
Tin tin.
Eden would love to get in on this but father would not approve of this no not all but still Eden would have a lot of fun doing this. As long as it did not jeperdize her chances of making prefect.
Tintin: I think that would work but her induction would come later. Also since they are masked when the pranks are pulled off I do think that we would have to find a way for her to find out who they are. Second year would do well but they would have to be helped along a bit seeing as her magic use would be limited. All in all it sounds like a good plot to take in a fan girl :D

Eden: No. Wait no Hell no. I love you sissy but there was a good chance that would would have killed me if father had stopped me from denouncing the family name. That being said ah no. Hoshi and Eden are still going to be friend but when the chips are down Eds is fair game.
OK :D Shall we have a thread started where she sees what they do and wants to join??
I'd love to be Gluttony :o
Taylor Mercer said:
:o Twins as gluttony is even cooler! xD
Always taking more than you need. Take two of one person! LOL!
Whats better then one mouth and stomach? Two of course xD
xD I just remembered Viv & Arisa's picnic with the cake. Gluttony is perfect for you :p *disappears back into the mist*
OMG That would fit Twin gluttony masks. Because one of anything is never enough. Tintin- it would seem slightly more fitting if big 'S' was Wrath because of her feelings and it seems Adira is not answering her or in PMs. I can start a thead once I have all my Sins in order.
Yes I have a confermed Greed! Starting the introduction thread now. Is everyone ok with starting off with a 'bang' in the Entrence Hall?

Tin Tin: Wrath it is :D
So we can be Gluttony? ^_^
Hell yeah. Let me edit the list then we can get started talking about what our first 'act' will be. Again I pitch a full on challenge to the prefects and Heads from the Great Hall :D <-- the first 'Act' of the Masquerade
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