The Economy

Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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Pure Blood
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Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
What are your thoughts on the current economic crisis? Do you see an easy way out world leaders are somehow missing? Who do you think is to blame (maybe besides the Americans :oy: :r: )? How is the economic situation affecting you or the country you live in?
I think I'll share my thoughts after some other people do.
The Americans Dang Nick, thats my only answer gone down the drain. Thanks :p j/k
Australia's being hit by recession. Do you know how expensive it is to buy online? Shipping for a book was going to cost me $90 US. That's, like, at least $130 AUD. :frantics:
(it cost me about $12 US in the end, thank God.)
America, your elections are so expensive. That money spent on campaigning? It could be used to stimulate the economy.
But as far as I can see, there isn't an easy way out. We young folks are going out in to the world, and in to a world that looks extremely bleak. Oh, joy.
I blame all the people buying houses and cars they KNOW they can't afford. They aren't paying their bills which in turn causes the companies to ask for government help. This irritates me greatly.

And Violet, I agree with you. Why use all that money towards campaigning when there are other things that are more important? Like charities or maybe tell those people to keep that money in their pocket.

I think everything is ridiculously over-priced and I can't believe it almost cost you 90 USD for books and some shipping!
I don't get economy.
Everything is in e-money now.
Why can't they just make more money? Like add a few more 0s onto the end of it?

And you guys think you have it bad, see the pound exchange rate. Euros and pounds are like the same I think, dollars aren't much different. So yeah, no chance of importing stuff like I used to <_<
Lemina Troque said:
I don't get economy.
Everything is in e-money now.
Why can't they just make more money? Like add a few more 0s onto the end of it?

And you guys think you have it bad, see the pound exchange rate. Euros and pounds are like the same I think, dollars aren't much different. So yeah, no chance of importing stuff like I used to <_<
That's what they did in Germany in the 1920s, when they had to pay off the war debt. So they made more money, and everyone had more money, but then prices had to go up. There has to be a balance. So inflation was in the millions p.a., and people had to take wheelbarrows full of money to the shops just to buy bread.

This is what it's like in Zimbabwe at the moment. Except they barely have anything.

So yeah. You can't just print more money. :r:

Also, $1 Australian is still like .40 pounds. >_<
And $.65 US. >_<
Violet Bellamy said:
Lemina Troque said:
I don't get economy.
Everything is in e-money now.
Why can't they just make more money? Like add a few more 0s onto the end of it?

And you guys think you have it bad, see the pound exchange rate. Euros and pounds are like the same I think, dollars aren't much different. So yeah, no chance of importing stuff like I used to <_<
That's what they did in Germany in the 1920s, when they had to pay off the war debt. So they made more money, and everyone had more money, but then prices had to go up. There has to be a balance. So inflation was in the millions p.a., and people had to take wheelbarrows full of money to the shops just to buy bread.

This is what it's like in Zimbabwe at the moment. Except they barely have anything.

So yeah. You can't just print more money. :r:

Also, $1 Australian is still like .40 pounds. >_<
And $.65 US. >_<
£0.88 - €1
It went all the way up to almost £ in December.
And for years and years it was like 60 - 67 pence.
That's why going to Europe is a complete and utter rip off. I say we should have changed to the euro whilst we could.

And I was going to get to go to France this year ;'(
I don't think Americans should be taking full blame. Sure, people in America have helped to ruin it, but in the end I think the blame should fall on corporate *******s, not Americans in general.

I think it sucks that things are becoming so overpriced. In my state legislators are debating to tax clothes. And Violet... $90 is insane.

People should be spending, not hoarding their money. Unfortunately, with the current situation a lot of people are afraid that if they don't save their money they'll lose it all.

I agree with the elections being ridiculous when it comes to money, putting aside how ridiculous they are in general. People should not have to spend that much money just for a chance to help run a country. <_<
I agree with Amanda aswell, we cannot place full blame on the Americans. We can only place some of the blame on them although I disagree with this. People will give a counter argument saying its all the American's fault becuase they couldn't pay their loans, mortgages etc. I say different. They would say its the banks faults for giving out these loans. Well what would you do then? America's population is over 3 times of what ours is, and to give in to the demand of thier population who needs loans etc is just impossible. Well to be honest their is really no point arguing about it, its done now, and we just have to do our best to move on. People will always refer to well what if we didnt give the Americans the money. Yeah Well thats it isnt it what If

((Sorry if I rambled on, and I hope my point makes sense ;) ))
I blame (i think it;s been said already) people who buy things they know they're not gonna pay off, etc. And the banks for letting them get into so much debt. Everything's about money nowadays, it's sooooo annoying. Why can't people realise there's more to life than money.
In some ways, I think it's kinda everyone;s fault, in a very weird way. I mean, we're all greedy at some point, right? It's all... I want more, more, more. Very few people are 100% content with what they've got, but the real blame (in my opinion) lies on those who don't control it. For example, my dad wants a new car, but we dont need one, so we wont get one. done. controlled. a want, not a necessity. but some people want a new car, dont need one, but get it anyway, even if they cant afford it. duh. i think they have something to do with all this.
I blame America but more SPecifically Bush!

when he entered office he promised low taxes and a small government and yet we had a huge governement!

The war in Iraq was estimated at 8 Million a day!

How much money do you think the U.S. made back?

let's see we gave them toilet paper and they threw it around their village during some ridiculas celebration.

We gave them a government and military *again

now we have 50,000 weapons missing *hmm wonder where they went and how much they cost!

28 Marine One Helicopters that ran about 600 Billion! *yes Bush ordered them!

I laugh when I see people Mock President Obama because honestly I think he is doing a fantastic job considering he's only been in office for two months, hopefully we can pull through this and kill the AIG executives! *by making them pay back their bonuses! JERKS!!
Tsk Tsk Brian......

I am republican and yes i do think Obama might have a way out of the crisis, after al it's better this year tehn it was last year :D

But the reason i said tsk tsk was becasue your blaming it all on bush XD

Bush can't all of a sudden go spending money like you implied he did, the Congress must first except it. There was a good reason he paid 600 million, or Congress would've vetoed it.

Oh and another thing Bill Clinton was worse! He is the actuall one who sent us into the financial crisis, if it wasn't for Bush's war experience we would be in a worse crisis than we already are! Bush set us up to be allies with Iraq and was there to help them, not just go kill terrerists. Even though atthis very second they cannot help us, they will in the future. Right now, i do belive Obama is helpin the country, but for now...let's have more proof and truethfullness :D

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