The Countdown Begins

"I don't think you can sneak into my common room. It would be nice but it's really not going to happen." Eden spun around in a little circle and placed her finger on her lips. "Hmmmm I think we should go and look for some first year Hufflepuffs and scare the crap out of them. I don't know it's just something about them that makes me angry." Eden skipped over to where Chase was a kissed him on the cheek.
Chase chuckled, "Sounds like a plan." Chase said. "Wait. Hey. One of my friends is a Hufflepuff." Chase said, laughing. Chase walked towards the stairs, taking Edens hand and pulling her along for the ride, "Where to, then? Kitchens, or Hufflepuffs?" Chase asked, laughing, "I'm fine with either." Chase said, laughing. Chase headed towards the Kitchens, because he knew Eden wouldn't want to go with the Huffles. "You can lead the way from here." Chase said.
"Ok first we go to the kitchens and than we go puff hunting." Grabbing Chase's hand Eden pulled along the corridor taking a few turns that not many people knew about. Stopping at the door Eden knocked three times before opening it and going inside. Waving to a few of the house elf's Eden pointed at Chase and gave the elf's the thumbs up sign to let them know it was ok for them to have fun in front of him. Letting go of Chase's hand Eden rushed to the back of the kitchen and into a hidden closet climbing to the top Eden sat on the shelf and opened up a fresh jar of jelly slugs. "Oi baby where are you?" Eden called from her spot in the closet.
Chase walked into Edens view, and looked at her, "Way too go, eating all the Jelly Slugs. You should be ashamed." Chase teased, chuckling. Chase looked around, and took some of the Jelly Slugs himself, "Hey. I said you shouldn't eat them all, not me." Chase teased. Chase looked at her, "You know, these aren't half bad." Chase said, laughing. Chase glanced at the Elves, "Not very sociable, are they? Well, not to me at least. You done yet?" Chase asked, and he walked out of the Kitchen without waiting for an answer.
Eden laughed at Chase and threw a few jelly slugs at him. Jumping down from the shelf Eden landed on the balls of her feet. "Hey wait for me you big bully. Where to next?" Eden garbed Chase's hand and swung it back and forth as they walked.
Chase chuckled, "Weee." He said, laughing. Chase clenched her hand in his, and laughed, "I was under the impression we were going looking for a bunch of Hufflepuffs to scare, I do remember you saying that. Or was I only hearing things?" Chase ducked up another secret passageway, "This way. Quicker." Chase said, as they ascended a few more stairs, and emerged near the Hufflepuff Common Room, "Like I said. This place is a lot more interesting then you initially think." Chase said, chuckling.
Eden smirked as Chase mentioned something about him not hearing her right. "O you heard me just fine lets go get some puffs." Eden ducked her head to slip into a passage. "Wow it sure is dark in these things." Coming out in front of the Hufflepuff common room Eden thought she heard something so pushing Chase back into the passageway Eden put her finger to his lips and pointed to the way the noise was coming.
Chase kept his mouth shut, "I didn't hear anything, but I trust you." Chase whispered in her ear. Chase stayed behind there, popping his head slightly at the end of the tapestry, still hidden top passerby. Chase chuckled softly, "There's nobody there, love." Chase said, kissing her softly. Chase chuckled as he watched a Hufflepuff walk past, he slipped his wand out. Locomotor Mortis! Chase thought, and he tripped over his own legs, Chase shrugged and hid his wand.
"See I told you." Eden whispered as Chase hid his wand. Eden kissed Chase again. This was not what they had come up here to do but since Chase would be leaving very soon Eden really just did not care. She could feel there time slipping away faster than water in cupped hands. Eden felt like her heart was going to explode if Chase left but she knew he must and it would be the worst thing that had ever happened to her in her life.
Chase chuckled, and held Eden close to him. Chase kissed her softly, and said, "I love you. I wish I could stay. Hopefully, I can get a job in the school. Maybe. Just maybe." Chase said, laughing. Chase sighed, and kissed her again, "I'm glad we can get married before your Seventh Year, but that is a long time for me to wait. That waiting will be boring without you. And what happens when you need comforting and I'm not around. That'll suck." Chase said, kissing her again.
Eden kissed Chase back just as softly. "I know it will be a long wait but it will be worth it will it not in the end?" Eden felt herself biting in her lip it was a nerves tick she had that she could not seem to get over. "When I need comforting and your not around I will suck it up and wait until I can get to you and than you can comfort me. Does that make you feel better?" Eden shook her hair in front of her face she was feeling really sad at the moment and was hopping that Chase would not notice to much.
Chase chuckled, "More or less. I hate waiting though." Chase said, shrugging. Chase held Eden close to him, "I can see the look on your face, what's wrong?" Chase asked, "Apart from the obvious at least." Chase sighed, and kissed Eden sweetly. "I guess I can wait to comfort you, just as long as I get to do it." Chase said, laughing. Chase chuckled, holding Eden closer to him yet, and kissing her softly on the lips, "I love you." He whispered into her ear.
Eden was trying to think of something to say. That would make things lighten up but when Chase whispered he loved her Eden could no longer hold back her tears. They came pouring out. Before Eden could control herself she felt herself falling into Chase's arms sobbing. "I'm don't know how I'm going to live without you. You mean everything to me and I'm not going to get to see you everyday and when I do get to see you it will only be for a few hours and than I will have to go back to school." Eden could not speak anymore her heart was breaking and it was no ones fault.
Chase sighed, and wiped the tears from her eyes, "Calm down, Eden, I'll see you, even if I have to break into the school to do it." Chase winked, "If you don't stop crying.. I'll.. I don't know what I'll do." Chase shrugged and laughed. Chase chuckled, and looked at Eden, "I'm sure we'll manage. You'll have all your friends here, I'll have nobody. I'm the one who will truly suffer. But I will gladly suffer through all of it for you. No matter what it is. I would do anything for you." Chase said, quite seriously.
Eden started to calm down. "You have to tell me one thing. How is it I got so lucky to be with someone as sweet as you?" Eden really did not understand how she got so lucky as to find this guy. Well it was more like he found her but still they where together and that was a miracle in its self. "Don't go getting us in trouble by breaking into a castle that would be bad and they could ban me from any and all weekend trips if that was to happen."
Chase laughed, "You can't stop true love, baby. You should know that." Chase said, chuckling, "And. Lets just say we were fated to be together. I'm sure that the flirting helped. But. I still reckon we were fated to be together after Tohoru left you. He obviously doesn't know what he gave up." Chase shrugged, "We shall die for what he's doing to Lilith. It is wrong. On so many levels. Don't let it get to you. We'll get them sooner or later." Chase hugged her tightly and kissed her.
"Yea we where meant to be together we just had to find each other." That and I had to stop trying to save something that was not there. Eden thought to herself. "Tohoru left because he decided that he wanted to be like his father a playboy thinking I would wait around for him until we where of age to be married. I almost did until I met you and realized why should I wait for him when the love of my life is right here in front of me." Eden paused for a second she needed to get her thoughts together. "Tohoru is doing nothing wrong to Lilith. She knows that Tohoru still loves me and if he could be with me he would. She knows he does not love her and he might never love her. She does not love him of that I am sure. She is smart she knows that being with him means Hoshi and I will not kill her there for her life is safe. Lilith thinks that by taking my place she will run the family this is not true if I do not marry Tohoru than he does not run the family it falls to myself and Hoshi because Tohoru is not cunning enough do this with out me. Does all this make sense to you?" Eden finished speaking and looked at Chase this was a lot to tell him and she hopped that he understood it all.
Chase chuckled, and hugged her, "So what you're saying is. Lilith is playing with the fact that she is promised to Tohoru, just so you and Hoshi wont kill her. While at the same time she doesn't love him, and she understands the levity of the position, and is under the impression that she will lead the Koshiba family with Tohoru, but in reality..." Chase stopped, thinking it over in his head, trying to decide on whether or not he should mention it, "..but in reality, the two of us will. Do I have that all right?" Chase asked. "But at the same time that we run the family, Hoshi will be there with us, correct?" Chase said, kissing her, a smug, loving look on his face.
Eden could not help but clap as Chase figured it all out. "Yes that is what I'm saying you got it perfect. That is what is going to happen. Tohoru needs someone buy his side that can be cold and cruel and Lilith as hard as she tries will always be bright and sweet and very much not what the family needs. That was why there father hand picked me as Tohorus wife, but since that is changed Tohoru will have no choice but to step down and let me and Hoshi do things our way while you handle everything else." Eden kissed Chase back with a smirk on her face. She knew what she was going to do when she was older and it made her life so much easy.
Chase chuckled, "Glad I could use my intellect for once. And what do you mean by me taking care of the rest. What does taking care of the rest entail? Not that I am in any way opposed to helping you run the family." Chase chuckled, "And. What exactly will you and Hoshi be doing? You know you can tell me anything and expect me to take it with me to the grave." Chase said, chuckling. Holding Eden close to him, he kissed her softly and thought about graduation, "So. Will you be making an appearance at the Graduation Assembly? I was told I was allowed to bring some people. I chose you and Artemis." Chase said, laughing.
"O you know you will be handling the business side of things. Stuff that Hoshi and I will not have time for. While your doing that we will be handling family problems like Tohoru and Lilith for example. Also the other families and such." Eden let her voice trail off she did not know what else they would be doing and she kind of really did not care at the moment. "Graduation? Of course I will be there. I would not miss it for anything. You might want to tell Artemis to watch herself cause Tohoru has his eye on her. I think he plans to mess with her emotions if he can."
Chase chuckled, "Artemis could and would destroy Tohoru. She's as good as me at fighting. Maybe better." Chase shrugged. "Business side. Interesting." Chase chuckled, "Sounds like you two will be like a mafia." Chase laughed at the idea. Chase kissed Eden softly. "I would be disappointed and hurt if you didn't come. Just don't cry. You do have a reputation to uphold, and I wont have it ruined on my account." Chase said, smiling brightly, "Anyway. What shall we do next?" Chase asked.
Eden laughed. "I'm sure Artemis would destroy him but I'm telling you he can talk as sweet as that snake did to Eve back when she was in the garden of Eden. I can bet you anything you like that he will at least get a kiss out of her if not more." Putting her finger to Chase's lips Eden whispered. "Hush. That is what the Koshiba are. In Japan we are feared by all." Kissing Chase back Eden looked up at him. "No one would say anything against me crying and it would not harm my reputation and if it does I will hex Professor Styx to get it back and than some. As for what we should do next. I do not know. I just want to stay with you until the very second you leave and than I will want to leave with you. But I know I can not."
Chase chuckled, "No fair. I want to hex Styx." Chase said, "You can be with me forever. And you could be with me when I leave. But I do not suggest that you do. I want you to stay here and learn. Not run off with me. Well. Some of me does want that." Chase said, laughing. Chase hugged her tightly, "Artemis would not fall prey to Tohoru, I would kill him before he even got near her. She's my Best Friend, and I will not have Tohoru messing with her." Chase said, quite serious. "But then again. She already has Jareth. So how can he trick her?" Chase asked.
Eden giggled. "Well you better do it than before it is to late. I know I can not leave with you I have to continue to learn and all that fun stuff." Eden reached up and brushed a piece of lint off of Chase's shoulder before continuing. "Tohoru is a Koshiba male. Which means he can sweet talk the sun to set an hour early if he really tried. I think that is what make him and his sister so pretty to look at. He has his father cold heart. So if the girl has something he wants he will stop at nothing to get it and once he has it than he will up and leave and move on to the next girl." Eden reached into her pocket and pulled out some jelly slugs she had been saving and popped one into her mouth.

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