Closed The First Time

Cassielle Bonetti

Confident- Black Belt- Settling Down- Mama Bear
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Seven inch sturdy Acacia with Essence of Belladonna core
11/4/2014 (47)
Cassi was unbelievably nervous about this. What if Charlie really didn't like her? She arrived early to the diner they'd agreed upon. She knew that she was early. She found them a table and settled in, too nervous to order anything. She'd been writing with Charlie, and she liked to think they could at least talk to each other. Having Celestyn there was both a comfort and enough to make her heart race. Everything really hinged on this first meeting, didn't it? She sighed and bit her lip. Her leg was bouncing under the table and she shifted nervously in her jacket. She hoped they wouldn't be too much longer. Her heart might not be able to take the suspense.
The last sixth months with Cassi had been difficult for Celestyn, the desire to move forward with her and the fact he did have to hold off until this exact meeting. He had told Charlie the plan and his boy had seemed keen enough on it that he wasn't sure he'd need to worry but he still did a little. If Charlie didn't like her - which was unlikely - or he didn't want to spend more time with her. Then they'd be done and he didn't want to be done. He had his arm around Charlie as they walked into the diner and he spotted Cassi immediately. He moved forward and stopped in front of the table. "Charlie, this is Cassi, Cassi, this is Charlie," he would've finished by saying his son, but knowing of the relationship here he didn't say anything.
Charlie was nervous and excited all at once. He spent some extra time on his look that morning. He followed his dad into the diner, looking around excitedly. He lit up as his dad lead them over to a really pretty woman. He smiled brightly. He jumped forward as she stood and hugged her immediately. "Hi mom!" He greeted immediately.
Cassi didn't have to wait too long, thankfully. She bolted out of her seat as Celestyn and Charlie appeared. "Celest-" She started to breathe, when Charlie smacked into her. She gasped, instinctively putting her hands on his back as the boy burrowed into her. "Mo- I- what- Celestyn," She looked to the man with wide eyes, her cheeks burning. She felt very much out of her depths.
Celestyn had to hold back a little laughter at Charlie's reaction, to immediately give Cassi a hug, he couldn't help but note how immediately out of her depth Cassi seemed. "Charlie," he said fondly, trying to persuade him in that word to maybe tone it down a little. "Cassi is a little new to this," he moved to sit down at the table. "Charlie, why don't you start by telling Cassi about school?" he prompted, figuring that they could started with something easy, plus once Charlie had said a bit about school he could ask Cassi to say a little about her work.
Charlie pulled back immediately as his dad said his name, turning to look up to the man with a smile. "Yeah?" He asked, falling back closer to the man. He nodded, turning and crawling into the booth. He folded his hands, feeling thirsty, and smiled between them. "School was alright, I'm on the school paper and I wrote for the Quidditch article a few times." He looked over to his dad. "Hey, dad, can I have a milkshake or something?" He asked.
Cassi let out a sigh of relief as Charlie pulled back, moving to sit down as Charlie did. She settled in, watching him and listening to him speak. She smiled as he talked about being on the paper and looked to Celestyn. "Well, you certainly take after your father," She spoke fondly, looking back to Charlie. She nodded as he asked for a milkshake. "That does sound good. What's your favorite flavor?" She asked. It was easier to try and act like she did with Lucas. She could be the fun aunt, she was good at that. She looked back to Celestyn, trying to involve them both. "What about three milkshakes?" She asked, thinking they could all have one.
Celestyn smiled at his son as he spoke, he knew that this would be a lot to get used to, to know how to be around each other, how to be with each other, but he knew it was quite good if things went well and he was thankful his kid was up for it, he knew others might not be. "Sure thing bud," he said before looking to Cassi who seemed to agree, saying they could all get one. "I could go for a milkshake, what flavour?" he asked.
Charlie chuckled. That was a good compliment. He looked between her and his dad. "Peanut butter, please," He smiled. He looked to his dad. "Milkshakes are good." He reached over for his dads hand. "I'm hungry. Can we get some food too?" He asked.
Cassi smiled at the men. "Peanut butter is pretty good. I'd like one too," She looked to Celestyn. "What kind would you like?" She brushed her hair behind her ear. "Food sounds nice." She agreed. "Burgers and fries?" She asked, thinking it sounded like a good lunch.
Celestyn nodded in agreement, "Peanut butter sounds good," he also thought the burger and fries would be good too. A very classical american meal in the end. "A classic american meal in a diner, have I achieved the american dream now?" Celestyn asked with a little smile, a little jokingly, he just thought it was fun and they were having a little fun as their family was perhaps on the way to being mended.
Charlie rolled his eyes as his dad started joking, stretching and relaxing in his seat. "Sure thing, dad," He smirked at his dad. "Hey, mom, dad says you're into fighting or something?" He asked, leaning forward. "Can you tell me more about that please?" He asked.
Cassi almost laughed at Celestyn's comment. "Did it take you this long?" She teased him gently. She turned her attention to Charlie, smiling and shifting in her seat. "Martial arts, yes. I've mastered several different forms of hand to hand combat. I competed myself for several years, and eventually graduated to judging. I still judge tournaments, sometimes I'll take on a student for a few lessons." She told him.
Celestyn smiled lightly at the gentle teasing from both Cassi and Charlie. He wanted to correct Charlie from calling Cassi mom again, knowing that it was probably a little much so early on but as Cassi just seemed to answer he didn't have the time to. "Cassi is very good, both at competing and is a great judge," he complimented, since he didn't want to interfere too much with the conversation at hand and wanted Cassi and Charlie to just be able to get to know each other.
Charlie smiled as he listened to his mom, gladly accepting his shake as it appeared and sipping on it. "Isn't that how you two met?" He asked, looking between them. "Wasn't she judging a contest you were writing about?" He looked to his dad, curious about it. He wasn't sure if he'd heard the full story, but it would be fun to hear about it again all the same.
Cassi chuckled as she listened to them go on, blushing. "You've told him how we met?" She asked Celestyn, her heart fluttering. That was a stupid reaction on her part. Charlie probably asked, that was all. She took hold of her own shake and looked back to Charlie, trying to focus more on him. Even without Celestyn and everything this meeting meant, she wanted to build a good relationship with Charlie.
Celestyn smiled and nodded to Charlie before glancing at Cassi and giving a little nod, his cheeks flushing a little from it. "Yeah..., we hit it off immediately, I was just supposed to get a quick few quotes, and instead invited her out for drinks," Celestyn told Charlie with a little smile. He wasn't sure how much to say, given that while Charlie might be interested the night that he and Cassi had spent which had resulted in him hadn't been long and they had parted ways after.

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