The Final Goodbye

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Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
I have lost count on the amount of times that I have said this to you all but you all know that my absence of late must mean something.
I have attempted to get back on but it's probably been about five minutes and was overwhelmed by everything that even saying Hi seemed redundant.

I think since my parents passed away I've been living in limbo, I've donated so much of my time to other pursuits to keep my head away from truly mourning them or wanting to rejoice in their memories. I guess I got hit by a Eureka moment and life became a whirlwind of possibilities. I kept my computer switched off for the most part and simply got out there.

I am dating a really nice guy (yes Katie the teacher :p ) he's wonderful and has such a brilliant fresh out look on life that just makes me want to embrace it too. Like the quote in the movie 'Trainspotting' ... " I choose life" and it's good, damn good.
I've begun writing again and have a wee kitten named Hermione (which is still alive though if she snags one more pair of tights that might not be for long lol )
Work is good but I've managed to put my foot down and say no to the crazy carry on that I was putting up with in relation to hours being worked. My little cottage is up for sale and my car is still running. For those of you who remember Isabella she's preggers again and with twins! So Adele will have some fun there - if it's boys we're hoping she'll call them Fred and George but she just keeps telling us all to naff off .. no fun!

I love you all and will miss you always <3

Anyways ... I have experienced a lot of beautiful and wonderful friendships here, my writing grew from single sentence rp's to lengthy scrolls. I know quite a few of you had histories with my characters and this is the explanation for them.

Andromeda Fiorelli was captured by Morrigan Craven and tried by the ministry for the death of a few people, they were only able to pin two on her. She attempted to escape before being taken to Azkaban and was killed in the foray that ensued. Morrigan was gravely injured during the capture of the death eater and spent quite some time recuperating in St. Mungo's but as her brain was decidedly addled by the curse that was flung at her, she was never the same again and so lives out her days in private care.

Sakura Gemini could not take the constant dragging out of her wedding and knew in her heart that if it were meant to be then it would have happened already. She leaves a note for Nicolas explaining how she will love him always and no other will ever touch her heart but she cannot continue this way. She leaves, travels to America and takes up a teaching post at Salem as the flying instructor where she will live out her days as a spinster.

Merlina Caliburn loves only one boy and one boy only till the end of time, Ryuu Arai but though she knows that he loves her now, she is also painfully aware that their worlds are completely different. When her parents recall her to Italy on the death of the Fiorelli Matriarch, she goes without saying goodbye because if she does her heart will break completely. She is enrolled into Beauxbatons academy and there she sits out her academic career.

The Fiorelli / Caliburn aunts all all return to Italy when the matriarch passes and there they stay. Marrying pureblooded males who are pathetic in looks but rich in coin. They will have many children and hate their husbands even more because of it.

Trilby Kiedis having never gotten over her true love leaves for America as well, she travels the length and breath of the country going into the deepest darkest most magical areas of South America, where she is killed: the SA ministry of magic will close the case file eventually with the word unsolved stamped on it.

Professor Lola Rowann - breaks off her engagement and sells the Hogs Head to work as a private tutor abroad.

Amzurah Archer letting her belief that Sebastian will never want her as much as she wants him, packs in her job as manageress of the Hogs Head and leaves for Eastern Europe. There she meets a girl called Sarah Greinsteen and finds a love in her that she had not expected to find ever. They live out there days happily in Prague writing for the East European version of the Quibbler.

Trinity Cornwell returned home at the holidays to discover that her home was trashed. She was struck from behind and killed instantly by the Avada Kedavra curse. Her father, an auror who had been lying paralysed by another curse had watched but could not give any account of the deeds to the ministry for he was killed soon after and the DE involved simply disappeared.

The children of Thorine Dolohov - Christian was being raised by his fathers family and Vixen by Goia and the aunt. Her brother was already being raised by their fathers side of the family.
Goia on the first anniversary of their mothers death takes Christian and Vixen and leaves. The Dolohov Manor is boarded up and the ghost of Thorine never seen again. No one knows where the children are gone too but it is believed that it is for their own safety.

Kyle finishes up his time at school as quiet as he started forever being known as the boy who pee'd in his pants at the Borely Mansion, no matter how awesome he had brought the BrotherHood to being.

Shalamar graduates and leaves to work in the Dragon Reserve in Mongolia where her beloved dragon resides. She too will live her life as a spinster but happy.

Isabella Ormond quits her job finally at the Leaky and it is put up for sale. She breaks her own heart by telling Luke that she loves him but cannot live in the muggle world with him and moves to America to be near her best friend. She opens a tavern in Salem town and names it The Lucky Luke.

Daytona - finishes up in Hogwarts - disgusted that she never got 'her man', she becomes a professional quidditch player eventually and after a serious injury finishes out her career as a sports commentator.

Marcus - finds the woman of his dreams at last and settles down in Florida, far away from his past. He lives pretty content ever after.

Samson Kolpeck - retires as Hospital director and lives out his days distraught at what befell his charge - Morrigan.
Corinne - quits her position as a nurse and midwife after the tragic incident to Morrigan. She sells their family home and buys a small house by the sea in Devon and takes her father and Morrigan there to take care of them both, she lives out her life as a spinster.

My centaurs - the male just lingers about the forest as he always did.
the female (sorry been so long can't remember names) dies in childbirth.

and last but not least -- Hunapo - finds peace.
Awww Linda :cry: :cry: :( :( :(
And I had to be the first to read this all. I'm quite glad your doing well somewhat in RL <3
It sad to see all your characters change and some dies D: !!
Anyways best of luck in RL :hug: your lovely writing and yourself will be miss :correct: :cry: :wub:

Madz <3
Linda! What about Trinity!? I'm so lost. :(

I'm going to miss you so much! Please please visit!
Linda, I'm so happy that things are going well for you and I hope the streak continues becuase you genuinely deserve it, dear. I am going to miss your prescence (and have already) but such is life, yah? And of course we will all miss your amazing characters...


PS. Congratulate Isabella for me & I hope she names them Fred & George too. :lol:

PPS. Hunapo at peace? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!
Awww, Lin! I'm going to be as heartbroken as Luke!

Take care of yourself. I'm glad that you're happy and have found such a great person to be with. He sounds like he might be a keeper!

Please stay in contact, even if it's just by email. The thought of losing you forever just kills me.

I <3 you lots and lots. You couldn't begin to imagine how much our friendship has meant to me. I will always cherish the memories I have of you. You are one of the kindest people I have ever met. No matter what, you have always managed to brighten my day and cheer me up when I'm down. I'll join Cyndi in saying that you are one of the major reasons that I've stayed on HNZ.

If you're going to pop back on before you go, please read the PM I sent you. Thank you for being so good to me.

Your Mandrake (Because you gave me that name.)

I am sosososososososo happy that things are going well for you, so you leaving in a way is bittersweet. I will miss you so much. And so will my characters that had strong bonds with yours. Danielle will miss her student Andy of course, Xavier will always partially grieve over poor Trilby. Unfortunately we never got to RP Greyson and Andy but that would have been fun. I wish more of our charries could have rped together actually. You were always such a sweetheart to me! I could PM you about anything and you always knew how to make me feel better. So I hope if you ever get the chance to pop in you will at least say hi to me. :r

Until then, much love
♥ Jessye
Never really good with goodbyes, but I'll try with this case.
I am glad that finally your life is getting together and very happy. I hope that teach treats you with the most care and respect. :hug:
Ryuu will miss his love, the only one he will ever love really. Ivaylo will always miss and love his siblings, and his ghostie of a mother. Andy will also be missed, I love her character so much. Tell Isabella that her twins should have the name Fred and George, but only if they are both boys! :r
She is in for a rough time with twins, plus the child they have already. xD

I hope you can stop by sometime in the future, cause we will miss you lots. :hug:
~ Sir Kaitlyn
Awh Linda! I never really knew you that well, but you definitely seemed to have a huge impact on everyone here. I'm glad things are going well for you, I really hope they continue to do so. Take care Linda, I wish you all the best! Donna x :donna:

I'm glad you came back to let us know how great things have been going for you. I hope things stay great for you. :hug:
I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving us, but I do understand your reasons for going. I hope you can stop by every once in a while to say hello.

You have been such a great person to get to know, and you truly are one of the reasons why I have stayed on the site for as long as I have. I'm so honored to have had the chance to get to know you and roleplay with you. It has been a blast!

I love the 'ending' for Zura.
Ending up with Bas would have been better, but I'm thrilled that she finds happiness in the end. :)

And, do tell Isabella congratulations! Twins! That's so great! I hope she has an easy pregnancy. Fred and George would make awesome names :D

~Cyndi :hug:
Okay, now that my tears have stopped I can properly write this. First off, let me start by saying that I love you very very much :hug: Secondly, let me say that during your time on here several of our characters have developed very close relationships, but none of them will ever have be as near and dear to my heart as Andy was and while it was always 'the dorm room 4 girls' Kat was always the closest to that loveable pain in the ass red head :cry: Dadgummit...thought I'd make it through this without crying, but it doesn't seem as though that's going to be the case *deep breath* Kat will mourn the loss of her best friend and Serena...well I'll figure something out for her. I am going to miss you more than words can possibly say, but with that in mind I couldn't be happier for you. I know what a hard time you had when your parents passed away and I'm overjoyed that you finally have some happiness in your life. You just tell that Mister Teacher Man that I have my eye on him and he better treat you right or else he has me to answer to and we all know I am a serious force to be reckoned with :DE: Like Amanda said, if you happen to pop back on then please read the PM that I'm going to send to you :wub: Gonna wrap this up before my nose gets all stuffy and junk. To wrap it up, I love you like a fat kid loves cake and am going to miss you more than you will really ever know.

:hug: :wub:
Katie <3
Wow, I'm really happy for you Lindas and hope that the happiness that you's found now will continue for always. I will miss trying to figure out how the get the wolf and the broken Seer back together but oyvey. Hope that there is only more happiness to come.

As for Zazuka, hearing about the death of her friend will make her let out a scream so great that she's finally able to brake the bonds that Fate put her in. It's really sad that some of your other charries had to die too but it seems fair seeing as they are not going to be used anymore.

Facebook: Ana V. Galdamez




There is no excuse MESSAGE ME!
Lindaaaa! Y U GO?!

No, I completely understand your reasons, m'dear. I'm so pleased that you're happy, have a marvelous life and if you miss us too much, pop in for a chat?

And thanks for talking to me last year (or was it the one before? I can't actually remember) because you knew all the right things to say. :)

- Olivia/Livi

I am so happy for you. I wish you all the best and I am so glad that you are doing so well. I hope you continue to do that well. You definitely deserve it :)

Kiera will morn the loss of her little red headed friend. :cry:

Love you so much!
Linda, it makes me so happy to hear that all is going well in your life, and I have to say that I sat here for quite a while, wondering what to say. Though we didn't talk extensively, whenever I did PM you or see you on spam I enjoyed it greatly. I also know that something we have all enjoyed was your characters, you never ceased to amaze me with them, so developed and so beautifully written. I felt like I should drag Mels out to post this with, I feel as though it is very fitting that Melodie is currently staying in Florida, and that they will each live a happy existence there for now, completely unaware of eachother's presence. I'm sure that any times in the future that she slaps somebody she will think of Marcus and all the funtimes they had together (as twisted as that sounds).

I guess one of the reasons that it is so hard to write a goodbye on HNZ is that we (I can't speak for everyone, but definately myself) all would like to think that HNZ is something we will always have, for me it feels as though it has been part of me being a teenager and to imagine growing up and not having my characters or the people on here (Lord knows I have made friends on here that I am closer to than some of my RL friends) seems impossible. But deep down when I read your absence I realised something, that we are all going to grow up, its happening to me right now, workload takes hold and real life pulls us away from this wonderful site.

At some point I imagine us all having to take a break or evenleave, and many people might laugh that this means so much to some of us, but we all know and the fact that you have touched all of these people on this site proves that we do know more than others that it means so much to us. Linda, we will all miss you so much, and I deeply hope you can find time once in a while from your wonderful life to pop in and say hello to us. Goodbyes are hard, but really I think we are all saying 'see you later' rather than a forever goodbye. Good luck with all of your future pursuits and thank you for having such inspirational characters.

I do hope you get to read this... If not, that's okay because your enjoying life. Linda, you were the first person I befriended on HNZ...I would like to think that I was also your first friend considering back then we had so many great Threads... Brian and Andy went to school together and Luxen married your Maeve and together Luthor was born along with the twins... we plotted so much and though things didn't turn out as we planned back then we still have some great memories. I'm glad to have met you and been called a friend for the last three years. You helped me get through some tough times even if you didn't know it and it was always great talking with you....I hope you do keep in touch but if not that's fine.... I'm glad that your life is going well and I hope it continues to go well for you... Good Luck!

I hate goodbyes so I have no words to say other than I wish you all the best. I will miss you, but you better check your email from time to time and stay in touch!! Love you oodles!!!


It's sad to see you go but nice that you're happy in your real life. you;ll e missed, as is evident by the many comments before mine.

Summer xx
Aww... bye Linda. Come visit us from time to time!
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