Closed The Grasp of Knowledge

Cairo Keller

Muggle Studies 3-4 | Addictive personality type
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Cairo might be a professor at Hogwarts but that did not change what a terrible witch she was. It was difficult for the muggle studies professor to admit, especially when she existed in a place where magic was everywhere, but she really was just terrible at magic. If she had to put her skill set into a year, she'd probably pass as a second year, but even that was generous in her mind.

She had come to the library to gain more knowledge. She had selected a beginner Charms textbook then retreated to inside the Restricted Section to read said book without being seen by students. To look even more advanced, she moved to an isle towards the back and picked up an old heavy textbook to look like the actual book she was reading and opened it.

However, the moment she opened that book, everything turned sinister. Its pages birthing a spectral hand that seized her throat in a vice-like grip. Panic surged as Cairo struggled against the grip, its fingers constricting her windpipe, rendering her mute and helpless in the dim confines of the Restricted Section.

@Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe
As much as Gabrielle was starting to wonder if she was getting complacent, she had to admit that this was probably the best job she had ever had. She had stability, routine, enough of a salary to enable her to go traveling over the breaks, and an excellent library filled with knowledge at her hands. Most of the interesting things were in the Restricted Section, however as a teacher she had free reign to explore it to her heart's content. Most of what she was after was less dark magic and more 'maybe an eleven year old shouldn't read this'. But at least she didn't really have to justify herself.

Today, she was trying to find some more on ancient Egyptian curses to spice up a lecture she was putting together when she heard a small thud. Curious to see who was there, Gabrielle wandered down into the back only to see one of her coworkers struggling with a cursed tome. "Oh, bloody hell," she groaned, rolling up the sleeves of her robes and pulling out her wand. "I thought they were supposed to break the curses before putting them in here." Surely the other woman could do some non verbal magic to break it, but perhaps because she was startled and maybe not used to curses, she was at a loss. Gabrielle was by no means an expert, but she had broken a curse or two in her travels. "Alright, don't move or this'll sting." She pointed her wand at the book, muttering some incantations to encourage the book to let go of the other woman.
Cairo was in full panic as the hand tightened its grip around her neck, cutting off her air supply. She struggled frantically, clawing at the book in a desperate attempt to free herself, but the more she struggled, the pressure only seemed to increase. Just when she was beginning to think this would be her end, she was saved. Cairo's eyes widened in relief as the other professor stepped forward to help.

Cairo didn't know what the woman did exactly, but the magic weakened the book's hold. Sensing an opportunity, Cairo used all her strength and managed to pry the book off her neck and drop it on the floor, her fingers trembling. Gasping for air and in total shock, Cairo staggered backward, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a moment to compose herself, her breaths coming in ragged gasps, before turning to the other professor with wide eyes. "Thanks." she managed to croak out, her voice shaky but sincere.
Gabrielle ignored the woman to focus on the book, picking it up and scrutinizing it. She gave it a couple of careful taps with her wand, hoping to dispel any lingering magic. She wasn't exactly sure how to fully break a curse, only how to escape them and weaken them. "Well. Someone wanted to take out a novice. How rude." It was only then she turned back to her colleague, looking her over to make sure she was okay. "Muggle Studies, right? I suspect you don't often have to deal with curses. Psychic damage from technology aside. Are you alright?"
Did she just call her a novice? How rude. Cairo shrugged it off because she wasn't wrong. Also the woman had just saved her life and she had more important things on her mind. While the other professor did whatever she did to the book, Cairo composed herself. She nodded when she asked if she taught Muggle Studies. "I'm fine. I don't come across curses often. It's mainly trojans and worms I have to deal with. They're computer malware." she chuckled, not sure if the woman would understand. "Psychic damage from technology? I've not heard that one before but it would explain a lot." she said, rubbing her neck where the hand had been. "You're history, right? I'm Cairo. Um, thanks again for getting that off me."

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