The huge family with no friends

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Aerin Davis

New Member
Hai there ^_^

Okay, Recently the Davis family have arrived in New Zealand. By recently I mean they moved up today :D
Anyway, they have lived in many places but, at the moment, have no friends. I'm pretty sure there is someone in the family for any personality so there is no lack of choice :)

The Davis Family is split between two people, Myself and Tintin. My characters will be in Purple and Tintin's Characters' will be in Green;

Christina Davis (43) - playful but knows when to draw the line. works loads so never around. Can act a bit snobby but mostly nice.

Jamie Davis (40) - Fun, laid-back parent. Lets' the kids get away with whatever they want really. No job, relies on wife's wages and inheritance.

Victoria Davis (24) - Mature one of the family. Very smart but can let go and play around a bit. Can be mean if she is in a bad mood but is normally kind.

Daniel Davis (20) - Bisexual, Likes too mess about. Never really takes life seriously and will make jokes at most things he hears. Is often mistaken for drunk.

Gareth Davis (18) - very Camp but straight. Cares loads about his friends, nice but willing to beat up someone if they insult his family.

Tanya Davis (16) - Shallow, fashion concious. Looks down on people. Easily jealous of other girls prettier than herself or girls bos prefer over her.

Malcolm Davis (14) - bit of a ladies man. Likes working out in his free time. Always makes sure his body is fit and healthy. Cares about most people but very sarcastic.

Alvin Davis (12) - very quiet. Prefers to spend his time reading instead of socialising. Very smart but not nerdy.

Kayne Davis (10) - Quite violent and moody. Is alot of a brat. Can act nice when forced to by his older brother Malcolm but it isn't often that he is. Likes people that can stand up for themselves.

Daisy Davis (9) - Mature for her age. A good listener, often thought of as a therapist kind of person. Is good at giving advice even though she is young.

Aerin/Shaunee Davis (8) - They are slightly weird. Finish each others sentences and, occasionally talk at the same time. They can be giggly girls but don't mind getting mucky if it means enjoying themselves.

If you need more info then feel free to ask but I think that covers everything :D
I can offer up Lana for the younger ones in here. Right now she in Hogwarts Scotland, and is a hufflepuff. So maybe pen pals or something. I don't mind ^,^ maybe they can be friends with Sasha to.
Haha sure if you like :p I'm still working on how Lana acts so I'm up for something.
You can if you want I'm doing a test atm ><
Thanks and I get you to :p
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